

Christianity planted early in Scotland, and promoted by king Donald and

king Donald and king Crathilinth. 25

Opposed by Druides, but advanced by the Culdees, who

were Presbyterian 26

Presbytery continued until Paladius came from Rome,

and set tip Prelacy 28

The LoIlards of Kyle, and Mr. Patrick Hamilton persecuted for

the truth ibid.

The Reformation, and Presbytery established in Scotland 29

The national covenant entered into, with remarkable

signs of God's presence 30

Prelacy again set up, and attended with long defection

and persecution 32

Persecuted ministers blessed with great success in

preaching the word ibid.

God's appearing for this oppressed church, and the national

covenant renewed 33

The Ass. at Glasgow, and Presb. re-established in 1638 34

Reformation carried on, and the Solemn League entered

into with England 36

Good things done by the English parliament and Westminster

Assembly ibid.

A noble act of the Scots parliament against patronages 37

The woful breach betwixt the public resolutioners and

protestors 39

Cromwell's toleration, and K Charles II his restoration 40

Presbytery and the covenants demolished, and Prelacy

re-established 42

Mr. Guthrie, Argyll and Waristoun executed 43

Many Presbyterian ministers ejected, and the covenants

burnt 44

The cruel laws against Presbyterian meetings for worship 45

The indulgence granted to some with limitations considered 46

The Test and wicked oaths imposed, plunder and murder authorised 47

The dreadful bloodshed of that reign; king James a Papist

his dispensing power 49

King James his toleration, and its limitations, considered 50

The deliverance of this church by king William 51

Presbytery restored, and persecuted acts anti laws repealed. 53

The general ass. 1690, their answer to the king's letter 55

Masters Linning, Shields and Boyd received by the assembly,

and other good things done 57

Willison - Contents 232:


A national fast appointed by the assembly, with an enumeration of sins 58

Things wished for, which they did not: Their difficulties noticed 59

The faithfulness and zeal of assembly 1692, when dissolved 60

Many good things done by general assemblies after the Revolution 61

The zeal of our assemblies for propagating Christian knowledge

at home and abroad 62

The success of charity-schools in the Highlands and Islands 63

Complaints against the assembly for not passing assertory acts 65

The principles of this church as to Presbytery, Christ's headship,

the covenants, &c. 66

The conduct of this church with respect to the union 1706 69

The bad effects of the Union in Scotland with respect to religion 71

The assembly's zeal against the English service, Sabbath-breaking, &c. 73

The church's zeal against the toleration act 75

The church's address against restoring patronages 77

Memorial of Assembly 1715 against toleration, patronage,

Sacramental Test, &c. 78

The trial of this church with respect to the oath of abjuration 80

The Commission’s seasonable warning against the artifices of

Jacobites 1713 83

Our deliverance from the rebellion in 1715, and unthankfulness for it 85

Mr. Webster's process against Professor Simpson, and

the Assembly's lenity to him 86

The assembly's hasty condemnation of the Marrow, &c. 88

The favourable law 1719 about patronage, accepting presentations,

how brought in 90

Patronage proven to be a sinful usurpation over the church of God 93

Accepting of presentations proven to be sinful 96

The Assembly's sad neglect to discourage these acceptances at the first 100

When and how intrusions began to be common in the church 101

Arguments for the rights of congregations, and against intrusiens 103

Willison - Contents 233:


Independency, and new doctrines, propagated by Mr. Glas and Mr. Archbald 111

Professor Simson processed for Avian doctrine, and

suspended 113

Representation and petition of 42 ministers concerning

church grievances 117

Act of assembly 1732 concerning the planting of churches,

worse than the act or parliament 1690 122

Act of assembly 1649 not favourable to intrusions, and

the meaning of causeless Prejudices 129

The church not obliged by the laws to make intrusions 130

Mr. Ebenezer Erskine censured for his synodical sermon 132

Four protesting ministers suspended and ejected 133

The brethren's stiffness and contempt of the authority of the church 134

Their precipitant secession, and constituting a new presbytery 136

The faithful endeavours of assembly 1734 to redress grievances 138

Several good things done by Assembly 1735 and Assembly 1736 141

An excellent act in favor of true gospel preaching 142

Of legal preaching, and how morality should be preached by gospel-ministers 143

The excellency of preaching Christ crucified 146

The danger of neglecting to preach Christ, and of right dividing the word 151

Professor Campbell processed for error 152

An attempt to alter our Shorter Catechism condemned 154

Reading the act about Captain Porteous a great trial to this church 155

Principal Wishart processed for error 158

Superficial processes, and easy absolutions, testified against ibid.

