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Route 3

Go from Where to Where?

Pewter City to Mt. Moon

Catch What POKeMON?




Be sure to snag Jigglypuff while you are here. It's the only place in the game for you to get them.

Right before the enterance of Mt. Moon, you can go into a POKeCENTER. A man in there will sell you a Magikarp. If you're looking for big time power early on, and are willing to dedicate some time here and there, buy him here. He stinks and Magicarp, but he evolves into Gyarados. Later on, you can fish for this guy pretty easy, but if you grab him now, you can train him along the way, and he'll be kickin' butt in no time.

Head into Mt. Moon, where your quest continues!

The creature on the POKeMON page are from the game POKeMON, and they are creatured by Nintendo, Creatures, and/or Game Freak, and are their property. The layout of the GOMF site , as well as the JavaScript POKeDEX, the original games, and the Super POKeGUIDE are made by me Tim Reilly/Moogle/GOMF and are copyright 1997,1998,1999