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Nevin House's Resume

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NEVIN HOUSE 1600 N. Oak Street, Suite 1207 Arlington, VA 22209 703-276-0954 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Highly experienced but not limited to systems-level analysis and programming for a Windows client/server environment, especially using SQL server databases with Microsoft Visual Basic/Access or Visual Foxpro front-ends. Accounting system support and development in Windows NT and other versions of Windows. Worked in the capacity of a team leader for mission critical government systems. Knowledgeable about user-centered design for PC systems, including modem vs. LAN-based data communications. A reliable and resourceful developer/programmer interested in making a positive difference with a growth-oriented business that puts progress before politics. I am especially interested in developing financial Client/Server SQL applications, including statistical analysis reports and Internet features. I enjoy travel assignments. COMPUTER SKILLS Hardware: PCs: 386, 486, Pentium, Portable, Notebook Fax/Modems: 9600, 14.4k, 28.8, 33.6, 56 kbs fax/modem Monitors: VGA or SVGA, 13-17" diagonal screens Storage: Iomega Zip, CD-ROM, EasyFloppy, Floptical, SyQuest, Virtual Disk Imaging: Hand & Page Scanners, OCR, Conversion Utilities HP Printers: Deskjet family, Laserjet family, Paintjet Other Printers: Daisy Wheel, Dot Matrix, Inkjet, Laserjet Software: DBMS: Access/VB, Clipper, dBASE/VD, FoxPro/VFP, Paradox/VP Spreadsheet: Excel Macros, Lotus Macros, Quattro Pro, Supercalc, SAS WordProcessor: Word Macros, WordPerfect Macros, other WPs Dialers: Bitcom/fax, Procomm, Smartcom Fax/LE, Terminal, WinFax, Xtalk Interfaces: Arbiter, Carbon Copy Plus, DOS, Natural Connection, OS/2, Novell ONLAN, pcANYWHERE, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 95 LANs: 3Com, Banyan Vines, Lantastic, MS-LAN Mgr., Novell, Windows NTAS Client/Server: Visual FoxPro, Access/Visual Basic ODBC to Oracle, Sybase (DAO and RDO), Developer2000 for Oracle Microsoft Certification(1995): Windows, Networking, Access PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ITS - Ram Prasad/Darian Dennis 04/98-present DSWA - VB5 w/Kofax Image Controls: Developed ad hoc utilities and patched workflow software comprising Kofax and Wang image controls used for scanning, image enhancement/display, and image storage in TIF files; data for image handling and workflow stored in Access MDBs; Word macros developed and run within VB5 and external to the application; SQL for data handling. Scanners used included Fujitsu (ISIS) and Microtek (TWAIN) with sheet feeders and SCSI interfaces. USCS - Kofax Ascent Capture, Access, VB5: Developed VB5 viewers using Kofax and Wang image controls for viewing TIFs; tables, queries, macros, reports and modules developed and/or maintained in Access MDBs for identifying TIFs and totalling survey responses; installed and configured Kofax Ascent Capture, including Adrenalaine and Accelerator boards for use with Fujitsu and Bell & Howell scanners. DEA - Developer2000/SQL Plus: Developed Oracle front end to Oracle DBMS, creating Oracle Forms using Developer2000 and PL/SQL, including code blocks with Master/Detail relationships. PL/SQL coding was necessary to handle events on the forms. List Of Values used extensively for text box lookups. EDS/ABC - Sookie Spence/Steve Pearcy 02/98-03/98 Visual Basic/Access/Btrieve: Developed VB4 utilities to update mission-critical print server application for INS national WAN to facilitate processing of INS and Dept. of State (DOS) immigrant cards; enhanced VB summary graph to accommodate DOS cards; maintained and enhanced VB3 code for mission-critical CLAIMS3 system, including Executive Summary, Impact Analysis, Design/Program Specifications, UnitTest Plan; gave Peer Group presentation on fee change enhancements. TELCO/Select Staffing - Boyd Garrett 10/97-01/98 Visual Basic/Sybase/ISQL: Developed TSQL views and stored procedures to process Sybase 11 data on an NT server; these are called by SQL-pass-through functions using RDO in Visual Basic version 4 and 5 EXEs that I designed from scratch in the Windows95 environment. DAO was used to perform the same SQL data parsing on Novell servers using MS-Access. TSQL functions tested with ISQL and executed via RDO were used extensively for Sybase database pre-processing, including stored procedures. Daily run of mission-critical VB programs. UIS/NBS - Paul Nedzbala 3/97-9/97 Visual FoxPro/Oracle/SQL Plus: Developed SQL Plus 3.x views and stored procedures to process Oracle7 data; these are called by SQL-pass-through functions in Visual FoxPro version 5 and 3 EXEs that I designed from scratch in the Windows95/Windows3.1 environment. Various data parsing techniques were used on large, complex Oracle system, including VFP remote views, SQL pass thru with grouped or ordered data, local cursors, etc. Visual FoxPro reports were also constructed based on template tables after data processing was complete; OLE Automation capability and SQL-pass-through