The Seceding Brethren libelled and cited to the General Assembly 160

Remarks upon the Assembly's sentence deposing them 161

The wrong steps of the Seceding Brethren witnessed against 163

The mistakes and slanders of their testimony, &c. 169

The defections of the Episcopal Clergy to Popish errors 171

Remarkable instances of the effusions of God's Spirit abroad and at home 173

The Oxford Methodists their labours and success 174

Willison - Contents 234:


The extraordinary work at Cambuslang, Kilsyth, and other parishes in Scotland. 178

The evidences of its being a glorious work of the Spirit of God 179

The opposition of the Seceders to this blessed work considered 181

Scripture instances of bodily distresses of persons convinced, &c. 182

A sum of the errors, Corruptions aud defections here witnessed against 187

Many of the God dishonouring sins and evils of the land enumerate 191

The heinous aggravations of these sins 195

How desperate like our case appears; and, when it is so, what must be done 199

Humble pleadings with our Mother to testify against the errors which abound 200

To testify against encroachments upon Christ’s Headship over his church 202

To do something more for relieving congregations from

patronage and intrusions 203

To appoint national fasts, and particularize the grounds and causes thereof 206

To deliberate upon methods and means for reviving practical godliness 208

Reasons why some things are omitted in this Testimony and so few sign it 210

The adherence and subscriptions 211







Containing Remarks upon Mr. Leechman'a sermon, and upon the Acts of the Associate Presbytery, concerning the doctrine of grace, and the renewing of the Covenants;

and upon their act anent [regarding] the terms of Ministerial and Christian Communion, February fourteen, 1744. Together with some Observations relating to Mr. Whitefield's success while he was in Scotland. And, lastly, Some concluding wishes and ejaculations for pity to these lands, and for the revival reformation and true Christianity therein.






































Allegheny County.

Rev. Jas. Graham

Thomas Sans

Thos. Ross

Ino. Johnston, esq.

Moses Dunsmore

John Hughey

Matthew Simson

Jas. M'Elroy

Johen Cole

Henry Morrow

John Irwin

Robert Cunningham

Ino. Cole

Samuel Gray

Thos. Tidball

Jas. Cubbage

Andrew M'Brinty

Wm. Tidball, jr.

John Given, jr.

Jacob Cantreberry

Samuel Davis, jr.

Wm. Fife, sen.

John Fife

John Gilfillan

Jas. M'Clelland

Wm. Cochran

John Morrow, sen.

John Reed

Wm. Denniston

Adam Johnston

James Kiddo

Wm. Gazzam

Wm. Lemon

Rev. Ino. M'Clain, 25 cop.

James B. Clow

Daniel M'Entosh

Samuel Purvis

Robt. Patterson

Benjamin Coe

George Simers

Ezekiel Miller

George Lasely

Elias Thomas

Rev. Abraham Boyd

Thos. White

Samuel Hale Dearborn

James Anderson.

Armstrong County.

John Boyd

James Barr

Timothy Lennington

Adam Maxwell

William Freeman

Charles M'Elatohy

George Ross

George Long

James Hill

Ebenezer Davise

Joseph Shields

Thomas Hindman

Thomas Feails

David Hall

David Reed

James Clark

James Emmit

John M'Kean

Neal Murry

James Mathias, Jun.

Thomas Johnston

Thomas Taylor

Samuel Orr

Manasseh Coyle

James Mathias, Sen.

Hannah Barr

Thomas Guthrie

Harman Skiles

Thomas Watson

Robert M'Garraugh

Alexander Guthrie

John Wilkins

John Wilson

Henry Girts

Beaver County.

