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For those who seek to know who is Dame Raven

May the Darkness Forever Shine Upon Thee

Well here is my updated pages I hope you all enjoy them and if not well who cares...
*evil grin*. Keep checking back for new updates.

A poem for you

As I came through the woods
I located my destination
It was a distant field, just beyond the trees
I was drawn to it by the glow from fires, and the sound of people
I came here to welcome lost children
Those here tonight where in midst a celebration
There singing brought a special harmony to natures night song
I sat and watched them dance round the circles of light
Men, women, and children alike
In the center of the circle a solitary couple stands embraced as one
The love they share reaches to me in the trees where I sit watching
They glow in the radiance of the moons light
I feel the power of the moon calling to me
I raise my head and release a cry to them and the moon itself
It is a cry of love, a welcome home, for they are kin
They gaze up into the star filled night, eyes locked to the moon
They slowly bring there focus to each other once more and smile
They know now they are home and family awaits them

Things to see while you are here.

My Poetry
My Friends
My Special One
About Me