capabilities of Visual FoxPro were demonstrated. Mission critical reports for government client were constructed, both for immediate view/print and for export to other formats. SQL-Plus used extensively for Oracle database pre-processing, including stored procedures. Northrop Grumman/TranTech - Titi McNeil 1/97-2/97 Visual Basic 4.0 w/Crystal Reports: Developed forms and reports to process Oracle and Access data in a Windows95 and WindowsNT environment, including user selection of drive and directory, import/export of sample data from Access for upload to Oracle. Access SQL to create tables for Oracle prototype; SQL Plus to create Oracle tables, and construct remote procedures, scripts. ERWin Data Modeler: Helped data modeler design Oracle DBMS from customer specification, including matching of data line item requirements with revised model; translation of model into Access tables for LAN-based data testing before upload of data to Oracle for production system TRW/TranTech - Alice Hsin 8/96 - 12/96 Excel Win95: Sort, sum, count, etc. of data comm location records to prepare data sets for FTS2000 AT&T pricing Access Win95: SQL to patch data comm location records into viable datasets for FTS2000 AT&T pricing Visual FoxPro: FoxPro SQL - Select support for data comm. modeling of WAN usage, including automation of data preparation and report data processing for FTS2000 AT&T pricing tool, including OLE Automation to Excel/Access/Word and remote views to Oracle DBMS via Intersolv ODBC Lotus Notes: Daily use of Lotus Notes, including link to and export into FoxPro of NSF databases SAIC/CTS - Carl Beisel 6/96 - 8/96 FoxPro 2.5-2.6: development of Remote Connection and Remote Parameter screens, enhancement/maintenance of TMS-C ToolKit, including analysis of tables, screens, programs, procedures, menus and reports. Included Visual Basic 3.0 forms programming. Data Communications: Analysis of Microsoft Remote Access Server connection with Windows95, dial-in to Windows NT server, installation, configuration and troubleshooting of Hayes 28.8 kbps modem with Smartcom Fax/modem software. FoxPro SQL - Select support for data comm. modeling of WAN usage, including automation of data preparation process. Visual Basic - maintained and created EXEs for special Windows situations within Toolkit. Access 2.0: consulting to a survey project for military base tasks and a strategic planning database project, including re-design of data storage to reflect mission priorities and functional requirements; Access SQL to pre-parse large tables into cursors for forms; consolidation of forms using improved SQL and combo boxes; designed reports ARIST/MBA MGMT. - Tom King 4/96 - 5/96 Visual FoxPro 3.0: development of Cash Flow Detail form and report: analysis and programming in support of migrating a relational DBMS tracking system from Clipper for DOS to Visual FoxPro for Windows using SQL extensively for combo boxes and report generation; development of screens, database design analysis and modification HCC(Nashville, TN)/ATR - Alisia J. Genzler 3/96 - 4/96 FoxPro 2.6: development of customer service module: analysis and programming in support of migrating a FoxPro for DOS system to a FoxPro for Windows system; development of screens, database design analysis and modification, JKEY.FLL third party search utility for FoxPro Browse seeks on large tables; custom FoxPro Help table LDWC/RHI - Bill Ford 1/96 - 3/96 FoxPro 2.6: development/maintenance of two systems: analysis and programming in support of the trunk group reporting of minutes used at switches. Daily download of minutes into FoxPro spreadsheet generating EXE; weekly import of LAN data into FoxPro system which also outputs spreadsheet of weekly minutes. Access 2.0: analysis and programming of two MDBs, for monthly direct bills reports and monthly Tel-A-Friend checks generation and reporting, developed from scratch and import of text data or attachment to DBFs on LAN Other: Recorder macros for Terminal automation, Excel VBA macros for spreadsheet automation Freddie Mac/RHI - Kristen Hague 9/95 - 12/95 FoxPro 2.6: analysis and programming in support of the single family home loan portfolio products group. Daily analysis of loan portfolios provided by regional banks; reformatted and screened submitted data for use by Freddie Mac loan product specialists. Microsoft Office, Access/Sybase, Excel, Word, Brief, and Norton Utilities were also used. EEI - Candee Wilson 12/94 - 8/95 Clipper 5: Analysis and programming of Clipper accounting systems, including Payroll, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and other systems: Blinker 2, Funcky 5, and Netware 3.x. Upgraded Clipper Accounting software to CA-Visual Objects, dBASE for Windows, FoxPro for Windows and MS-Access. WP51 macros. MS-Access: class registration system includes security, custom menus, pushbuttons, dialog boxes, autofills, SQL searches, macros and extensive Access Basic user defined functions FoxPro 2.6: analysis of a client system, including modification of database design ISSI - Scott Thesing/Steve Smagin 10/94 - 12/94 Clipper 5: Analysis