<Couro> |The next morning... Couro and Tenal's bedroom...|
* Couro lies nestled comfortably between Tenal and Trowa, sound asleep
* Trowa` lays on his side away from the others, staring at the wall, replaying everything in his mind.
<Trowa`> (How did I get into this? I know it seems wrong, but yet it seems all so right)
* Couro opens his eyes a little and blinks at Trowa
<Couro> ....
* Couro cuddles up against Trowa's back and kisses his shoulder
<Couro> ....are you alright?
* Tenal` lays up against Couro, snoring lightly
* Trowa` blinks a few times
<Trowa`> Yeah.... just fine
* Couro nuzzles the back of his neck a little
<Couro> ...hmn...
* Trowa` sighs and relaxes a little
* Couro snakes an arm around Trowa's chest and sighs contentedly
* Tenal` wakes up and blinks
<Couro> ...you seem a little tense... I guess you've never been with another man before?
* Trowa` blushes
<Trowa`> well, it's not that..... it's just that.... I've never been with two at once
<Couro> Did you like it?
* Trowa` nods
* Couro smiles and kisses his shoulder
* Tenal` props himself up on his left arm and looks at them
<Tenal`> So THAT"s what Trowa looks like when his hair is a mess
* Couro looks back at Tenal and laughs
* Tenal` reaches over Couro and musses up Trowa's hair some more
* Couro smiles
<Couro> ...Go back to sleep, you two...
<Couro> It's only 7 am and we don't have school today.
* Trowa` rolls over and plays with Tenal's and Couro's hair
<Trowa`> so Tenal, gonna do any more sketches today?
* Couro smiles at him
* Tenal` smiles and blushes
<Couro> Probably several after last night
<Tenal`> you want me to draw any of you?
* Trowa` smiles softly
<Trowa`> well, I would like a series done.... maybe one of me and Couro
* Couro cuddles up to Trowa and nuzzles his neck
<Couro> ...later... I'm exhausted.
* Tenal` curls up behind Couro and nuzzles with him
<Tenal`> I'm tired as well..... after all that we did last night
* Tenal` looks at the room and all the clothes and such scattered everywhere
* Couro smiles and pulls Tenal's arm around his waist
<Tenal`> (boy, it's gonna take FOREVER to clean this up)
<Couro> Hmn... you're not the one that had to accompany two men, one right after the other...
* Trowa` nuzzles closer to Couro, resting his head against Couro's chest
<Trowa`> well, after you fell asleep Tenal and I had a little fun ourselves
* Tenal` blushes deeply and starts to shrink under the covers
* Couro mock pouts
<Couro> Without me?
* Couro folds Trowa's head in his arms and plays lightly with his hair
<Couro> ...was it good?
<Tenal`> we.... didn't want to wake you
<Trowa`> and it was pretty good
* Couro laughs and kisses the top of Trowa's head
* Tenal` musses Couro's hair
<Couro> ....it's alright...
<Tenal`> hey, he's not all yours ya know
<Couro> ...well, you  had your quality time with him last night.
<Couro> I'm taking mine now.
* Tenal` mumbles
* Couro cuddles Trowa possesively
* Trowa` sighs and falls asleep in Couro's arms
<Couro> Come and hold me Tenal...
* Couro strokes Trowa's hair lightly
* Tenal` falls asleep nuzzled with Couro in his arms
* Couro smiles and drifts slowly back to sleep
<Couro> << wee... scene change? o_o >>
<Tenal`> <<yeah.... later that day>>
<Couro> |Later that day...|
* Couro lounges in an arm chair with his legs dangling over one side and his resting on the other arm
* Couro closes his eyes and sighs, a soft smile on his face
* Tenal` is resting against the sofa, sketch pad in hand, pencil flying fast and furious
<Tenal`> Come on Trowa, pout sexily for me
* Trowa` standing across the room wearing only a pair of pants, posing for Tenal
* Couro chuckles and sits up, then looks at Trowa
<Couro> ...make him take the pants off ^.^
* Tenal` blushes
<Tenal`> not now Couro.... those come off in a few minutes
* Couro smiles and joins Tenal on the couch so he can watch the drawing
<Couro> ...hmn...
