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Breyerfest 2001 Diary

This year was my second trip to Lexington, Kentucky for Breyerfest. Oddly enough, I was more geared up for this trip than my first - perhaps it was because I knew what to expect and had a plan of action - or it may be because I already had two North Lights on order to pick up! We (my friend Julie and I) left at the crack of dawn on Tuesday. After two days of driving, we arrived in plenty of time to unload the van (6 trips!) and prepare for the onslaught of shoppers at the Holiday Inn North.

Julie sculpts foxhounds and brought a large pack with her to sell. She had also brought some extra models and Beanie Babies. I managed to sell most of what I brought down with me (a few models and some jumps I had made), leaving more room for my purchases.

The weather, as expected, was very hot and humid. Thanks to a new number system, most of the lines weren't bad at all -- not enough time to compose more Breyerfest haiku!

Autograph line for Atlantis Bey V

A tent full of goodies!

All in all, it was a very productive weekend. We managed to get our models of Atlantis Bey V signed, getting sunburned in the process. The special models we wanted to buy from the tent (inlcuding the elusive Longhorn Bull) we were able to buy. I got a great deal on yet another North Light, paying $90 for a perfect horse that would be $225 if I had ordered him from the factory. A photography workshop was very informative and interesting (even though none of my indoor shots came out) - in some of the extra time we got away from models and took pictures of the real things outdoors.

I was very impressed by the featured horses this year, although I must admit that when the flyer arrived at my apartment in the dead of winter, I was pretty indifferent. I thought Breyer was getting carried away with itself when I saw the color of Atlantis Bey V - until I saw him in the flesh and realized he really is that weird copper color! Gypsy King was impressive, and Montana Harvest was a sweet little Morgan with really neat coloring.

Atlantis Bey V, illegally parked

Gypsy King

Montana Harvest

Before the next-to-impossible task of trying to figure out all the stuff was going to fit back into the van, we spent Sunday afternoon watching a polo match at the Kentucky Horse park. It was very exciting, but too hot to stay out in the sun too long -- we will probably never find out if Dayton, Ohio managed to hang on to beat Lexington, Kentucky.

Created by Lianne Hanson, updated 24 October, 2001.