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Pittsfield Skate Park Committee

Why build a Skate Park In Pittsfield?

By now, many of you have heard the stories flying around Pittsfield in reference to building a “Skate Park” in our town. The issue has been brought up at several Selectman’s Meetings, with both positive and negative responses.

To the millions of skateboard enthusiasts across the country, every inch of cement is fair game. Chances are you have seen these kids in Pittsfield. As more skaters have taken to the streets (as they have no where else to go.) many communities see them as a nuisance. Street skating can aggravate pedestrians and shop owners as well as put wear and tear on public and private property, not to mention the serious safety issues for all concerned.

The goal of many citizens in our community is to provide a community skate park where people of all ages could skate safely and legally. Town officials, along with a group of volunteers, including many local kids are working together to design and build the “Pittsfield Skate Park”. This facility would be built with private funds, donations, grants, sponsorships and volunteer labor, with little, if ANY cost to the taxpayer.

A skate park can provide a safe social environment to burn off the exuberance of youth in a healthy manner, treating the cause rather than the symptom of delinquent behavior, saving police, vandalism, and health costs. Positive recreational opportunities can also provide meaning, satisfaction, a sense of belonging, help develop social skills, self esteem, relieve stress, anxiety, aggression, and generally promote both the physical and mental well-being of our children.

Skaters should be provided places to skate, not turned into outlaws for practicing their sport of choice. Unlike other athletes, most skaters do not have a field or court to play in. What they need are skateparks. Many cities are building skateparks, many more are considering it.

Skateboarding and inline skating can be healthy sports, keeping the participants active and involved. A safe place to skate is all skaters need. Designed with proper amenities, a skate park can also become a safe place for adolescents to hang out and socialize with their friends. A skatepark in Pittsfield would provide a more enjoyable experience for skaters of all ages, as well as lower the chances of serious injury from improper use and location.

Your support of this project is greatly needed and will help provide safe, positive recreational opportunities to the youth of our community. Your input or questions are not only needed, but would be greatly appreciated.

You may contact Don Chase at 435-6318 by phone or by email at the following address; and put “SKATEPARK” in the subject line.

Signed; Gayle Doyle, Chair
Don Chase, Co-Chair
Helen Schoppmeyer
Robert Wharem, Police Chief
Paul Colby, Building Inspector

We are currently considering several locations within town to locate the Skatepark. The two locations that we are working with the closest at the moment, are behind the Town Hall on Joy Street.

The other location that is being considered is Drake's Field. That location is owned by the School District, and would have to be approved by them. We are on their agenda for their Sept. 13th meeting and we will present our proposal to them at that time.

We will keep you up to date on things as they develop.

Click The Link Below To Go To A Page That Has The Minutes To All Of Our Meetings To Date.