* Trowa` turns around and looks over his shoulder, the back of the pants dropping a couple of inches
* Couro glances from the drawing back to Trowa
<Couro> It's good so far, but Trowa hasn't got a bulge in his pants like that yet.
* Couro smiles at Trowa
<Couro> ...and I thought you were the shy type.
* Tenal` turns and spits his mouthful of soda all over the floor
* Trowa` blushes
<Trowa`> well..... a friend of mine told me to lighten up a little
* Tenal` turns the sketchpad so that Trowa can see
<Tenal`> you like that??
<Couro> ....when do I get to join him?
* Trowa` blushes even deeper and turns around, something protruding from the top of his pants
<Tenal`> Umm...... soon.... very soon.... maybe you can help him out of his pants
* Couro laughs
<Couro> ...sounds like fun.
* Tenal` grins
<Trowa`> umm.....su....sure
* Trowa` stands and awaits Couro
* Couro goes over to him and slips his hand down the front of his pants, then kisses him softly
<Tenal`> ok... hold that pose
* Tenal` quickly sketches them
<Tenal`> wow.... that looks good
* Couro smiles at Tenal
<Couro> Let us see... ^^
* Tenal` turns the sketchpad for them
<Couro> That is good...
* Trowa` looks and instantly has a nosebleed
<Trowa`> I didn't know..... your bulge was THAT big
<Couro> ^^;;
* Couro laughs and kisses Trowa's neck
* Couro wraps one arm around Trowa's neck and uses the other to remove his pants
<Couro> ...you're cute when you blush.
* Trowa` blushes even deepr
* Tenal` sketches a series of pics on the same page, sipping at his soda while he does it
<Tenal`> Trowa, how about helping Couro out of his pants as well
* Trowa` blushes
* Couro grabs Trowa's hands and slides them down to his rear
<Trowa`> umm..... err..... su...sure
<Couro> ...please do.
* Trowa` blushes even deeper and starts to do what Couro had done to him
<Tenal`> Yeah baby.... that works wonderfully
* Tenal` sketches quickly, flipping pages every several seconds
* Couro pulls back a little, his toungue touching Trowa's
* Couro rids Trowa of his boxers as well and smiles impishly at him
* Trowa` dips Couro down and rests him against one knee, kissing him passionately and in one swift movement has Couro's pants off
* Tenal` just gazes at them
<Tenal`> woah.... where did you learn THAT?!
* Couro blinks and clings to him
* Couro pulls back a bit
* Trowa` grins
<Couro> Just draw, Tenal... this has got to be one of the best poses...
<Trowa`> I learned that from a couple of friends of mine
* Couro wraps his arms tightly around Trowa's neck and kisses him
* Tenal` sketches several pictures and holds them up for them to see
* Couro smiles and nuzzles Trowa's neck
* Trowa` blinks and kisses Couro on hte forehead
<Couro> ....you're good at this.
<Trowa`> you're so much fun to pose with
* Couro smiles up at him
<Couro> So are you ^^
* Couro kisses his cheek
* Tenal` blushes
<Tenal`> well well well..... looks like we have a new friend
<Couro> ....hmn....
* Tenal` grins and sketches a few more pictures
<Couro> ...let's get a little more risque....
<Tenal`> I just hope that nothing ruins this perfect day
* Trowa` sighs
<Trowa`> yeah.... it's wonderful
* Trowa` sniffs at the air
<Trowa`> umm.... Tenal... do you have anything baking by any chance?
* Tenal` sniffs the air
* Couro blinks and sniffs
<Tenal`> not that i.... know of
<Couro> Tenal >_<
<Couro> ...so what is that? o_o
* Tenal` shrugs
<Tenal`> I think Trowa spoke too soon
* Tenal` drops the sketch pad and leaps to his feet and then across the room to the window
<Couro> << brb >>
<Couro> << back >>
* Couro follows him, forgetting his current nude state
<Couro> Do you see anything?
