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The Guinea Pig World!!!!

Table of Contents

Memorial to Patches
Signs of illnesses in Guinea Pigs
Body Language in Guinea Pigs
My Pigs-A true story
Take the poll !!! (updated weekly)
Sign my Guest Book!
My photo Album
Guinea Pig Chat
You know you're an obessed cavy owner when....
Links to Popular Guinea Pig Websites

Hi! My name is Ted I'm the brown one. I am almost five years old. I love to eat veggies and alfalfa and I love to lay down and nap on my very own blankie. If you see any pictures of me, you can tell I love to eat because I am a little husky. But I still remain very active and "patrol" the living room to make sure everything is okay. When I am in a good mood, I will let you cuddle with me. But when I am in a bad mood, you better watch out and give me treats or you'll be sorry!!! I had a little sister named patches. She is next to me in the picture. She was brown and white. She was very gentle, but if you got in her way, you'd better watch out! She loved to be cuddled all the time and would fall asleep with my human on the floor of the living room. She passed away just this year on April 16, 1999. We all miss her dearly. My humans have read many,many books and websites about guinea pig care. If you have a question about your guinea pig, or if you just want to tell us about him or her please e-mail me,Ted, by clicking on the e-mail adress at the bottom of this page. This site is always under constuction so please bear with us. Thank you for visiting The World of Guinea Pigs. Please come back soon and be sure to tell all your friends who love Guinea Pigs about us! This is a new page & there will be much more to come real soon!!! Please feel free to e-mail comments or questions .

*Update* Ted passed away peacefully and surrounded by family on December 2, 2001. He was a happy, lively pig of eight years. He will forever be in our hearts and will be deeply missed. This website is dedicated to him and will continue helping other guinea pigs owners in his honor.

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