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A Love Song for Mother

by: Donald A. MacCord

I lay and I watched as she busied about
from her I had love of that there was no doubt
An image of beauty, of safety and strength,
I could rest easy, for she was at arms length.

She gave to me what I was want to find,
a river of sweetness, and eyes that shined.
Her smile said it all and radiated her love,
Her touch so soft,  like the wings of a dove,

The touch of her hand as she laid it on me,
the warmth of her cheek was enough to see
No fear or aches or woes would I feel,
For I was of her and she was in me.

I knew that the days would rapidly soon pass
and the time soon would come when no longer a lass,
that I would give to my child the lessons well taught,
that a mother's love can never be bought.

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