* Tenal` scans the horizon
<Tenal`> Ummm.... aside from that fairly large mech carrier and the ten dozen mobile suits with it
<Couro> T_T
<Couro> ...maybe they won't do anything?
* Trowa` looks as well
<Trowa`> I think they're getting ready to open fire
<Couro> On what?!
* Couro shields his eyes from the sun with his hand and squints
<Couro> ...they couldn't... not here... this area is filled with civilians!
* Tenal` is nearly knocked from his feet as the building shakes
<Couro> They wouldn't!
<Tenal`> they did
<Couro> Ahh!!
* Couro drops to his knees, clutching the window
<Couro> ...damn!
<Couro> Why?"!
* Trowa` grabs his pants, shirt, and shoes and wrestles to pull them on
* Couro scrambles to his feet and tugs his pants back on, then quikly pulls on his shirt
<Trowa`> Come on... it's time to get our own suits and go teach them a lesson
* Couro looks about frantically for his shoes, then shakes his head
<Couro> Right...
* Couro heads for the door without his shoes
* Tenal` nearly yanks the door from the hinges, then slams it shut when flames come at him
<Tenal`> Shimatta!
* Couro frowns
<Couro> ...that's not good.
* Trowa` shrugs
<Trowa`> any other ways out of here??
<Couro> If we go out the window, we'll be shot down...
* Tenal` hmmmmms and thinks for a minutes
<Tenal`> what about the fire escape?
<Tenal`> <<what floor is the apartment on?>>
<Couro> << Dunno... 12th? >>
<Tenal`> <<yeeks>>
* Trowa` is knocked from his feet as a missile sheers the side of the building that had the fire escape off
<Couro> ...maybe...
<Tenal`> ummm..... scratch that
<Couro> Damn!
* Couro leans against the wall for support
<Tenal`> Couro, get the fire extinguishers from the kitchen
<Couro> ...we could try the window?
<Couro> That's not going to help >_<
<Tenal`> we'd be sitting ducks
* Couro sighs and goes to get them anyway
<Tenal`> it'll buy us some time in the hallway
* Trowa` throws on his leather jacket and zips it up
<Couro> ...right...
<Trowa`> I'll go first and play fire fighter
* Couro touches his shoulder
<Couro> Be careful...
<Trowa`> (and hope I don't get burned to a cinder)
* Trowa` nods reassuringly
<Trowa`> <<hand him da fire extinguisher>>
<Couro> << I'm so hungry ;_; >>
* Tenal` pulls on his own leather jacket and a pair of leather chaps
* Couro hands him a fire extinguisher, then tosses the other one to Tenal
<Tenal`> I'll be backup
<Tenal`> Couro, the minute we get the flames down I want you to take off for the stairwell. we'll be behind you
* Couro opens a drawer and pulls out a gun
<Couro> ...they might send some soldiers after us to make sure the job gets done.
<Tenal`> Toss me my chain gun, will ya Couro
<Couro> I'd feel safer watching your backs...
* Couro sighs and hands it over to him
* Trowa` kicks the door open and immediately begins spraying CO2 into the hallway, snuffing some of the flames
* Tenal` checks it, then clips it to his belt before following Trowa into the hall. He opens up and works on the flames as well
<Tenal`> Couro, get moving!
<Couro> ...right!
* Couro makes his way to the stair well, gun ready
* Trowa` starts to clear a path to the stairwell, the fire alarms that are whining in the hallway getting no heed
* Tenal` follows behind, making sure that everything is shut away
* Couro finally reaches the door and tries it
<Couro> It's locked...
<Tenal`> (I hope the fire proofing on the apartment works)
* Couro shoots the lock off, then kicks the door open
* Trowa` passes Couro the extinguisher
<Trowa`> well... that works, but I was going to try something else
* Couro laughs and hands it back to hi
<Couro> << m >>
<Trowa`> hold on to it... there might be soldiers out there waiting for us
<Couro> ...I have a gun.
<Trowa`> <<Trowa acrobatics lesson>>
<Couro> You don't.
<Couro> << woot? >>
<Trowa`> I want to get the drop on them before they get the drop on us
* Couro blinks
<Couro> ...well.. okay....
