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Fighting POKeMON

Onix 90HP

Rock Throw: 10dmg (1fght)

Harden: If opponent deals less that 40 damage next turn, prevent it. (2 fght)

Weak grass retreat 3
I really don't like Onix.he doesn't do anything really useful. I suppose he's a stall card, but if you draw him late, he's downright aweful.
Machop Family
Machop 50HP Machoke 80HP Machamp 100HP
Low Kick: 20dmg (1 fght)

Karate Chop: 50 minus number of damage counters on Machoke. (2 fght 1clr)

Submission: 60dmg. 20dmg to Machoke. (2 fght 2clr)

POWER: Strikes Back: Whenever he's damage by attack, he does 10dmg back.

Seismic Toss: 60dmg (3fght 1clr)

Weak: psy retreat 1 Weak:psy retreat 3 Weak: psy retreat 3
Your typical "build 'em up and pound 'em" POKeMON families. Note that Machop is one of the strongest basic POKeMON that can evolve.
Hitmonchan 70HP

Jab: 20dmg (1 fght)

Special Punch: 40dmg (2 fght, 1clr)

Weak: Psy Retreat: 2
Another card that's good right away. While others are spending their time evolving their POKeMON, you can be pounding them with this guy.
Diglett Family
Diglett 30HP Dugtrio 70HP

Dig: 10dmg (1fght)

Mud Slap: 20dmg (2fght)

Slash: 40dmg (3fght 1clr)

Earthquake: 70dmg. 10dmg to all of your benched PKMN

Weak: grass Resist: -30 ele Weak: grass Resist: -30 ele
Not one of my favorite families. Medicore at best.
Sandshrew 40HP
Sand Attack: 1dmg. Next turn, if the defending POKeMON attacks, it flips a coin. Tails nullifies the attack.
Weak grass Resist -30 ele Retreat 1
An okay POKeMON. Great if you're lucky. I once did 60 damage straight with this guy.

The creature on the POKeMON page are from the game POKeMON, and they are creatured by Nintendo, Creatures, and/or Game Freak, and are their property. The layout of the GOMF site, as well as much of the content, is made by me Tim Reilly/Moogle/GOMF and is copyright 1997,1998,1999