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Poetry by Naomi Adams

I hope you enjoy my works.

Hi, My name is Naomi, I am 20 years old and currantly live in suburban Melbourne I attend Monash University. I recently got married to a guy I met at Uni. Steve and I love watching weird movies. My poetry and short stories are my way of expressing myself to this weird and wonderful world we live in.

Please be kind and read my works then send me your comments I would like to know what you think. If you have any questions I would be only too pleased to answer them. My E-mail address is at the bottom of the page.

An Angel Weeps

A call from the wild,

A silent plea;
Don't leave me now
You gotta help me.
I'll come today
But I'll leave tomorrow,
You take the lead
But don't make me follow.
A tepid stream
Flows right by,
The only noise it makes-
A silent cry.
Feeling the pain,
Alone tonight,
Flowers die.
Birds take flight.
In Amidst
The darkness deep
An angel stirs,
I hear her weep.

Incidental Addiction

It is a story I should know by now
A story been told more times than I care to think
But the story is never complete
And so I am left to finish it.
I never know where to finish it or how and so I keep on writing
And writing
Unaware that the story will never be complete
Because I can never write the words
At the bottom of the story
For I will be dead
When the story of life ends.

Oh life,Oh death

Oh life,oh death
Tender intruders-graceful
One beauty and It's rider,
Oh life how wondrous you are-
Such thrills,
Oh death-how victorious
But to die alone...
What for do I recite
Sweet words from my lips
No ears do hear,
No eyes do see.
Only to return to normal
After being transformed,
That is pain.
To escape,to run
But life is like your shadow
And every time you turn
It's there
O life,oh death.

New Love

From every love
Comes longing
When hearts wander
A second chance
To mend
What should have
Been easy.
When something still
Moves within us
And flushed cheeks
Lift with a smile,
We find ourselves
Affected by voice,
The charm,the style
From every glance
Comes hope
Of new love
To find-
Perhaps It'll be
Something like
The love
We left behind.

Both Ways Before Crossing.

Busy with my thoughts

I forgot which way to look
I stepped out on the road of deceit
Confusion sparring with my sense
I didn't see it coming
Madness behind the wheel
Knocked me down.

Three Minute Song

My life is full of three minute songs,
With lyrics of self destruction,
About smoking joints and smoking bongs
And waking up with hangovers.
My life is full of dirty jokes
Of nights of watching stars die
Talking,deluded by friends and blokes
Deluded with them too.
My life is full of smoke filled rooms
Of laughter that pierces the silence-
Silences of solitude,silences that croon
And magical,unawkward,knowing ones.

Sun Withered Fiend

Hail the shadow
From under my stone
Hail the shadow
Where darkness is thrown.
I see the truth
Hide in your eyes
The rays of sun
Can not disguise,
The blackened heart
Rot in your chest;
Eve to be the
Ultimate test.
Hail the shadow
From under my tree
Hail the shadow
In which I am free.

My Wife's side of the bed

I came home late from work in those days. I didn't mean to neglect her, but I know you don't believe that. Her own bed was ruffled, the covers strewn carelessly to the floor; the remnants of unsettled sleep. I found my daughter along the hall however, in the room her mother and I used to share. She'd woken from some disturbed image, I envisioned, and walked searching for her mother, like she had done as a girl. She now laid with the demeanor of an angel, her hair enveloping the pillow. She slept, knees under her chin, perhaps dreaming of the security of her dead mother's womb. Perhaps, she had soaked the pillow with tears. Perhaps, she was yearning to hold onto whatever she could find. I hope she found what she was looking for, curled foetally on my wife's side of the bed

You'll be pleased to hear, I did not wake her from her slumber. We all grieve in our own way. She was not coping so well-and you hold me accountable. I'm not to blame. I can't be. She looks so like her mother. As i stood beside her that night, I half closed my eyes; peering through my slits;I could almost make out she was older....I opened my eye's agian. The moon danced on her face, teasing me with reminiscence of the sweaty, sticky, starry night of my baby's conception. Ilove her and she looks so like her mother.

They had a relationship that, if I was more of a man, I would have been envious of. It was beyond sex or love or even words. Gestures, looks, eyes, could be read like some innate Babylonian inscription; an ancient language formed for only the two of them. She knew it hurt for me to look at her-it made the loss of it all, much more real. I watched her once, in secret, standing affront a mirror. For twenty minutes she stood transcendentally,staring back at herself and I stood, unable to free her, unable even to speak. Until at last, she motioned to the reflection, her fingers tracing the flat surface as if invoking the spirits; the lone tear that glistened over her eye and scurried down the mountian of her face, was the most potent magic. Don't look at me like that! What could I have done? But still, you are formidable. And who do I deceive but myself? I could have held her, I could have told her I loved her, I could have rocked her gently until the demons subsided. But I let them grow and they sent her slowly mad.

The house is still now. The voices that plague me;quiet. Can you forgive me, my love? No answer. But I know where the answers lie; in the depths of an enigmatic dream, where the demons may ravish my flesh but where my soul will be emancipated. I can hear her chanting some angelic melody and I am mesmerized. But will she devour me like a vengeful Fate? Can you forgive me, my love? I crawl under the blankets and curl-up small. Will I find what I am looking for, on my wife's side of the bed?


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