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Site FAQ

The GOMF History!

Sometimes, I get asked "Well nice site but what IS the GOMF? does it stand for? Where did come from?

Well, the GOMF stands for the Guild of Mooglelian Fun. It was created some time in late 1997/early 1998 by me, Moogle/Tim Reilly for the online game Monarchy. Although it was kinda of a joke, it was meant to be a non-aggresive guild in a war game.

Later on, my second in command, Mullagan/Chris Mullen, created a little site on Angelfire for the GOMF. Soon we had all of the GOMF info on it, adn we started putting other little things, like a little ASCII guy gallery, and the little moogle games.

Then, I started adding other stuff to the site, like the Square Galleries. With each other thing I put on, the "fun" section got bigger and bigger as compared to the guild site. So I moved it to a different directory.

After a while, I got tired of the whole Square site scene. I feel that most of the Square sites are almost all the same. Although many of them have excellent design, none of them have content that isn't in ten other sites. So, I put the Square galleries in an archive type site on Icestorm, and I turned the site into solely a POKeMON/Links site. I'm still waiting for a better place to house my site! (Though, with all of the Square Galleries on another site, I've got much more room!!)  


Site Design considerations

I, be an aspiring web site designer, often consider many things for the layout of my site. I hope to help others design sites by putting my design decisions, and rationale, here. Got any comments? Be sure to mail me at I'll accept any chance to be open-minded about design.

Frame Sidebar vs. Table Sidebar- I've tried both, and for a while, I had a frame sidebar, due to my constant changing of the sidebar content. Then, two things got me to the format that I use today. One, I got a program called Dreamweaver, which allows me to update all of my pages to a template. Second, I totally removed the sidebar totally. I found that people only look at one section at a time, so I built the navigation to go only to the basic sections. How often does someone need to go from the Guide to Route 12 to my awards? I'd say that's awefully rare. Thus, my site design reflects this logic.

Odd Pastel coloring- I've seen soooooo many sites with one of the two formats:

  • Black background, red text. Usually lots of skulls and lightening bolts.
  • Predominantly blue background, images. Verdana font.

So, I've used a design that (as far as I know) is pretty original. I like this design, and I find it pretty uplifting.

No affiliations/ Button Exchanges- This is a thing I abolutely HATE from the forty or so Square sites out there. Not only are many of the sites the same content, they also links to three or four other similar sites! Although the idea is a noble one, it's execution is horrendous.

It's a one-man operation- Although it's a lot of work for this site, I'm pretty sure about not "hiring" other people. Lots of sites (especially Square sites) have a staff of five or ten people, and it seems that the majority of them just post news. So, in the hope of not contributing to the trend myself, I've kept this page run by me only.

5MB at Angelfire vs. 25MB at Geocities- For me, this one's simple. Although Geocities does offer more space and options, it forces you to have a pop-up banner on evey page (which, by the way, no-one actually reads) as well as a manidtory floating "G" on the bottom right of every page,. Angelfire's linking back is completely optional, and there are no pop-ups. As a result of my satifaction with Angelfire, I've reccomended it to dozens of people. This is something that I feeel is good buisness. I'm sure that Angelfire recieve much more revenues from the dozen people that I've reccomended than the revenues from idoitic self-promotion of geocities.

No huge paid Avertisements or Link Banners- I'm sure this site could go commercial. But, I don't currently need money, nor is my development of my web design abilites hinged upon my ability o make money. Also, even simple banners are ugly, and content-killing. I'm in no rush for this site to get popular, so I don't have thirty or so huge "Vote for me on the top 10/50/45/66/69/99/150/123141 POKeMON sites!!! Now! Or I'll be soooo unmotivated, I won't ever work on this page!". I figure that my good content will eventually win over the sites with a bunch of cheats and a list of the names of the POKeMON in the game.

Light vs. Dark background- I touched on this before, but the reason I choose light doesn't stem solely from the black/red combo overuse. When black background is used, it tends to serve as a decoration. Thus, the page look more "full". Other colors tend to pop-up out of black, as well. So why do I use white? Because it forces me to use good design and coloring. Without that extra distraction that balck provides, the rest of my design stands out. White background also allows for the pale pastels that I use on this site, as black makes these colors look awkward and sometime, ugly.

No ultra-slick design- I try to avoid web cliches on my pages, and although I'm certainly not stunningly innovative in my design, I do present what I feel is a fresh layout and stylization. One very, very common idea is that super-slick design means a good site. There are only a few people that can pull off this difficult design sucessfully. The majority of the "ultra-slick" sites are junk, due to people that over estimate their ability. I, being unexperienced, realize my limitaions, and I don't try to create a site that has this fast-moving, motion-intense design. Bandwidth is another consideration. I am perfectly capable of creating fantastic, mobile graphic animations. But, they are generally way oversized for the web. So, I don't punish those with slower modems.


Old Layouts!

Original Layout- Almost all text!

Second Layout- Woo! Pictures!

Third Layout- Like the second, but with a sidebar!

Fourth Layout- Oooh! Bubblicious!

Fifth Layout- Never actually made it online :P

Sixth Layout- It's pretty ugly... ^_^

Check out the awards my site has won!

Here's the Flash Intro that I made for my site

The creature on the POKeMON page are from the game POKeMON, and they are creatured by Nintendo, Creatures, and/or Game Freak, and are their property. The layout of the GOMF site, as well as much of the content, is made by me Tim Reilly/Moogle/GOMF and is copyright 1997,1998,1999