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Star Wars: Young Jedi knights: Duel of destiny

Ok, I´m gonna make a Star Wars fan film about the YJK, called Duel of destiny. I´m working on the script right now, and it´s about Jacen Solo, who meets an evil clone of himself. Jaina IS going be in it (found an actress at last). Raynar is. It takes place between Crises at crystal reef, and Vector prime. We have started shooting the flick and I guess it will be finished around christmas. If you wonder "how the heck does Jacen get cloned", I can only say it will be revealed in the film:) If you think this page is kind of empty and boring, I can tell ya it´s under heavy contruction. Me and a friend just filmed a few Lightsaber tests, that I´ll put up as soon as the effects is added. I´m doing the lightsaber effects in Paint shop pro 6, and some backgrounds and enviroments in Bryce 4. The film is being made in vännäs, västerbotten, sweden. Me and the others who is working on the film is 14 years old, and Daniel johansson (me) is gonna play Jacen and his clone. Tommy Rosenqvist is gonna play my double, Kristoffer Eriksson Myrhman is gonna play Raynar, Kristina (Kicki) Eriksson is going to play Jaina Solo, and Daniel Holmgren is gonna film the darn thing. We will start filming within the week:) Please mail me at: More coming soon!:)

Haha, I can't belive this page still exists. I had completly forgoten about it, and the film too, for that matter, until someone wrote to me about it. The movie was never made, and it will never be made. It was a little over a year ago, that we planned it. We shot one scene, and then it was finito. Sorry to dissapoint you all that have been looking forward to this movie (Hi mommy, and daddy:)..) Maby someday, I'll post the single scene that we shot, but it'll probably never happen. I wrote one thing above over a year ago; "how the heck does Jacen get cloned"
I can tell you how we planned it now: When Jacen, Jaina and Lowbacca was captured by the Shadow Academy, they where cloned when they where unconcious (sp) and never found out about it. Only one clone made it out alive when the academy blew up. well, that's about it. This is the last thing that I will wright on this page. Good bye, and May the Force be with You!