FROM A. D. 1821 TO A. D. 1835 INCLUSIVE.

















The Minutes of the General Assembly from A. D. 1821 to A. D. 1835, inclusive, have for many years been entirely inaccessible to the great body of ministers and people who desired to possess a consecutive history of the proceedings of the Supreme Judicatory of the Church. As no second edition had ever been published, and the first was wholly exhausted, it was impossible that deficiencies could be supplied, and hence but few complete sets of the Minutes were to be found among the members of the Church. To supply the frequent and earnest calls for the Minutes of the period above designated, the Board of Publication determined on the preparation of this volume, which, excluding the voluminous Statistical Tables, and many of the documents usually occupying the Appendix for each year, embraces in full the minutes of proceedings, which are chiefly desired for purposes of reference. Instead of the full statistical tables, which it should be understood were only published for a part of the period embraced in this volume, a general summary has been subjoined to the minutes of each year, which was partly made up from the imperfect files of the Assembly. After the volume had gone through the press, the summary for the year 1821, which had escaped previous searches, was found, and is inserted on the next page, it being concluded that it would be better to have it out of its order, than to have it wholly omitted.


Editor of the Presbyterian Board of Publication.



Editor’s Preface, April 28, 2000

This document is scanned from an original copy of the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. We have included the Title page, and the Advertisement page, which are descriptive of the original source. The heading includes the year in brackets [1823.] and the page of the original selection featured below.

The text of this and other superb works are available on-line from:

The Willison Politics and Philosophy Resource Center


Reprint and digital file April 28, 2000.

Featured subject in this document : The incorporation of Princeton Theological Seminary by the Legislature of New Jersey, as recorded in the Minutes.



May 26, 9 o’clock, A. M.

The Assembly met, and was constituted by prayer.

The minutes of the last session were read.

Dr. Caldwell obtained leave of absence during the remaining sessions of this Assembly.

The committee appointed to examine the records of the Synod of Tennessee, reported, and the book was approved to page 105.

The committee appointed to examine the records of the Synod of Philadelphia, reported, and the book was approved to page 100, except the decision in the case of Mr. William S. M’Dowell, recorded in page 88.

The consideration of the report of the committee to which was referred the report of the Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary, was resumed, and the report being read and amended, was adopted, and is as follows, viz.

1. That the report of the Board of Directors be adopted.

2. That an appropriation of four thousand five hundred dollars be made to meet the current expenses of the Seminary the ensuing year.

3. That the General Assembly respectfully decline for the present, to accept the act of incorporation of the legislature of New Jersey, entitled "An act for incorporating Trustees of the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church at Princeton, in the State of New Jersey, and that the act be referred to the Board of Directors to procure, if practicable, a repeal of the last clause of the act.

4. That the Assembly highly approve of the suggestion in the Report of the Board of Directors, respecting the founding of scholarships by wealthy and liberal congregations, the said congregations vesting in their sessions the right of nominating the several incumbents on the funds thus created. And they recommend the attention of the churches to that part of the report of the Board of Directors.

5. That while the Assembly feel thankful to those liberal associations and individuals who have contributed to the Students’ Fund; they regret to find that a number of associations which have given their aid in former years, have discontinued their exertions, in consequence of which, several students of promise have been obliged to withdraw from the Seminary, and others have been discouraged from entering.



The Act of the Legislature of New Jersey, entitled "An Act for incorporating Trustees of the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church , at Princeton, in the State of New Jersey;" and a Supplement to said Act, reported by the Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary, were read. The Assembly, after mature consideration, resolved to accept said Act with said Supplement, and they hereby do accept them.

Dr. Cathcart, Dr. M’Dowell and Mr. Bayard were appointed a committee to ascertain, and report to the Assembly, what measures are to be adopted, and what alterations are to be made in relation to the plan of the Theological Seminary, and the manner of conducting its concerns, in consequence of this charter.