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The 2000 Kittens

Its been a wonderful and busy year with the ringtails. I have added many photos and bios of other known ringtails. Solomon and I attended the Feline Genetics conference at UC Davis in July. And, several litters of kittens were born into the ringtail clan.


Out of all of the kittens born this year "Tip of the Toes" is the only full ringtail like his Grandfather. We now have some proof that the trait is passed on genetically though the mode is still a mystery. Tippy is a blue self with a white locket, belly spot and white tips to the toes of his back feet. Tippy carries his tail in a ring 80 - 90% of the time. Note the photos you see of Tippy are not flipped. Tippy can carry his tail to either side of his body depending on his mood. Tippy is 11 weeks old in these photos. Tippy is the son of Max Tail X Michelle and is one of 4 kittens in that litter.

Tip is long and lean

Tippys fur currently shows ghost mackeral tabby as his father has underlying mackeral and his mother underlying classic. Tip fur promises to have the silver frosting that his father Max has as an adult.

Another photo of Tippy

Tippys father Max is one gorgeous boy now weighing in at about 12lbs with a long lean muscular build. Tippys mother Michelle is 8lbs with a petite build. To see photos of Max and Michelle as kittens refer to the 1999 kitten photos. I hope to put some updated photos of the 1999 kittens soon so you can see how those cats have matured.