* Trowa` walks a few paces back before running forward and springing. He flips off of his hands and performs a cannon drill kick, knocking the door open and from its hinges
* Tenal` stares, his mouth hanging open
<Tenal`> holy....
* Couro blinks
<Couro> ....wow o_o
* Trowa` cartwheels out of the stairwell, a couple of gun shots ringing behind him
* Couro heads in after him, keeping his gun ready in case of soldiers
<Trowa`> that DEFINITELY surprised them
* Tenal` holds up his chain gun and flicks the safety off
* Couro sighs and shakes his head, then takes out a few of the unexperienced fighters easily
* Tenal` follows Couro into the stairwell
<Tenal`> well, now what? We're sitting ducks out in the open like this
<Couro> ...well... there's a window on the bottom floor in the stair well
<Couro> If we break it open, we'll be led into an alley
<Couro> ...there shouldn't be too many people there.
* Tenal` tosses the extinguisher off to the side and slides down the railing
<Tenal`> keep your eyes open
* Trowa` follows behind Tenal, both extinguishers in hand
* Couro follows after them, making sure no one follows
* Trowa` spots group of soldiers and heafts one of the extinguishers at them
* Couro begins firing at them, being careful not to waste bullets
* Tenal` fires a shot at the extinguisher, causing it to explode in the midst of the soldiers
* Couro blinks
* Tenal` grins
<Couro> ...hn... good thinking.
* Couro smiles at Tenal, then starts back down the stairs
<Tenal`> a faster way to get them out of our hair
<Couro> They must *really* hate us.
* Trowa` spots another group and bowls the extinguisher down the stairs, chuckling as the soldiers trip over it and tumble back down the stiars
<Trowa`> <stairs even>>
* Tenal` spots the group at the bottom of the stairs and opens up with his chain gun, filling them with a lot of hot lead
* Couro watches for a moment
<Couro> That's enough, Tenal... save your amo.
<Tenal`> awwww..... but I like to make sure they're good and dead
* Trowa` picks up the battered extinguisher
<Trowa`> at least we still have this
<Couro> Shoot them in the head once and you won't have to...
* Couro heads back down the stairs
<Couro> ....only one more floor and then we go out the window
* Trowa` follows behind Couro
* Tenal` stops and motions frantically for Couro to stop
<Tenal`> there's a big concentration around the window and the exit
* Couro stops as well
<Couro> ...huh?
* Trowa` heafts the extinguisher into the group
<Trowa`> SHOOT IT!
* Couro does just that
* Tenal` pulls the trigger on his gun, only to find it's jammed
* Trowa` drops and covers as the extinguisher explodes and takes the soldiers out
<Tenal`> Ok.... we got 'em. Let's head for the window
* Trowa` kicks the window open and rolls through it into the alley way
* Couro follows him, barely managing to dodge a bullet
<Couro> !!
* Tenal` flips through and opens up with a hail of bullets
<Trowa`> Which way?!
<Couro> ..ah.... left!
* Trowa` cartwheels to the left, dodging the hails of bullets like an expert
<Tenal`> eat blazing death you bastards!!!!
* Tenal` goes through ammo like there's no tomorrow, soldiers falling left and right
<Tenal`> Couro, get moving!
* Couro nods and follows after Trowa
<Couro> ...hurry up, Tenal!
<Tenal`> <<Kate.... are you lagging?>>
<Couro> << person on phone... won't go away. >>
* Tenal` fires off a few more rounds and follows behind them
<Tenal`> <<who be person on phone?>>
<Couro> << Jason... he's gone now >>
<Tenal`> <<oyo>>
<Couro> << wee... scene change to a small hill or something? o_o >>
* Trowa` reaches the end of the alley way and stops to wait for the others
<Trowa`> <<yah>>
* Couro catches up to him, panting
<Couro> |A small hill outside the city....|
* Couro stands on the hill, watching the last of the mobile suits leave the city
<Tenal`> Are we still going after them?
<Couro> Not now...
<Couro> There are too many.
