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Mordor's Doom

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Frodo Baggins' Treasure Map Library Key

The Mordor's Doom Guild is proud to possess it's very own Treasure Map Rune Library! Located in the Mordor's Doom Guildhouse (otherwise known as Wayland's Forest Cottage), this exemplary rune book library has served UO for over 3 years! Simply click here, or, on the map to get started!

Welcome to the Mordor's Doom Homepage

Mordor's Doom has a long history in Ultima Online. Based out of the Yew Province, Trammel Facet, of the Atlantic Shard ( which is very far from where you are now.. by the way, A ... Isn't the Internet creepy sometimes? ); we pride ourselves on our commitment to eachother, the Guild, and a friendly role playing environment!

Unlike most Guilds in UO, Mordor's Doom does not actively recruit. It is our experience that a Guild's success has a direct correlation to it's level of selectiveness. Please do not infer that we are elitist.. We are happy to hunt with anyone who is fair and friendly. We simply wish to get to know people first. In time we may ask someone to join our guild, but this is not something we do alot.

One thing we do enjoy is sharing what limited knowlege we have about Ultima Online.. You are most welcome to browse our website, and gather whatever information you may find useful. We hope that you will find something here that interests you!