Rev. Nicholas Pittenger

John Beer

George M'Kean

Robert Bovard

George Delworth

Thomas Rodgers

Joshua Hartshorn

Joseph Delworth

Robert Semple

Benjamin Eakright

John Cory

James Gorrel

William Foulk

John Kinney

Benjamin Craig

John Eakens

Andrew Johnston

Thomas Ramsey

Thomas Taylor

Thomas Dunlap

Robert Clark

William Epsy

Daniel Hayden

Joseph Hanna

Daniel Kirkpatrick

Caldwell Semple

Thomas Hunter

James Hamilton

Thomas Hamilton

James Louthan

Oliver Mitchel

Robert Johnston

Alexander Hanna

John Martin

John Sharp

William Scott

David Potter, Esq.

Thomas Barr

Rev. Thos. E. Hughes

William Hammond

John Glasgow

Wm. B. Laughlan

Wm. Hartford

James Hartford

Alexander Carson

Joseph Glenn

John Walker

James Amberson

Rev. George Scott

John Core

Martha Cross

Henry Singleton

Robert Miller

Robert Duck

Hugh Cowan

George Belif

Hugh M'Cullough

Hugh Skillin

Thomas Sweney

Samuel Searight

James Ewing

James Cummins

David Gordon

Butler County.

Samuel Withrow

James Hardy

Samuel Porter

Ephraim Harris

James Shields

David Bell

Ambrose Kennedy

Hugh Gilleland

Robert M'Candless

James Critchlow

James Parks

Joseph M'Ferran

Robert Stewart

John Kerr

Robert Stewart, Sen.

Samuel Stewart

Ephraim Hunter

Thomas Brandon

William Sharp

Maden Christy

Rev. Alexander Cook,

16 copies.

Washington County.

Rev. Thomas Marquis,

24 copies.

Abraham Scott

Hugh Scott

Hugh Scott

Polly Warnock

James Scott

George Vaneman

Rev. Andrew Gwin

James Dawson

Samuel Kerr

Thornas Pamer

Andrew Vaneman

Rev. John M'Millian,

35 Copies.

Rev. John Anderson,

12 copies

Michael Law

John Park

John Hoge

John Moor

Alexander Bailey

Edward Moore

Wm. Flannagen

Matthew Norris

Hugh M'Candles

Rev. J. Patterson

Samuel Fleming

James Justus

Robert Coventry

John Huston

James Armstrong

John Galloway

Adam Armstrong

Chistopher Carothers

James Ewing

John Kennedy

Benjamin Crawford

Elisha Macurdy

James Dornon

James Lee

Thomas Hays

Charles Provines

Samuel M'Farlen

George Adams

Jane Glass

Thomas Miller

Hugh Gaston

Hugh Montgomery

David Lyle

George Miller

Simon Elliott

William Lee

Andiony M'Hory

Fayette County.

Rev. James Guthrie

Dr. Benj. Stevens

David Young

Joseph Morrison, Esq.

Enoch French

William Hamilton

Jacob Victor

John P. Allen

Andrew Lytle

John Rogers

Hugh Thompson

Andrew Watts

Samuel Finley

William Crag

James Allen

Col. Joseph Torrence

James Torrence

William Espy

Matthew Gaut, Esq.

Robert Hutcheson

Oliver Montgomery

William Chain

George Stewart

Thomas Litle

James M'Cormick

Robert Smith, Esq.

James Goudie

John A. Cooley

William Cunningham

Joseph Hutcheson

Charles Porter, Esq.

Robert Baird

James Miller

Charles M'Clean

James Veach

William Rose

Patrick Moore

Richard Noble

James Cunningham

John Porter

Aaron Torrence

Nathaniel Breading

Elijah Coleman

Edward Randolph

John M'Clean

Abraham Littell

Freeman Lewis

Westmoreland County.

Joseph Trimble

Charles Stewart

Hugh Love

Jacob Haymaker

Rev. Wm. Swan,

20 copies.

Rev. Mr. Porter,

20 copies.

Wm. G. Turner

Rev. Wm. Wylie,

8 copies.

Mercer County.

Cyrus Riggs

Price Dille

Amos Robins

David Condict

Alexander M'Cracken

Linkon Axtell

David Axtell.

Venango County.

William Cooper

John Gordon

James Allen

William Johnston

John Martin

Samuel Cooper

James Adams

James Scott

David Blair.

Indian County.