<Couro> ....all of our things were in that apartment... you remembered to fire proof it, right
<Tenal`> But they nearly destroyed our apartment
* Tenal` nods
<Tenal`> we have no place to sleep tonight, remember.
<Couro> Well.... we could at least go and see if our things are in tact.
<Tenal`> I vote to go and kick their asses first, then find out
<Couro> Tenal... there are 120 of them and 3 of us.
<Couro> That's not a good idea.
<Couro> Even in the Gundams...
<Trowa`> With the firepower in HeavyArms we count for about 65
<Tenal`> and with the King of Swords that makes another 20
* Couro looks at them for awhile
<Couro> ...fine.
* Tenal` grins
<Couro> Fine, we'll try it.
<Tenal`> ok
* Couro smiles a little
<Couro> Let's go.
<Tenal`> <<to the woods?>>
<Couro> << woo... to the apartment later? Not in the mood for another fight scene. >>
<Couro> << ack... to the woods and then to the apartment... >>
<Tenal`> <<ok... we gotta see them getting into their gundams and taking off... they could land the gundams near the building>>
<Couro> << everything can be pretty much okay and the tv can be on talking about the cruelty of the gundams and pinning the explosion in them :D >>
<Couro> |The small hiding place in the woods...|
<Tenal`> <<I wanted to have some of Tenal's sketches messed up>>
<Couro> << Yesh >>
* Couro climbs into his Gundam and sighs
* Tenal` leaps onto a nearby pile of brush, vanishing into the hidden King of Swords
<Tenal`> come on Couro..... I'm good and ready to whip some tail!
<Couro> ...Heilig Weiss, start up!
<Trowa`> Just don't lose your concentration and let your anger take over. That's where most pilots make their mistakes
<Couro> Right....
* Couro lifts up into the air
<Couro> ....which way would they have gone?
* Tenal` grumbles something as his gundam emerges from the brush and takes swords in hand
<Tenal`> according to the radar they're heading west by south west
<Trowa`> I've got those coordinates as well.
* Couro presses a few buttons
<Couro> ....yeah... me too
* Trowa` takes HeavyArms skyward before kicking in the after burners
<Tenal`> Trowa.... hold up!
<Couro> Let's do this...
* Tenal` kicks his gundam into high gear and follows Trowa into battle
* Couro blinks
* Couro goes after Tenal
<Tenal`> For the good of the world, and for payback for what they did to the city!!
<Tenal`> <<now to after the battle>>
<Couro> |After the battle... the apartment...|
* Couro nudges a table with his foot. It crumbles
<Couro> ....o_o
* Couro sighs and turns on the tv
<Couro> ...well... maybe this at least cleared up our reputation.
* Tenal` picks up some scattered papers and sees they're some of his sketches with black marks drawn all over them
<Couro> |A female reporter is on talking about how the gundams destroyed the city...|
<Tenal`> those....those.....those
* Tenal` punches a wall and watches a large hole form around his fist
* Couro sighs at the tv and goes to hug Tenal tightly
<Couro> ...you can draw more.... Trowa and I will pose for you again soon.
* Trowa` plops down on the couch and drops his jacket onto the floor
<Tenal`> they weren't those pictures.
<Couro> Which ones were they?
<Tenal`> they were the really special ones that I drew.... the peaceful landscapes.
<Tenal`> the happy people.... the ones I colored with those special pencils you bought me
* Couro kisses his cheek softly
<Tenal`> they're all.... ruined
* Tenal` has his voice crack on the last word
<Couro> ...we'll go back to all those places... and you can draw them again...
<Couro> And I'll buy you more pencils...
* Couro hugs him tightly
<Couro> It's alright
<Tenal`> it won't be the same..... those places are all gone now, thanks to this stupid war
* Trowa` stands up, walks over to Tenal, and gives him a big hug
<Couro> Tenal...
<Trowa`> We'll find new places for you to draw, new people for you to sketch, new things, better things, more beautiful things
* Couro looks up at him sadly
<Couro> ...that's right...
