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1. I Choose you! Pikachu!
Ash gets Pikachu from Professor Oak. Pikachu doesn't really like Ash too much, and puts up a struggle when Ash wants him to get in the POKeBALL. So, Pikachu simply follows Ash around. Ash beings his quest to catch all of the POKeMON in the world.
2. Pokemon Emergency

As Ash and Pikachu wander away from Pallet. Ash spots a Pidgey. He throws a POKeBALL, but it knocks it away. Then something which I cannot remember happens, and Ash hits a Spearow on the head with a POKeBALL. Spearow, being a hot-tempered POKeMON, goes after Ash, and then (after something else whihc I cannot remember), Pikachu gets hurt. Ash grabs Pikachu, and starts running. A whole flock of Spearow chase them.

I think Ash trips, and they tumble down a waterfall and come out near a girl (Misty). They climb out, and Ash grabs Misty's bike, sticks Pikachu into the little basket, and pedals away. Unfortunately, Ash hits something, and they get tossed off of the bike. Pikachu lays on the ground. Ash gets up, and stands between Pikachu and the Spearow, as if to sacrifice himself for Pikachu. Just before the Spearows can touch Ash, Pikachu jumps onto Ash's shoulder, then into the air. He unleahes a masive Thunder attack, scaring the Spearows away.

Ash takes Pikachu to the POKeCENTER. As Ash waits for Pikachu, Misty arrives, and demands that Ash buy he a new bike. Ash won't, and Misty gets really angry, and says that she's going to follow him around until he pays her back. Ash doesn't really care.

Pikachu gets better. As the group is about to leave, Team Rocket, who noticed how powerful an atttacks Pikachu unleashed, come in and try to catch Pikachu. Pikachu just zaps Meowth, Jesse, her POKeMON, Ekans, James, and his POKeMON, Koffing. Ash, Misty and Pikachu go off, and the episode ends.

3. Ash Catches a Pokemon

I don't fully remember this episode. I thnk Ash catches Pidgey, after Misty tells Ash that you have to weaken a POKeMON in order to catch it. Then, another POKeMON, Caterpie, climbs onto Misty when she isn't looking. Then she looks, gets all freaked out, and Ash resolves to catch it. He beats it with Pidgey, because Pidgey is a bird, and birds fight well against bugs. So Ash gets another POKeMON.

But then, Team Rocket arrives. Pikachu is too tired to battle. Pidgey is beat by Ekans and Koffing. So it looks like Ash will have to hand over Pikachu. But then, Caterpie intervenes and wraps Team Rocket up in Cocoon-like string, and they are beaten.

After that, Caterpie puts his head up, and sprays himself. He evolves into a hard shell. Ash looks in his POKeDEX, and finds out that Caterpie evolved into Metapod, and will eventually evolve into Butterfree. Ash is happy, and the group continues on.

4. Samurai's Challenge

Ash meets a funny kid dressed like a Samurai. He challenges him to a duel, and they both whip out Metapods. There's a long sequence where the Metapods, who are unable to attack, just sit there, and Ash and the "samurai" looks at each other, neither of them willing to give up. Then , everyone hears a loud buzzing noise, and the Samurai takes his POKeMON and leaves. A large swarm of Bee POKeMON emerges from the nearby woods. They swipe Metapod. Ash gets angry, and vows to get him back (surprise, surprise ^_^).

Something happens, and the group ends up in the Samurai's house. The boy tells them about the Beedrills, the POKeMON that swiped Metapod. He tells them where Metapod might be.

Ash goes to get Metapod. The POKeMON is laying there, under a tree full of Kakunas, the POKeMON that evolve into Beedrill. Ash tries to tip-toe in, but he makes a noise, waking the Beedrill. He nabs Metapod, and runs, just as the some of the Kakunas hatch from their pods.

(I don't remember how this episode ends ^_^)

5. Showdown in Pewter City

Ash and Misty can see Pewter Cityin the horizon, but first, they need to take a rest. Ash sits on a big rock, and as they sit, a man below them speaks up. He says that Ash is sitting on some of his wares, as the man is a rock seller! Anyway, the bearded man leads the two into town to the POKeMON Center.

Nurse Joy points out a poster in the POKeMON Center. Ash learns about the POKeMON League tournament, but also find out he needs badges in order to enter. There's a gym in Pewter! Misty offers to help Ash train, but he says no, as he thinks he's too good to need help. Misty stomps off, and Ash heads to the Gym.

Ash meets and challenges Brock, the leader of Pewter gym. Ash is quickly beaten by Brock's powerful POKeMON, Onix, who simply squeezes Pikachu until Ash is forced to surrender. Afterward, a mysterious man helps train Pikachu by shocking Pikachu a lot, which helps Pikachu's electric threshold. Ash also finds out that Brock takes care of all of his little brother and sister, without the help of his their parents. Apparently, Brock's father ran away to become a POKeMON master, and Brock's mother died when she tried to raise all of the children by herself. Still, Ash wants to get his first badge, and he challenges Brock to a duel.

Even with the advanced training, Pikachu is unable to beat Onix, the gargantuan Rock POKeMON. Then Pikachu accidentally his a sprinkler in the ceiling, causing it to spray water all over Onix, then Pikachu zaps Onix again, and Onix is beaten. Ash doesn't want the badge, though, because he didn't win fairly. But Brock says a win is a win.

Ash asks Brock to join him, but Brock can't, because he has to take care of is younger siblings. Then the mysterious man arrives, and reveals himself as Brock's father, who abandoned Brock and his brothers and sisters a long time ago. After a brief family moment, Brock's father says he'll raise his children, and that Brock can join Ash and Misty. So, the episode ends.


The creature on the POKeMON page are from the game POKeMON, and they are creatured by Nintendo, Creatures, and/or Game Freak, and are their property. The layout of the GOMF site, as well as much of the content, is made by me Tim Reilly/Moogle/GOMF and is copyright 1997,1998,1999