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Title: Enjoying your vacation?

Author: Yarb

Rated: PG-13

Author’s Note: In response to a challenge. Kathryn has to take time off of work. Feedback, please?

Disclaimer: Paramount owns them, we have to accept it. I know it’s hard, but we have to. But at least we get to play a little bit. ;)


    Kathryn looked over at the couch longingly. Five minutes, please? A voice in her head pleaded. But she had work to do. Besides, what kind of captain would she be, taking naps while on duty?

    Voyager had entered Ste’Grat space a week earlier. It had been no easy task, but just that morning Kathryn had been able to strike a deal with the extremely difficult people. Needless to say, she hadn’t slept much lately.

    The next thing Kathryn knew, she heard her name being called.

    “Kathryn,” Chakotay’s hand was on her shoulder. He was kneeling down in front of the desk, and when she looked up at him, she could see concern in his eyes. "Are you alright?”

    “A little tired I suppose. I’m sorry. What did you need, Chakotay?” she asked as she ran a hand through her hair.

    “That’s not important. When was the last time you slept?” his hand was still on her arm.

    “Just a few minutes ago.” She joked. He smiled. Oh great, not the dimples.

    “Why don’t you take a day or two off? I know you could use it.”

    “Really, Chakotay. I’m alright.”

    He sighed, "Then it looks like I’ll have to take this into my own hands.” He said matter-of-factly. Kathryn watched him get up and leave, then let out an exasperated sigh.


    “Sickbay to Captain Janeway.”It hadn’t been fifteen minutes since Chakotay had left, and Kathryn was suspicious. You’re going to have to kill him. Her mind told her. She had to agree.

    “Janeway here. What is it, Doctor?”

    “I have just had an enlightening conversation with the Commander.” He paused.

    “Go on.”

    “We’ve come to the decision that you should take one week off of duty.”

    A week?! Who did they think she was? A child who could be told what to do?

    “And why?” she asked, barely keeping a lid on her anger.

    “Lack of sleep, for one. Malnutrition, extreme irritability, I have a list if you would care to review it.”

    There was no answer.

    “Oh. Captain?”


    “You’re being officially relieved of duty by the Chief Medical officer. There’s no getting out of it.” This time he did sound sympathetic.

    “Janeway out.” Was the response he got. Treason. The word kept running through her head. Treason... treason...treason. The door chimed. Kathryn glared at it. If Chakotay was there, she would have to strangle him.

    “Come.” She snapped.

    The door opened to reveal a nervous Naomi Wildman. Kathryn’s glare relaxed into a smile.

    “Oh Naomi, I’m sorry. Can I help you?”

    The girl nodded, and stepped into the room. “I have a report for you, Captain.” Kathryn looked at the datapadd in the Naomi’s small hand, and sighed.

    “Naomi, come here.” She put her hand on her arm, and leaned down so that she was at eye level with the child.

    “I’m going on a little vacation.” She started. “And I won’t be able to take reports, or anything…So you should probably take them to Chakotay for the time being.”

    “Did something bad happen?” Naomi asked.

    “No, nothing. I just thought maybe I should take a little break.” She smiled.

    “That’s good. Mommy always says you’re going to run yourself into the ground.” The girl slapped her hand over her mouth. “Ooops” she mumbled. “I’m sorry, Captain. I should go now, Bye.” Naomi backed her way to the door, then was gone.

    Kathryn stepped out of her ready room a few minutes later. She looked around the bridge. Her eyes stopped at Chakotay for a moment. He hadn’t noticed her.

    “Captain?” Tuvok was watching her.

    “As you were.” She said as she disappeared into the turbolift.

    The first thought that entered her mind as she stepped into her quarters was to sleep. She didn’t bother getting changed, instead she just dropped onto the couch. Her last coherent thought was a reminder to herself to get back at Chakotay.


    Kathryn was awakened by a familiar smell. She knew coffee anywhere, even if it happened to be Neelix’s. But in this case it wasn’t, much to her relief.

    She opened her eyes to see Chakotay smiling down at her.

    “Well, the sleeping beauty awakens.”

    She sat up, stretched, and looked at the chronometer.

    “That can’t be right! I slept for 14 hours?”

    Chakotay’s smile widened into a grin.“That’s probably the most sleep you’ve gotten since we landed in the Delta Quadrant.” He sat down beside her. “Care for breakfast?”

    “Wait a minute. Why are you here?” she looked at him suspiciously.

    “Without my help your breakfast would have been three cups of coffee. And I thought you should have some fun while you’ve been exiled.”

    “And whose fault is that?”

    “Mine. But that’s only because I care about you, and you’ve had me worried for awhile now.”

    She couldn’t really stay mad at him too long, not when he put it that way. She longed to have someone take care of her, though she hated to admit it, even to herself.

    She realized, a little late, that she had been drowning in his deep eyes. She pulled her gaze away, blushing a bit.

    “Well?” he offered his hand, and led her to the table. As they ate, he told her what he had planned for the day.

    “And why do you get to make all the plans?” she asked sarcastically, when he had finished.

    “Well I did take a whole day off…” he said, his eyes shining.

    A whole day! He forces me to abandon my ship for a week, then has the nerve to complain about one day?!? She threw him a death-glare.

    He tried to stifle a laugh, but failed miserably.

    “You know Chakotay,” she started, looking at him flirtingly, “I had vowed to myself to kill you for doing this to me. But horseback riding is too tempting to pass up.”

    “Oh, so you’ll just kill me later, I take it.”

