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This is my music page , I listen to lots of great stuff , my favorite bands include Jim's Big Ego, Mary Amsterburg(sp?), Gravity Kills, Squirel Nut Zippers, Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Ani Difranco, Tori Amos, Nerf Herder, Coward, Beastie Boys, Local H, Eels, Garbage, Tracy Bonham, Bloodhound Gang 1995, Primus, Prong, BoDeans, stuff like that, I don’t mind anything exept country, I can’t stand most of that, some of the really old stuff is cool, but that new country crap is all the same and really stupid . On this page you will find : Concert Reviews , Bass stuff , FFTV info , etc .
Foo Fighters : 4/5/96 , Worchester Mem Aud .
These guys ROCKED , it was lots of fun , it was my first concert , definitely a good first impression ! It was really cool , they played for just over an hour and a quarter . They ended the evening by bringing out the violinist from the first (of 2) opening acts and she sang Floatie , it was really long and slow , and it was really cool , if you get to see them do ! And if you went to this show and know who the first opening act was please e-mail me , I loved that first act but don’t know who they were , oh well .
Kickoff Summer Concert (various artists) : 5/31/96 , Hampton Casino
Stuff, not that great , 5 bands : 2 Unlimited , others , one or two groups were OK , the others weren’t great .
The Jesus Lizard : 8/6/96 , Wallace Civic Center .
They opened for Rage and were really cool live , the albums are nothing special , but they were wicked cool in concert , the crowd didn’t want to see them though , when David Yow stage dived into the crowd people started screaming for the moshers to beat him , it was really funny , its ashame they didn’t get a good welcome though , oh well .
Rage Against The Machine : 8/6/96 , Wallace Civic Center .
ROOOOCK !!! Wicked cool , dark , loud , killer . They played for 1 and 1/2 hours , really fun , they play really well , and led the audience in multiple sing alongs . A girl had her shirt ripped off in the mosh pit and so Zach de la Rocha (sp?) gave the crowd a pep talk on sexual harassment and threatened to kick the crap out of any guy who tryed to do anything like that again , :-) .
Bob Dylan : 4/11/97 , Whittemore Center .
This was a cool show , it was in an arena so the acoustics weren’t great , but the band and Dylan played really well , :-) . Go see him before he kicks the bucket !
Blues Palace 4 : 4/19/97 , Palace Theater .
3 cool blues bands , they were : Sammy Lay , Jimmy Rogers , and the Renee-Randall Blues Band , the later of the three was the best , the other two were cool but they were really old , one was old and fat , the other old and scrawny , but the RRBB was really cool , a great pair of singers , a guy and a woman , the woman sang most of the time and had a really good voice , the guy sang a little and he rocked the house , they were sort of cross breed Blues and Rock . Very cool and Very recommended !
Handsome : 4/27/97 , Worchester Mem Aud .
RRRROOOOOOCKKKKKK , these guys kicked so much anal passage there is no plastic surgeon in the world that could place your colen back inside you !!! The only problem was that they only played for 20 min , kick butttttttt though !!! what more can I say ???!!!
Local H : 4/27/97 , Worchester Mem Aud .
Really cool , you will go see NOW !!! end of story !!!
Silverchair : 4/27/97 , Worchester Mem Aud .
Kick anus , really cool , these guys were really energetic , really funny , really spiffy ! Great light show too , just lots of fun , the mosh pit never really got going no matter how rockin Silverchair was . One cool thing in the pit was when a mosher standing around when SC was playing tryed to light up his lighter and it blew up , that was really funny , he was in a circle and I just happened to be looking at that moment , his hand suddenly lit up and flame went up in a poof , he stood there for a second and then dropped the lighter onto the ground , everyone in the group was in shock for a moment but one guy woke up and started jumping in and out of the circle and tryed to put the flame out , he did eventually but the kid who lit the lighter never did anything , he was in shock until the flame was out , I don’t know if his hand was burned badly . It was cool though , lots of fun , very recommended ! :-) .
Souls : 7/6/97 , GreatWoods .
They played for 30 min , but I only got to see the last 10 of them , it was ok , they were doing the whole winding down and fainting and screaming thing . but it was ok , for what i saw . They were the first of the 3 bands that night .
The Jesus Lizard : 7/6/97 , GreatWoods .
Better the second time around . This time David Yow wasn't totally wasted on booze . I thought they played better and were just better presented , the audiance recieved them better too , only a few people were screaming "You Suck" . And most of the audiance actually liked them , or so it seemed , the people i was w/ hated them , but i thought they were cool , they played this one song where the bassist , guitarist , and drummer played the exact same riff for all the verses of the song , that was neet .
Bush : 7/6/97 , GreatWoods .
RRRRROOOOOOOCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK , i think this show is a tie w/ Silverchair for the best concert , Silverchair was better just because the opening bands were better , but Bush was definitly really cool , they were the highlight of the night . It was great . A small mosh pit broke out on the lawn behind us , and the security gaurds came to catch the crowd surfers , it was funny .
And now I need to say my "Thank You"s for that concert . First , I need to thank Cassy because she actually made the tix available to Justin and Morean (or so she says) , and then Justin for not being able to go so I got his ticket , and then Morean for actually taking me and alowing me to go , and then Cassy's mom for getting the whole thing started and driving . :-) , THANK YOU ALL !!!

BASS 4 (as in strings) EVER !!!
Yep , I play a 4 string bass guitar , and I love it , my father played professionally for 10 years , and now I play , before I bought my own I used my fathers ‘68 Fender Precision :-)))) , that rocked , now I own a black Peavey Foundation which is the sweetest thing in my life !!! I love it , My other equipment includes a Gorilla GB-30 Bass Amp (50 watts) , a Peavey Rage Amp (40 watts) , and my dad has a Rndall Commander Bass II (200 watts , and the only one that works if you can remember that far back) I love the bass . I am not in a band, but i frequently jam with some local players .I do however have a pseudoband : FFTV .

and here's a pic of me and my bass w/ really cool lighting , its on purpose , i swear ...
FFTV : Force Feeding The Vegitarian . Only consists of me , the bassist (I don’t play guitar too like many bassists) , I write , sing , and play , I only have a few songs (all embarrassingly crappy) and a few bass lines , I have nothing recorded , just in my head . Its really a joke among friends , but hey , whatever floats your boat (I hate that expression , so why do I use it ?) .
