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Hongnam: Vietnam's minorities

The Chut

The Chut have a population of about 2,400, a large part of whom inhabits the Minh Hoa and Tuyen Hoa districts of Quang Binh province. Their other names are Ruc, Sach, Arem, May, Ma Lieng, Tu Vang, Pa Leng, Xe Lang, To Hung, Cha Cu, Tac Cuc, Ymo and Xa La Vang. The Chut language belongs to the Viet-Muong Group.

Among them, the Sach are involved in agriculture and the Ruc and the Arem mainly practise cultivation on burnt-over land. The Chut also practise hunter gathering, fishing and animal husbandry. Carpentry and basketry have been developed. They do not know how to grow cotton and weave cloth, so have to buy or exchange farm tools, cloth and garments from other groups.

Though most Chut live a sedentary life, their villages are separated and their houses are temporary. Nowadays, the Chut take the family names of Cao and Dinh. Each lineage has its leader and an altar worshipping their common ancestors. Among the leaders of the lineages, the one who wins the highest prestige will be proclaimed village chief. The Chut eat steamed rice and food made from vegetables and snails or fish.

Matrimony is in a fairly stable status, variance is rare. The Chut organise funerals in a simple way. The Sach group especially is influenced by the way of the Kinh's funerals. Following their custom, when a person dies, his or her body is kept in the house for two or three days to receive offerings of rice before being buried. The grave is filled up with soil like a mound, no funeral house is to be built on top of this. Three days later, the head of the lineage conjures up the dead person's soul to bring it to the ancestor altar. After that, the dead family needs not visit the grave. The Chut believe in the existence of the spirits of the forest, the stream and the air. The genie of agriculture, who protects crops, reigns supreme.

The Chut have inherited a rich folk art and culture. The folksongs called Ka-tum and Ka-lenh are much loved by many people. The ancient tales are diverse with various themes. The Chut play pan-pipes, six-hole flutes, male and female harp-like musical instruments and a kind of monocord with a bamboo sound-box.