    She smiled back.


    The two stopped at the top of a grassy hill. A rocky path stretched out in front of them. Chakotay was riding a dark brown horse named Copper, and Kathryn was on Crystal, a pale gray mare.

    “Are you ready for a break?” Chakotay asked, looking across at her.

    “Actually, I was hoping we could ride some more.”

    “We can, there’s a place over there where we can stop for awhile.” He pointed towards a small building a kilometer or so away.

    “You thought of everything, didn’t you?”

    He grinned back, then took off down the hill. Kathryn watched him for a moment, then started down the hill too.

    Chakotay was about halfway down, when Kathryn saw his horse, Copper, lose it’s footing on some rocks. The horse stumbled, and Chakotay landed flat on his back on the ground.

    “Oh my God, Chakotay!” Are you alright?” she asked as she jumped down off her own horse, and knelt beside him.

    He raised his head, and looked at her hand, which had ended up on his chest.

    “Yeah, I’m okay.”

    “Maybe we should call it a day.”

    “No, really Kathryn, I’m fine.”

    Her eyes searched his.“Are you sure?” she asked as he sat up.

    “Yes, I’m sure. But we’re going to have to share your horse now.” He looked to where Copper had taken off into the nearby woods.

    They both stood, and as to prove that he was alright, Chakotay went and got on Crystal. Then he brought her to where Kathryn was standing. He reached down and helped her up.

    She settled in front of him, then half-turned so she could see his face.

    “You should probably hold on.”

    He gave her a mischievous grin, then slipped his hands around her waist.

    “And I suppose you planned this too?” she smiled back at him.

    “No, but maybe I should have.” As he spoke, his breath tickled the back of her neck, sending a shiver along her spine.

    Kathryn guided Crystal slowly down the hill, she was careful of the rocks after what happened. As they rode, she relaxed a little more, leaning back against Chakotay’s chest. His arms felt good around her.


    The next morning, Kathryn woke early. She started to put on her uniform, but then remembered, she was on vacation. Kathryn sighed, and put away her uniform. Then she changed into casual, brown pants, and a button-up top. She twisted her hair up into the bun she had given up long ago.

    She sat down on the couch with a cup of coffee. In other words: breakfast. I’ll get something later, she told herself.

    The day before drifted it’s way back into her mind. After Chakotay’s fall, they had gone on rather slowly. They reached the house after another hour of riding. As Chakotay had helped her down, Kathryn’s eyes caught his. The only word she could describe the look she found there was, hope. But he had turned away. The rest of the day was spent relaxing in each other’s company.

    It had been as if she had just met him. She was getting used to him. In actuality she had. She had been getting used to him as someone different. Not the Chakotay she saw every day. More of the good, close friend, but more so.

    She had been starting to get used to having him there as the man she loved. Her other half.

    Kathryn snapped out of her reverie. How was she to tell him? He had said that he would always be there for her, and each time he looked at her love shone through, so she had no doubts. Ad now it was her turn to show him.

    She had work to do.


    Kathryn stuck her head out the door, she looked either way before carrying the bundle down the corridor. She stopped in front of Chakotay’s door.

    “Computer, override. Voice authorization: Janeway.” The door slid open, and Kathryn stepped in.

    “Lights,” she called out. Chakotay was only on duty for another two hours, so she had to act fast. First she took everything off of the dinning table. Then she set up what she had brought with her. Candles, wine, and the dinnerware. Then she left.

    Back in her own quarters, she changed into the dress that she had taken nearly all day to choose. It was a long-sleeve, knee-length, indigo, crushed velvet dress. She knew she would be eating in the mess hall until she was old and gray, but it seemed worth it.

    She started to pull her hair back, but then decided against it. Considering the way Chakotay’s eyes always lingered on her hair, she left it down.

    Kathryn returned to his quarters. Once there she put on some soft, classical music, then proceeded with dinner. Knowing what a wonderful cook she was, she opted for a good old replicated dinner. She set out the food, made sure everything was perfect for the millionth time, then settled onto the couch.

    She didn’t have long to wait. As he walked through the door, Chakotay’s sight was caught by the candles on the table. His eyes then moved towards the couch, expecting her there. He smiled.

    “Care for dinner?” she asked, using his phrase from the day before. She gestured towards the table.

    Chakotay took a step, allowing the door to close behind him. He hoped no one had passed by, the gossip would be overwhelming.

    Kathryn stood, knowing full well, that Chakotay’s attention was on her.

    He stared for a moment, then found his voice. “You went to all this trouble, just to surprise me?” he asked as he came over to her.

    “Actually, it’s not all for you.” She said, looking down. She searched for the perfect words. Her eyes rose to meet his. There was no other way than just coming out and saying it.

    “I have been…so in love with you, for a long time.” There, she had said it. She was surprised by the feeling she had. She felt free, and she could tell by looking at the man in front of her, that he did too.

    For a minute, Chakotay didn’t know what to say. Had she really said what he had been hoping for? But before he could even say anything, she had stood on tip-toe and pulled his face to meet hers. The next move was made by him. He guided her back to the couch, where he leaned over her and deepened the kiss, pulling her as close to him as he possibly could.

    “What about dinner?” he asked, remembering all the work she had gone to.

    “Oh.…that can wait.” She replied as she returned her lips to his. As her hands moved along his back, he ran his fingers through her hair. Kathryn was happy with her decision to leave it down.

    Needless to say, Kathryn Janeway greatly enjoyed the remainder of her vacation.


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