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My Life in a Nutshell

*This page is currently under construction!*

(and probably will be forever, since I never have time to work on it...)

Hi, and thanks for coming in to visit my home page! Most of you probably already know me, but in case you don't, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Beth Blazon. I am a 1996 graduate of Bishop Guertin High School. I am now a senior (already???) at Boston University . I'm graduating May 21, 2000 at 2pm. (Not that I'm counting, or anything!) My major is Occupational Therapy. If you're not sure what that is, check out the American Occupational Therapy Association website. I love school, and I love Boston, because there is so much to do here! When I'm not in class, I work at Spire, a pre-press, web design, and digital printing company, in the Back Bay. It's a great company to work for, and I'm sure the owners will appreciate this little bit of advertising...

When I'm not at school I live with my mom in Hudson, New Hampshire. We just moved there in February of '99. I grew up in Pelham, New Hampshire, a very small town which most people have never heard of! My mom is the school secretary at St. Patrick School, a small Catholic elementary school in Pelham. She is a wonderful, loving, patient mom, and without her I'm sure I wouldn't be where I am today!

My favorite pastime and first love is dancing. I've taken classes in tap (which I REALLY love!), ballet and pointe (which I don't love so much), jazz, and modern dance. I have been taking classes and dancing in competitions since I was 3 years old, and it has really become a very important part of my life.

I am also a HUGE NFL Football fan! My favorite team is the San Francisco 49ers, but I love the Patriots too. (Besides, my mom would kill me if I didn't mention them; she's the biggest Pats fan around!)

I love Snoopy, and collect Snoopy and Woodstock stuff, but it's so hard to find - so if anyone knows of a "Snoopy Connection" let me know.

One of my other loves is music. For a page filled with my favorite music links, click on the little CD to your left!

My best friend Amy recently started working on her own homepage, and she's VERY proud of it! Click here to see it.

**Click on the picture below to see a page of wolf links (my favorite animal) **

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