John Ewing, 30 copies

Adams County

Rev. Wm. Paxton.

Joseph M’Ginly

Robert Harper

Matthew Longwell

Rev. D. M’Conaughy

Samuel Knox, M.D.

James Gallicher

John M’Rankins

Emmetsburgh, M.

Rev. Patrick Davidson


Brooke County.

John Edie

Cornelius Aten

Thomas Peterson

Henry Pittenger

John Critser

John M'Millan

Henry Silverthorn

John Marshall

Hugh Pugh

Peter Peterson, Sen.

Alexander Scott

John Coulter

James Smith

William Speer

Ebenezer Archer

Rev. James Hughes,

24 copies.

John Wylie

Daniel M’Louid

John Baker

Francis M’Farland

Elizabeth Majunker


William M’Cleary


Nelson County.

Archibald Cameron,

2 copies.

John Magee,

2 copies

Robert Allen

2 copies


Trumbull County.

Rev. Wm. Wick

Timothy Swan

James Linn

Alexander M'Giffey

James Walker

James Watson

John Anderson

Richard Vanfleet

Sam. & Hugh Bryson,

8 copies

Matthew Guy

Samuel Tyler

Robert Hamilton

Daniel Monteith

Matthew Scott

Andrew Boyd

Rev. Jonathan Leslie,


Jefferson County.

Rev. John Rea

William Watt,

8 copies.

James Black, 8 copies.

John Wallace, 8 copies

James Byers

Robert M'Millan, 8 cop.

Allen Leeper, Sen.

8 copies.

Rev. James Snodgrass,

10 copies.

Wm. M'Millan

James Bailey

Daniel Vanhorn

Stuart M'Clave

John Gillis, Sen.

Aaron Allen

Joseph Reed

William Scott

Andrew Dixon

David M'Cutchen

Thomas Barr

Jacob Vanhorn

James Lee

John Lyons.





















A Complimentary Subject Index to

Willison’s Testimony

Compiler’s note: This subject index is not exhaustive and meant only to supplement the "Contents" found in the work itself. When there is an indented list, either the first entry is of the same subject matter or the indented list that follows contains different subjects found on the same page. At times, subjects may occur more than once in the list. The list mainly follows the chronological sequence of pages and subjects found therein. Therefore, various subjects will be found more than once.


Preface ………………………………………………………… iii

Testimony …………………………………………………….. 25

Advertisement ………………………………………………… 210

Adherence ……………………………………………………. 211

Postscript, 1st ………….……………………………………… 212

Contents ………………………………………………………. 231

Postscript, 2nd ………. ………………………………………. 234

Subscriber’s Names …………………………………………. 235


Popishness…………………………………………………….. ix, xxii

Corruptions listed……………………………………………… viii - ix

Acts of Synods against corruptions…………………………. xii

Disregard of Synods………………………………………….. xiii

Ministers with no scruples

of patronage or error…………………………..…………… xiv

Men with no scruples for orthodoxy

appointed as professors and masters …………………... xiv

Acceptation of errors ………………………………………… xv

Luther & David Ps. cxix - against loss of truth ……………… xix

Truth not sacrificed to preserve peace

Peace as Judgment ………………………………………. xix

Jeremiah 9:3; Rev. 21:8 ……………………………………… xx

War - France & Spain …………………………………………. xxi


Aurelius & Dioclesian persecutions ………………………….. 26

Druids ……………………………………………………….…… 26

Paladius; Lollards of Kyle; Luther; Melanchthon;

Patrick Hamilton ………………………………… …………. …. 28

John Wicliff; John Huss; Burning of Mr. Hamilton

George Wishard; John Rough; Jon Knox;

John Wilcock; Mr. Craig; John Erkine of Dun;

Parliament & Reformation - Confession of Faith….. …….. … 29

Cromwell ………………………………………………..……… 40

Invades and oppresses Scots………………………………… 40

Charles II - King 1651 …………………………………………. 41

Laws over the Church ……………………………………… 42

Clarification of the original WCF 23 (This may be another

incident [1649] after the 1647 ratification and

exception stated by James Bannerman in his book,

"The Church of Christ" p 179.)………………………………….. 37ff.