* Tenal` shows them the remains of the three of them by the fountain at the school
* Couro looks at the picture for the moment, then smiles encouragingly at Tenal
<Tenal`> I was going to frame this and hang it
<Couro> ...you have such a good memory...
<Couro> You can make a replica easily.
* Tenal` sighs
<Tenal`> I know, but I just want some revenge for what they did
<Couro> ...at least we're all okay...
* Tenal` glances out the window at the King of Swords, the fading sunlight reflecting off of the golden parts of the armor
<Couro> Focus on the good things...
<Trowa`> We're all still alive, the damage is minor, and we have our health
<Couro> And finding another place to stay won't be hard...
<Couro> We'll just high jack another truck and find a hotel to stay at for awhile.
* Tenal` pulls away from the pair, sits down with sketch pad and pencil in hand, and sketches the three gundam units. He then takes some colored pencils and begins to fill in the white spaces
<Couro> ...you know I'm good at making truckers stop...
* Couro watches him quietly
<Trowa`> I know where the best hotels are
<Trowa`> (I thank my lucky stars that Quatre liked to travel)
<Couro> ...maybe on the way you can tell us about your old friends if you want, Trowa ^^
* Trowa` reaches into his leather jacket and pulls out a small case. He opens it and assembles a flute, which he places to his lips and starts to play
* Couro smiles at him
<Trowa`> say Couro, do you know how to play the violin?
* Couro blushes a bit
* Tenal` wanders off to gather his sketch stuff, some clothes, some food, and money
<Tenal`> He learned the trombone
<Couro> ...I play violin just a little... horribly... I'm much better at trombone... and piano.
<Trowa`> that's pretty cool.
* Tenal` comes out holding a couple of cases as well as his pack and sketch books
<Tenal`> I play the violin and trumpet
<Tenal`> (aaaah, the lives of struggling artists)
<Couro> I like piano the best... it's more soothing...
<Tenal`> so, are you guys going to get ready?
* Trowa` picks up his jacket
* Couro nods a little and wanders into the bedroom to gather his things.
<Trowa`> I need to stop back at my apartment for a minute to get my gear together. Incidently, what are we going to do with them?
* Trowa` jerks a thumb at the gundams
* Tenal` shrugs
<Couro> ...that's what we hijack a big enough truck for.
<Tenal`> But we'd need three trucks
<Tenal`> <<brb>>
<Couro> << FOOD!1 >>
<Couro> We can attach three backs to one cab.
<Tenal`> <<aaaack.... back>>
<Tenal`> that'll work equally well, but what if we get pulled over?
* Trowa` shrugs
<Trowa`> Then we have a LOT of explaining to do
<Trowa`> <<scene change?>>
<Couro> << fooood ^^ >>
<Couro> Well...
<Couro> Okay, fine, you come up with an idea...
<Trowa`> I think the three backs to one cab sounds fine
<Couro> ...I still wanna hijack a car... it's been a long time...
* Tenal` looks at Couro like he has two heads
<Tenal`> since when did you know about hijacking?!
* Trowa` arches an eyebrow
* Couro grins at him
<Couro> Awhile ago, rookie.
<Trowa`> YOU, mister innocent, know about carjacking?
<Couro> Hey, I'm not innocent.
<Couro> You should know that.
<Tenal`> <<You think I'm sent from aaaaaabbbbooooveee... I'm not that innocent!>>
<Tenal`> but i thought you were sent from above
<Couro> And we've been able to handle the police before...
<Couro> Now shouldn't be any differnt.
* Couro laughs and kisses his cheek
<Trowa`> so, let's go and find us a truck
<Couro> ...only halfway
<Tenal`> <<weeeee... scene change?>>
<Couro> << to... Couro seducing his way into a guy's truck and then throwing him out of it? o_o >>
<Tenal`> <<while Trowa and Tenal watch from the bushes>>
<Couro> << right... could you play the truck driver? >>
<Tenal`> <<you're gonna have to play trucker person>>
<Couro> << we won't need Trowa or Tenal until after he's gone o_o >>
*** Trowa` is now known as Trucker_person`
<Couro> |A small, seemingly deserted high way...|
<Tenal`> <<but I wanted Tenal and Trowa to comment about Couro's seduction>>
* Couro stands on the side of the road, wearing a snug tank top and shorts
<Couro> ....
