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Parting of the Heart

by: Donald A. MacCord

'twas heavy of heart I felt that day
with my hand upon her coffin.
I bent my knees and knelt to pray as 
I had done so very often.

The words came forth for God to hear
but I knew I need have no fears.
Her life a testement to love for me
would forever in my eyes cause tears.

I stood afoot the new made grave
a red rose in my hand.
I looked to heaven that gray dull morn
and swore I heard her say:

'My Love, my Love, I release you now
The time has come to part.
Seek out the love I gave to you
you'll find it in another's heart.'

I place the rose upon the stone
and kissed it's resting place.
I turned and walked the winding path
to find another's grace.

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