Death of James Guthrie - 1660

Decapitated and his head placed in one of the

ports in the city of Edinburgh …………………………………. 43

Death penalty of Charles II against preachers ……………….. 45

Destruction of Family Worship………………………………….. 45

Forced denunciation of vows …………………………………… 46

Persecution to the death ……………………………………… 47, 48

Persecution by Magistrate …………………………………… 51

Subscription etc. ……………………………………………….. 57

Qualifications for elder …………………………………………. 61

Colony to America ………………………………………………. 61

Confessional Subscription ……………………………………… 62; 79

Minister visitation ………………………………………………… 64

Schools …………………………………………………………… 64

Westminster Confession 23.3; 26.6 …………………………… 66

Renewal of covenant vows by ministers ……………………. 67 (bottom) ff.

Sins against vows …………………………………………….. 68

Civil Magistrate & Church - tensions ………………………… 69ff.

Profaning of the Lord’s Day

that came with union with England

Episcopal worship opposed ……………………… 71-74

The abandonment of Family worship etc. …………………… 72

Worship deteriorated …………………………………………. 72-73; 75

Humility of Divines under God’s just punishment …………… 75

Power of Presbyterian ministers to purge

scandalous and erroneous ministers ………………………… 76

Riots ……….……………………………………………………. 85

Security of the people found under King George—not God. 85

Mr. James Webster against gross false teachings

of Mr. Simson - Arminianism etc. ………………………….. 86



Heresies stated in a way that they would seem

consonant with the Westminster Standards ……….. 87

Marrow of modern Divinity laid before 1620 Assembly

Arguments from natural reason

Exceptions detailed

Rebuke of ministers not to teach false doctrine ignored

Sermons watered down, old doctrine "harsh" .… 88

Church elects officers; Acts 1:15, 23; 6:2; 8:14; 13:3; 14:23;