* Tenal` blinks from the bushes
<Couro> << they can afterwards >>
* Couro smiles as a truck comes towards him and holds his thumb out, winking at the driver
* Trucker_person` is driving down the lonely road, listening to the blues on the radio, his ragged shirt barely hanging together. He brushes his fingers through his beard as he looks for hitchhikers and.... fun
* Trucker_person` pulls to a stop, the trailer nearly flipping over the cab
<Trucker_person`> well, hello there sugarpie.
<Couro> ^^;;
* Couro opens the door and leans in
<Trucker_person`> You looking for a lift?
<Couro> Yeah... I'm all by myself out here... it'd be nice for some good company...
<Tenal`> (oh man, Couro has his work cut out for him)
<Trucker_person`> well, come on in and we'll shake things up
* Trucker_person` winks and strokes Couro's cheek
* Tenal` growls from the bushes
* Couro smiles and climbs in
<Tenal`> (Why that little.....?!)
<Trucker_person`> So, what's your name kid?
<Couro> MacKenzie Williams.
<Tenal`> <<HEY!>>
<Couro> << eet? I thought that sounded familiar ._. >>
<Couro> << Was Williams his last name? O_O >>
<Trucker_person`> Well MacKenzie, my name is Xander, and it's nice to finally have his company
<Tenal`> <<actually it was Andrews.... but still>>
<Tenal`> <<err.... his = some>>
<Couro> << well, Mackenzie is my favorite name *pout* >>
* Trucker_person` grins at Couro
<Trucker_person`> so, what are you in to?
* Couro smiles a bit
<Couro> ....what do you mean?
<Trucker_person`> you know..... sexually
* Tenal` fumes and twitches his hand on his chain gun
* Couro smiles a bit
<Couro> ...well... I really like guys with bears
<Couro> . o O ( ...Tenal, don't you dare screw this up for us. )
<Tenal`> (if that dirty rotten little son of a...... tries anything I'll blow his brains out!)
<Couro> << beards, too >>
* Trucker_person` strokes his beard
<Trucker_person`> really now
* Trucker_person` puts his hand on Couro's knee
* Couro nods, and stares demurely at the road ahead of them
<Trucker_person`> So, where you headed?
<Couro> ...you know... I really *should* repay you for picking me up...
* Trucker_person` blushes
<Trucker_person`> really?
* Couro nods
<Couro> ...anything you want...
* Trucker_person` adjusts himself
<Trucker_person`> well, if you really want to know, I haven't had a good blowjob for quite some time
<Couro> Hmn...
* Tenal` hears the word "blowjob" and his hand clamps around his chain gun
<Tenal`> (that's it.... trucker boy gets a new ear hole or ten!)
<Couro> ...well...
<Couro> I'm not really use to doing things like that in a truck...
<Couro> We could get out and go into the woods to do it...
<Trucker_person`> awww.... come on now. I have room in back for that type of thing
* Couro shakes his head
<Couro> No, really... I'm too shy for that...
<Tenal`> (Get.... him.... out.... of... the.... truck!)
* Trucker_person` puts his hands on Couro's sholders
<Trucker_person`> boy, you have a pretty mouth, and I want that around my piece NOW!
<Tenal`> <<should Tenal erupt from the bushes and scare teh shit out of the guy?>>
<Couro> << brb >>
<Couro> << back >>
<Couro> << no >>
<Couro> ...well, you can have it... just not in the truck...
* Couro opens the door
<Couro> ...I'm more than willing... just not right here.
<Trucker_person`> awwww.... ok sugar. You lead the way
* Trucker_person` grabs at Couro's ass
* Couro smiles and slides out of the truck, then dissappears into the bushes where Tenal and Trowa hie
<Couro> << hide >>
<Tenal`> (keep messing with my boyfriend and I will kill you dead!)
* Couro drops into a crouch by Tenal
<Couro> ...he's coming..
