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  Opened: 6.10.03
  Status: Always Under Construction
  Mission: To provide a family friend place where people can learn about horses and horse care without being bored to death. It also offeres some interactive activities such as hosting fiction and non-fiction stories. I also have a little blog section (below) where people can learn more about me and understand if I don't update in a while. This page is usually being updated though, even when the layout hasn't been changed. Keep checking back.

Life is Full of Ups and Downs

What goes up must come down

10/07/03: Hey everyone! A million things to say and so little time to say it in. First I gotta ask, does everyone like the layout? I know that it is kind of a spin off the old one, but I'm still learning, and this was made on a whim. Also like the others it wasn't designed for any great purpose other then I thought It would look cool. Pictures can inspire a lot. Anyway I'm loving the quote all the same. For some reason whenever I hear that nursery rhyme two things come to mind. First is the Adventures of Alice in Wonderland. There is a really old movie out there where she is talking to the Egg himself and shes reciting the Jabberwalkie poem. I love that poem, full of nonsense words. Anywho the second reason is that I think its ironic, in more ways then one. Okay most nursery rhymes and fairy tales stemmed from adult stories, or had some great purpose behind it. I think we all know what Ring Around the Rosey is about (if you don't email me and I'll tell you). Seriously I think I figured out Humpty Dumpty's, even in Midevil Europe men didn't think they had to read the instructions. Okay, I probalby have a million people glaring at me right now but that's ok. Its the internet, I get speach privilages.

Now for the blogging part, this is what this section is for after all. I have some good news and some sad news. I'll tell ya the good news first. Well I finally got the computer upstairs! I know, it took forever but its here! Now I don't have to worry about sharing it with other people. Yaaay. First thing I did is download Paint Shop Pro 8 trial version of the Jasc website. I love it! it took a while to figure out but in the end its all good. I actually created a really cool layout, or at least put down the idea for one, and a friend of mine is gonna code it so that I can put it up. Its all different shades of purple and white and... oh you'll see it soon enough anyway. I actually made two but I like the second one better... unfortunately its not on this computer. No thats not the bad news, this is the bad news...

A couple of the horses at the barn are going to Auction this weekend. Its not one of the horror auctions that you read about where the killers go and by horses for slaughter. Actually a lot of the horses that are there are really nice horses, most with some sort of show history. It's the same auction that Rusty came from, and where I was going to go to find a horse, before I decided on Rusty. All the spice girls are going (Ginger, Cinni, and Sugar) and Katie. If you live in the East Hampton, MA area and looking for a great horse I can tell you all I know about these girls. They are truely amazing and its going to be really sad to see them go. I'm going to see if I can come down to the auction when they bring them. I have to make sure they all go to good homes of course!

As for everything else around here? Well its life as usual, my friends have left for college but a few are coming back. In the end I decided not to go this year but wait for the next go around. I'm getting the pre-vet low down from my best friend Cathy who is currently at University of New Hamshire and learning about which colleges not to go to. Right now I would really like to go to UNH since they do have a prevet program and are only an hour away, so I could still see Rusty. The fact that my best friend in the world (Cathy) and another good friend of mine might be going there too are an added bonus. Okay I'm outtie. As always drop me a post or send me mail. How I do love getting mail!


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