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New antenna configuration at KB1XI - April 2012.
(No, it's not a 4 dollar crow zapper.

The tower has been reconfigured for just four antennas, A 10M hamstick dipole,
a 17M wire dipole, a 20M wire dipole and the Diamond X510 for 2M and 70 Cm.
New picture with this configuration will be posted soon.
Elevation at the antenna(s) mounting point on the tower is 500 ft. ASL.

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should have been here. I would like to extend to you an invitation to a friendly, high-tech hobby that's got something fun for everyone! You can become an Amateur Radio operator (Ham! and no it's not CB)--no matter what age, gender or physical ability. People from all walks of life pass their entry-level exam and earn their Amateur (ham) Radio license. They all share the diverse world of activities you also can explore with ham radio. The only thing that will prevent you from becoming a Ham and sharing the fun is not taking the first step. That first step is to click on the links provided at the right and bottom of this page.

My interest in radio started just about 45 years ago when I got my first CB license. It did not take long and I soon found out I was not satisfied with CBs limitations. I got my first Ham license in 1965 with the call sign WA1ENM. I had a technician license but it was not like the "Tech" license of today. It was very limited. 50 Mhz and above. Today Techs enjoy priveledges in both the voice and CW (morse code) wavelengths 28 MHZ and above. I now hold an Amateur-Extra class license, callsign KB1XI which grants full privileges on all amateur radio bands and this ability has provided me with endless hours of enjoyment and countless opportunities to meet people both locally and worldwide. Many have become lifelong friends. The most memorable occasion was during a ham radio class that I taught. One of my students, Anne (who obtained her license from my class) later became my XYL (wife), KA1RCA. I could spend many pages discribing the countless ways that an individual can utilize ham radio and it's myriad aspects and I may do that at a later time. The link below for the ARRL (American Radio Relay League) which is recognized worldwide as the leading resource for Amateur Radio has all the information you can possibly need to become well informed. So again I invite you to give it a try. You may be very pleased that you did.

My currunt station layout

Other useful Links


10-10 International Net

Interstate Repeater Society

Antenna length Calculator

Early History of Radio