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<header>these are some of my favorite quotes</header>

"If you can't make a fool of yourself , then who can you make a fool of ?"
-Dave (as in me , its my motto)
"To argue with a fool is two fools arguing"
-William Shakespear
"It pays to be obvious , especially if you have a reputation for subtlety"
-Hardin (character from Isaac Asimov's "Foundation")
"To dine with the devil you need a very long spoon"
"Insted of a smoking gun , they had a dribbling water pistol"
-John McLaughlin
"Deal with it"
-Adam Sandler
"I would rather give birth to a porcupine backwards than be mayor of LA"
-William Mulhulland
"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing."
- Ben Franklin
"I've always been cinical , I don't believe in miracles , and I can't imagine why"

I don't know why I like most of these , I just do , they sound good even if they make little sense . And "yes" , some of them do come from songs .