16:9; 1 Jn. 4:1; 2 Jn. 10 …………………..…………… 93

Christian choice of pastors …………………………………… 94,95, 98, 99, 103,


Acts 6; 14:23 etc., original languages 105

Evils no longer sensed ……………………………………….. 95

Unchristian contentions in judicatories

Scattering of the flock

Simonatical practices, effects of …………………….…… 97

National Covenant …………………………………………….. 98


Church planting…………………………………………….. 101,102

Rom. 12:1; 2 Cor. 5:20-10:1; Philemon 9,10; 1 Thess. 2:7…. 106, 107

Rom. 14:13, 19, 21 …………………………………………… 107

1 Jn. 4:1; Mt. 7:15-16………………………………………… .. 108

2 Jn. 10; Acts 17:11; Jn. 10:4,5………………………………. 109

Eusebeius, Turretine ………………………………………….. 109

Wicked Shepherds, sheep scattering, Jer. 23:1-2………… 110

Eze. 34

God visits church with rebukes via attacks on her


Independent schemes of church govt., new improvements

Fault finding in the Confession

Democracy …………………………………………… 111

The Lord’ rebuke ……………………………………………… 113

Arian errors of Professor Simons

still taught though he was forbidden to do so ……………… 115

Disregard for the flock and the Lord’s discipline ………….. 116

Calls received apart from Presbyteries ……………………. 118

Inferior numbers for a quorum ……………………………… 119

Reversal of unconstitutional acts

Innovations in preaching ………………………….. 120

God’s providence in causing leaders to act foolishly

on measures ……………………………………………… 122

Selection of pastors

Multiple days used for examination of gifts, home visits,

preaching by candidate ………………………………….. 127

Causeless grounds for not calling a minister,

appearance, doctrine, etc. ……………………………… 128

No obligation to laws of men ………………………………… 129

Protests against assembly, synod considered criminal ….. 132

National fasting ……………………………………………….. 140


against loose moral discourses & neglecting Christ ….. 143

Little of Christ in people

Not much difference between heathen moralisms &

preaching ……………………………………………… 144

Morality verses Christ’s righteousness in preaching ………. 145

Preaching and the moral law ……………………………….. 146

Christ the only source of strength

Moral preachers and presupposition of natural power … 147

1 Cor. 1:18, 21, 24; 2:2; Acts 2:36, 37; 10:43, 44; 11:20-21

on preaching ……………………………………………….. 149


Eloquent moralisms that exclude Christ


Christless moral sermons ………………………………… 150

Indicators of when God is about to leave a people

God gives people up to lifeless moral sermons ………… 151

Sermon applications

Self love, law of nature sufficient for happiness ……….. 152, 153

Catechism revised with out approval ……………………….. 154

Rebukes of the Lord, persistence in sin

Act against Church censures by magistrate …………… 155

Magistrate & power of the keys

Contrary to Confession

WCF 30.1,2; 23.3

Erastianism ………………………………………………… 156

Headship of Christ, not upheld ………………………………. 157

William Wishart

Charitable toward heathens

Soft proceedings against

Innovative words on Confessional matters……………… 158

Plain & ordinary sense of words necessary

Heretics put orthodox sense in their words

Rebuke to those who do not hold plains sense, Titus 1:3. 159

Zeal for truth & humility needed toward an erring church…… 164

Uncharitable attacks against weaker brethren

Marking narrow failings, mistakes, magnifying errors

instead of covering sins (as Christ enjoins) …………….. 167


Flock scattering by those overzealous for truth……………… 168, 169

Judicatories overturn foundation of govt.,

make defections greater than they are ………………….. 170

Episcopal Church

Differ only in govt., defections of, drift into Arminianism,

corruption of worship in, slide into Popish superstitions,

middle state for souls after death, corruption of Lord’s

Supper (as sacrifice), absolution by priest, baptismal

regeneration ………………………………………………… 171


1732 or 1733, Saltzburg Germany, conversion from

Popish superstition, 20,000 people, loss of worldly goods

to enjoy pure preaching of gospel;

1735 -1736, Moravia Germany;

1736, Northampton New England, Jonathan Edwards … 173

Revivals (cont.)

Oxford England, Methodists,

Whitefield, Gilbert Tennant ……………………………… 175

Revivals, errors in,

Pretended visions, prophecy, great multitudes,

great attainments, Satan leading into error……………… 176

Praying societies in Edinburgh

Whitefield in Scotland 1741, Cambuslang 1742 ……….. 176

Psalm singing…………………………………………………… 176

Revival, effects of ……………………………………………… 179

Revival, opposition to by seceders zealous for truth ………. 181

1 Cor. 1:27 ……………………………………………………… 182

Revival, reactions in

Bodily faintings, ecstasies, exampes in Scripture-

Dan. 8:27; 10:8,9 ………………………………………… … 186

Examples of effects of revival on Reformers …………………. 187

Jonathan Edwards on revival …………………………………. 187

Need for awareness of sin

Strict subscription

Against natural reason

Trinity ……………………………………………………….. 188


Popish inclinations

Holy Days held equal to Lord’s Day

Arminianism, Pelagianism

Doctrines that exalt self

Self love

Magistrates assuming power of keys


Toleration of sects

Sacramental test ………………………………………… .. 189


Swearing by kissing gospels

Those in denial of:

National Church


Subordinate judicatories

Maintaining independency

Power of keys in hands of community not officers…. 190





Self seeking

Neglect of Family worship…………………………………. 191

Sins (cont.)

Opposition to Holy Spirit

Forgetting God’s mercies …………………………………. 192

Sins (cont.)

Following men’s teachings ……………………………….. 193

Decaying zeal to uphold truth

Misapplication of God’s word

Contempt of others who do not agree

Natural reason above supernatural revelation

Elevation of religion of nature


Christ as moral pattern ……………………………………. 193

Confession of Faith, outward consent to & scarce reading of 194

Abuse of Lord’s Day …………………………………………… 195

Parental neglect ……………………………………………….. 196

Ministers, unsent but go anyway …………………………….. 197

Confession of Faith, warning against errorists not

adhering to; WCF 30.1,2…………………………………… 202

Remedies for unaccountable practices

Presbyteries have free access to moderate …………….. 203

Church Planting ………………………………………………… 204

Freedom to call minister without undue influence,

Qualifications for ministers



experimental religion …………………………………… 205

Ruling elders ……………………………………………………. 206

Reproach on the Confession of Faith ………………………… 220


The text of this and other superb works are available on-line from:

The Willison Politics and Philosophy Resource Center

Russell E. Creech, Director