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My entire fansub collection is for sale! E-mail me an offer. Going cheap!

Fansubbed Titles
Newest Titles Added
Other Anime Lists
Most Wanted

--Updated November 27, 2000. Pages : updated main.

Distribution is closed until January 2nd! All orders placed will be shipped by Christmas or I will issue you a refund, shipped at my expense. -Please don't e-mail me asking for commercially released fansub titles, I'm a nice guy and would distribute a copy to all of you, but I don't want to go to jail. Hope you understand.

-I may try an experiment and put back some of the "h" titles I took off, but if the policies can't be followed, I'll remove them all permanently. Look for the additions in December (hopefully).

--Trading is open.

Introduction: Well, enjoy my page! It took me all of two hours to make! If you just like to chat about anime, e-mail me too! I am quite opinionated, if you want to know about a series or are seeking an opinion on it or anything, e-mail me! I'm not like some of these jerks who never bother to respond to questions, I actually respond! Though I ignore asanine questions and requests when distro is closed.
