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Welcome to Portsmouth NH

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Welcome to Portsmouth NH

This pic is mine! Sony mavica - Photo fun - and the Pisqataqua River Bridge are all it took to create this beauty...

Be sure to check out my Photos link below!

Portsmouth on the WEB

Everything Portsmouth!

Want a six figure income? Let me help you. Check out my new site! Fire your boss today!

Start your own home Business now! Easy to get started and free to sign up! So why wait?

Exclusive Photographs of downtown Portsmouth NH. and our Vacation to Hawaii.

Other Links on the WWW

This is A cool web site if you like Caves

NetZero- excellent ISP. . .

Angelfire - Easiest Home Pages

WhoWhere? - Find people on the Web

Take a virtual tour of an abandoned Missle Silo.

The NRC Report safety concerns - meetings- employment

Trying to find a mixed drink and don't know what it is or how to mix it? The internet bar will help you ... Check it out!

DogPile~~~>Awsome Search engine!

DXZone~~~>Everything for the Radio Amateur

AESHAM~~~>more for the radio amateur -Computer Hardware Galore! Absolute lowest prices!

Would you like to join the NH ARMY NATIONAL GUARD?

Check out Nasa

D O N ' TDrink and drive...

All uploads and HTML by Scott... Still more to come... Check out my new Exclusive Photos Link! it has been added to and the html is improved. I like it alot better this way. one page for each photo. Hey!!! Want A Page!!! Give Angelfire A plug!!! If you want Free Web Page Space... Angelfire is Where it's at! They are very reliable, and uploading to them is as easy as 1,2,3. Point your browser to and they'll give you free web space, and even teach you the basics of html, forms, frames and Java Applets. If you're not with Angelfire... You're missin out! If you're not with Angelfire... Register!!!

Well... Finally I'm Able to Do something with this page! it's been going slow though. If you see this page, please take a few minutes to check out Angelfire. Netzero Rulez!!! And their service is great!! Well - I have over 300 photos I want to add to my photos link. stay tuned.

Shout outs:

I would like to thank Angelfire for the added space to my account... As always, you exceed my expectations. Thank you all.

Y o u A r e T h e G r e a t e s t !

I would like to thank CJ and Christine for the opportunity at Coyote's Restaurant in Scarborough Me... Gina, You're absolutely Beautiful... and you're the sweetest. Cecilee, Amanda Cj And Chris... Thank you all... Look forward to the new season... You're all Great... Let me know if you need anything. Cecilee... I love this pic... Thanks... Love Scotty... Debbie ,Bobby, Wanda... nice to meet you and thank you... Amanda and Amanda... LoL... Sterling And Eric... Cool...

To Jay and his family at Valiant Steel... Thank you. I look forward to our next job together. MIKE (FLASH) FUNDY - Matt Nichols - Mike Slade and Art Dow... You guys eat tie wire and shit Rebar!!!!!! P e A c E ! ! !

C Battery 1st Bn 172nd FA... You are OutStanding! I wouldn't want to be on another Gun Line.To all of you who have helped me to achieve my goals... Thank you.

Bonnie, Debbie, Mike, Nicole, Dana, Laura and to everyone at the 50's... Thanks for the hospitality and all the great times.

The Jeweler's Workbench at Fox Run rules... Brian... thank you my friend... Maegan, Danielle, and Cem... you guys are great!

Huge shout outs to everyone in Local Union 1915... Dc#35... And Odyssey Painting. To the entire Crew working on the Piscataqua River Bridge, and to All the Union members... Thank you for the opportunity. I look forward to seeing this Bridge finished, as I look Forward to the next contract at the Cape! And well... Looks Damn Neer Finnished to me.

An ExtreeMMeLY!! LOUDD!! YELLLLL!!!! To Everyone in Battery C 1st Bn 172nd Field Artillery.

Bernadette... Thanks for a great time in Kingston NY. Glad to have met you... I had a great time...Next Game is ours LoL... I'll catch up with you later about the pool table... We're still interested... Need a truck to move it. God Bless you... ( H U G S )

KINGSTON NY. awsome!!! We at Valiant Steel would like to thank all of the staff at the KINGSTON RAMADA INN. Thank you all for your hospitality. We would especially like to thank: AUBREY- Dinner was awsome... Thank you. And also the Bar staff: STACY, AARON, JACKIE, And MICHELLE.Look me up if any of you get to NH. or ME.