* Couro stands back up and motions to the driver
<Couro> ...well, come on... we don't have all night.
<Couro> << woot? >>
* Trucker_person` follows
<Trucker_person`> where are you leading me sweetie?
[Couro:#Leather_Angel` PING]
<Tenal`> <<now can Tenal pop up?>>
<Couro> ...just right here... come on... I'm waiting
<Couro> << yep >>
* Trucker_person` follows
* Tenal` eruptes from the bushes, chain gun drawn, laser sight aiming right at the trucker's head
<Tenal`> you're screwing with my boyfriend, and to be quite honest, I don't like it.
<Couro> ...don't kill him, just stun him.
<Tenal`> how can I stun him with a chain gun?
<Couro> Hit him with it...
* Couro moves behind the trucker and climbs back into the cab
* Tenal` flips the gun around and cracks the trucker over the head with it
* Trucker_person` crumples to the ground, naked couro's dancing around his head
*** Trucker_person` is now known as Trowa`
<Trowa`> Did you have to hit him so hard?
* Couro smiles a bit and leans out the door
* Tenal` climbs into the truck over Couro
<Couro> Come on, Trowa.
* Trowa` climbs in behind them
<Trowa`> I was convinced that Tenal was going to kill that poor guy
* Tenal` fumes
* Couro laughs and hugs Tenal tightly
<Couro> ....you know I wouldn't go through with it.
<Couro> If he got rough, I'd just knock him.
<Couro> << ...out >>
<Tenal`> Be glad I didn't kill him like I had wanted to
* Couro sighs and shakes his head
<Couro> ...you take the wheel.
* Trowa` chuckles and hands Couro a flannel shirt
* Tenal` gets behind the wheel and the first thing he does is to change the radio station to one with rock music
* Couro takes it and pulls it on
<Couro> Thanks...
<Tenal`> So, where did we leave the gundams?
<Couro> Right by the other two trailers.
* Tenal` puts the truck into reverse and backs up to where the other trailers are
<Tenal`> OK you two, get out and start hitching the trailers up
<Couro> ...right...
* Couro buttons the shirt up, shivering a bit and climbs over Trowa to get out.
<Couro> << wee... to the hotel? o_o >>
<Tenal`> <<hai>>
<Couro> |A small hotel room with one king sized bed|
* Couro sits and falls back onto the bed
<Couro> I hate being groped by smelly fat men
<Couro> I'm gonna take 89 showers T_T
* Trowa` emerges from the bathroom wearing only a pair of loose pants, a towel in his hands as he drys his hair
<Couro> My turn ^^
<Trowa`> you can do what you want, but wait for the hot water to come back on... the last five minutes of my shower was FREEZING!
<Couro> ...T_T
* Couro stands up and makes Trowa's already loose pants fall down
* Tenal` walks into the room with his arms laden with packages
<Tenal`> ok you guys, I have food, entertainment....
* Tenal` drops the packages when he sees Trowa's piece protruding from his boxers
<Tenal`> I see I walked in at a good time
* Couro laughs
* Trowa` blushes and pulls his pants up
<Couro> He used up all the hot water...
* Couro kisses Trowa's cheek
<Couro> ...what kinda stuff did you get for us?
<Tenal`> well, some new clothes, food, a three foot dildo, lube..... fun stuff
* Tenal` pulls out a small cat of nine tails and tosses it to Trowa
<Tenal`> use this if Couro gets out of hand
* Couro laughs
<Couro> ...that's not fair.
* Couro takes it from Trowa
<Couro> Trowa deserves it for using the hot water...
* Couro nuzzles his neck affectionately
* Tenal` sighs and hops onto the bed and turns on the magic fingers
* Trowa` playfully spanks Couro's ass
<Trowa`> I was kidding about using all the hot water, but you're gonna need more moisturizer
<Couro> Why? o_o
* Trowa` winks at him
<Trowa`> you'll see
<Couro> ...did you use that up? T_T
* Tenal` opens a bag of chips and starts to munch on it while flipping through the TV stations
* Trowa` winks and wags his finger
<Trowa`> that is.... a secret