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History of Astrology


History of Astrology

Many ancient scientists, medicine people, psychics, wise men, women, and spiritual leaders developed a mathamatical geometric system that helped them explain their surroundings and deal with movements of the sun, moon, planets, heavens, and of course with people. The tools used in astrology are based on astronomy, a centuries-old science that studies the movement of planets and their effects on the solar system. Astrology studies the effects of planets on people. Astroloy has been used throughout history. Once holding an important position at royal courts and the houses of other important people. The basis of horoscopes, is used to help an indiviual understand himself better.

Astrology looks at a combination of the many different planetary influences, how the moon effects our emotions. etc. Each zodiac sign has unique strengths. These can be directly linked to everyone's own personal thoughts, habits and self-image. Astrology does forecast upcoming events. However no one should ever disregard their own ability to control ones own destiny. Astrology just give us furthur insight and allows people to choose either to prepare themselves or avoid a situation completely.

Duodecimal Number System

Astrology is a pure abstract mathematical formula, the 12 based, duodecimal number system has always been called astrology. Therefore, astrology is an abstract mathematical equation for any given moment in time. Time, itself, has psychological characteristics. Predictable events are possible if you use the correct parameters.

The continued use of astrology today, and its continued popularity amongst different cultures, speaks to the acurracey of the readings. If astrology was not still accurate no one would continue using it. Astrology, the 12 based number system, still functions reliably today because Astrology has always worked. The 12 signs, aspects, houses, and planets are all a manifestation of this duodecimal equation operating in our solar system.

Decan Stars

The term horoscope originally Greek term horoskopes which ( literally means hour watcher ) is synonym for decan star.

In order for the starry sky might serve as a clock the ancient egyptians selected a succession of 36 bright stars whose rising were separated from each other by 10 day intervals. Each of the stars called Decans, were conceived as a spirit with power over the period of time for which it served.

These decans entered the horoscope as subdivisions and are the 12 signs of the zodiac.

The 12 Zodiac Signs

The Astrology Elements

Using these 12 astrology equations the ancients developed a system based on 4 basic elements with 3 variations of each of those elements.

Water - emotion

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

Earth - physical

Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Fire - energy

Leo, Aries and Sagittarius

Air - intellect

Aquarius, Libra and Gemini

The 12 Houses

Houses are the twelve areas of a birth chart that represent specific traits and areas of life. An astrologer interprets the planets that lie within houses to forecast events or read a birth chart. The 12 Houses

Ascendant is the doorway into the first house in a person's chart. It signifies the rising sign, or where the sun was rising at birth. The first impression given to others, ascendants dominate part of a person's personality.

Nadir is the doorway into the fourth house in an astrological chart. It represents a person's philosophical or moral foundation.

Descendant is the doorway into the seventh house in a person's chart. It is the area of marriage and business partnerships

Midheaven is the doorway into the tenth house in an astrological chart. It is the highest point in the chart, and indicates the way each person is spiritually connected to his or her higher self.

The 12 Astrological Aspects

Aspects are planets within specific degrees of each other that create beneficial or negative attitudes, habits and energy.

Conjunction - it is usually a helpful energy. It creates self-nurturing, inner strength and ambition. It also can create intensity, stress and confusion.

Finger of Fate, Finger of God. or Yod - Indicative of a special life purpose, it creates the sensation of steadiness, special passion, deep aspiration and a strong inner drive to accomplish something very important and special.

Grand Square - An aspect representing very difficult energy. It creates frustration, anger, stress, intensity and the feeling of always being on a treadmill. It promotes self-growth and endurance.

Grand Trine - An aspect representing very easy energy. It nourishes the continuous use of natural talents and abilities, is an area of comfort, and can assist life in being either positive or negative.

Inconjunct - An aspect, it represents a separating energy. It creates stress, unhappiness and sorrow.

Opposition - An aspect, it is a combative energy. It creates the feeling of being out-of-balance, and can be stressful and frustrating. Opposition exposes a person's internal conflicts.

Pluto Square - An aspect representing a difficult time in life which requires the release of naive ideas and habits, negative relationships and sabotaging actions.

Saturn Return - An aspect that represents a difficult time in life when we feel frustrated, angry, sad, confused, tired and insecure, and a time when we become aware that we are required to accept responsibility for our actions.

Trine - An aspect of easy energy. It creates an ease in life, enhances natural talents or abilities, and is an enjoyable area of life. Trines are generally positive.

Square - An aspect representing harsh energy. It creates conflict, intensity, stress, the feeling of being out-of-balance. It promotes self-growth. The aspect can be negative.

Sextile - An aspect, it contributes positive energy. It creates happiness, an easy-going attitude, enjoyment. This area represents loving energy. It is easy to maintain.

Uranus Opposition - An aspect representing a time of spiritual growth, change and self-searching. This is the aspect that contributes to a mid-life crisis.

The 12 Planets of Astrology

The different heavenly bodies that influence a person's life by their placements in the houses in a birth chart.

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