Also... From the LIGHTSHIP at LIBERTY LANDING MARINA in Jersey City, I would like to thank Audra for the Beer and Tomato juice. And her companion for the free coffee! Thanks for the hospitality!

Michele- WoW... What to say... Keep in touch with me. And be careful. Hope you and Tia are well. Here are a couple facts you might be interested in: "Pocahontas was born in 1595 and died in 1617 at age 22. She was a Beautiful North American Indian Princess who was reputed to have saved Captain John Smith from execution, And her father was Powhatan." WoW! I'll find out some more interesting facts about her later... You are just as Beautiful as the real Pocahontas, if not more so. God Bless You. ~~v^v~ H U G S ~v^v~~

Wow... Deb... thank you so much. It's always nice to meet good people. And you are a special person. I wish you all the happiness in the world. If you ever need anything, and it's within my means, I'll always be here for you. Thank you.

Oh My God!!! Shelby!!! I don't believe it! good to hear from you! Keep in touch... Miss ya!

My Love goes out to my Aunt Barbara... "It's hard when you lose someone so precious and close... You will be Loved and remembered always. And To Gene and the Girls... I love you all... Be strong for one another. All of my family... I love you so much... I hope you know it... I probably haven't done a very good job showing you cause I don't keep in touch often enough. But I do... Very Much... LP - I Love You.

Siri... Thanks for your support Mi Ami... I Love you!!!

Aaron and Crystal... Thanks for stopping over... I appreciate you guys making the trip!!! P e A c E !!!

DPW - You rule! So... Saco this year? 3 days... gotta do it.

Ben.G. And Tanya.G. - Melissa, Erin, Merideth, Donnie... Thanks guys

Brett and Heather and Michelle... thanks for being there!

Hey!!! The Fugitive is back!!! And Madder than hell!!! Just hook up that Base station and chill out bud... Well!!! Where the hell are ya??? CQ CQ CQ DX... WoW... hey Lee! what gives man? how come you aren't ever out ther anymore. I know you finally went up north enjoy the land... you own it. e-mail me will you... I wanna get up North with you sometime this spring, but the way it looks, I'll never see you til the next Millennium! Take care. 8-up... 6m-2m KB1DTN -73 QSL?

Indian Rivers Campground In Eliot ME. is Awsome!!! Loyd, Jen, Vin, John... You are all such good people... Thank you for everything. God Bless you all.

I Love you Mom!!!

Ace, Bugs and Butterfly... Love you guys... Chris... You should join the Guard... Then join a local Union and get into the Apprenticeship Program.

Old Port Cab!!! Could zya call the OBC please? Where the hell is Mirona road again? uh? Oh yeah... there is no more Old Port Cab... No Jeff's either... Now it's Doug's Taxi!!!! Haaaa Haaaa

Steve an Ellen... How tha hell yoosa been? LTNC hope you and the kids are well.

hi SKY!!! Hackey sac? or strings?

All my family.... I love you!!!!!!

Scouters.... Where are you my Friend?

John Rush - You keep rippin Arpeggios on that Guitar... You Will go far... Brother... you are truely outta control! Look out Berkley!

Melissa... Cool!!! I can't Drive 55! hahaaa Ask Doug to put you to work.

Dawn and Brandon!!! Thanks for the T-shirt?! We should go out sometime and play some pool... or Bowling maybe.

Beach Ball!!! Ray! where ya been? QSL - 73 K

Mary and Danny... I Love you both very much. Thank you for being such a great part of my life.

And a Band called Dream Theater... You guyz Friggan Rock!

Thank you Brenda and Ashley... hope you like having your own web site.Brandon... keep the drive clean. happy new year!!!! W.T.F.N.?

To My Beautiful Wife Cheryl, And my Handsome lil Champ, Chase... I Love you two with all my Heart.

check out W1WQM The PortCity Amateur radio Club Repeater Thursday nights and Saturday nights!

NEED A TOW? CALL CASS TOWING! We'll treat your vehicle like we own it... every time. And you wont be stuck on the Road.



More Digital Picks I need to up soon.


Feb, 3 2004