and programming of Superfund tracking system for EPA which is distributed to regional offices in accord with national CERCLIS specifications. SMRS is a multi-user LAN-based system that includes 21 different sets of logic for tracking estimated, planned, or accomplished EPA Superfund tasks. Third party tools included Blinker 2, Funcky 5 and NetLib 6. Netware 3.11 network. Also provided LAN utility software, HP Laserjet troubleshooting. FoxPro 2.6: FoxPro analysis and programming, including software installation RTC/AMI - Richard Crossley 9/94 - 10/94 Clipper 5: Analysis, programming and documentation of RTC invoice tracking system for Office of Systems Development; wrote/analyzed tools for conversion of regional data to HQ standards. IPS is a multi-user LAN-based system that includes 9 levels of user access, equal sized EXE/OVL, and a utility for administration. Third party tools included Blinker 3, Flexfile, Funcky, Grumpfish, and Windows. Banyan Vines network. Government Travel: Installation of version 3.4 in Kansas City and Atlanta offices HUD/ATS - Eugene Chen 5/94 - 8/94 Clipper 5: Analysis, programming and documentation of HUD document tracking system for Public and Indian Housing; wrote data purification tools for conversion of regional data to HQ standards. SMIRPH is a multi-user LAN-based system that includes 20 modules; production, training and testing setups; data base driven EXE access. Tools included Blinker 3, Funcky, NetLib, Class(y), SNAP!, and HUD/Windows. Novell network. WordPerfect 5.1 Macros: Used for creation/maintenance of validation/verification files, database definitions FoxPro: Database analysis and design, ad hoc programming Voice of America/TAD/C&D - Lynn Jones 11/93 - 5/94 Clipper 5: Documentation and analysis of VOA document tracking system for international relay station support Paradox: Analysis and consulting on migration of VOA tracking systems to DOS/Windows Paradox Paradox for Windows: Designed and developed document tracking system, including scanned images; OLE Automation included calling of CCMAIL and WordScan Plus within the PDOXWIN application Windows NT: Analysis and consulting on use of NT on Novell LAN, led Beta testing PC/LAN Troubleshooting: LAN access, printing, applications, and PC/notebook maintenance McArthur/Glen Group - David Spahr 9/93 - 3/94 WordPerfect for Windows: macros to automate daily backup and diskuse spreadsheets, including graphs Lotus for Windows: macros to automate daily backup and diskuse spreadsheets, including graphs Excel for Windows: macros to automate daily backup and diskuse spreadsheets, including graphs Lotus 123G for OS/2: macros to automate daily backup and diskuse spreadsheets, including graphs OS Support: assisted LAN Manager with Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT, OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 1.3 Intl Mgmt Development & Training - Richard Jackson 6/93 - 9/93 Reporting: Feedback to NAVAIR included biweekly status reports and memos on programming, analysis and suggestions for system enhancements Data Communications: Coordination with NAVAIR IMDT LAN manager on LAN-related issues, especially testing of QMS enhancements and troubleshooting of national and international remote locations for CFA and EQDR users' software and hardware problems; Novell Access Server and Galacticom file transfers via Novell ONLAN and ADCOMM (Clipper add-on library) Programming: Clipper Summer '87 analysis and coding, including enhancements to backup and reporting features of the QMS/CFA/EQDR systems; SNAP!5 documentation and functional analysis of the QSUP/QMS/CFA/EQDR systems; development of RECFIND LAN-based query utility PC Support: Rebuilt, inventoried and delivered 286 clones, including hard and floppy drives, controllers, video and other add-on cards to the Navy for surplus; maintained IMDT GFE equipment, including modem, printer and PC configuration and support IMF/American Technology Resources - Paul Hagan 3/93 - 5/93 Programming: WordPerfect macros in Novell LAN environment to facilitate office automation of WEO statistical tables and desktop publishing of biannual international publication. Design and coding of menu-driven macros for typographic reformatting, horizontal and vertical realignment, and update of numbers into finished tables. Support for three International Monetary Fund divisions. HP Laserjet 4, IISI, and other HP III compatible printer drivers. STAC/Abbtech Services - Larry Brady 2/93 Programming: Excel 4.0 macros to calculate labour hours for STAC government contracts. Involved with design and analysis of spreadsheets as well as coding on 386/486 PCs in Novell LAN environment NIH/Premier Incorporated - Glen Spinelli 12/92 - 2/93 Management: Biweekly DART meetings w/client in high pressure environment, status of agenda items and suggestions; weekly reporting to client, GSA, PRC and Premier LAN Support: 3Com and MS-LAN MAN access rights, troubleshooting, software installation, and analysis related to the DART system Programming: Analyzed Clipper 5.01 system and libraries; wrote batch files to automate daily download, DART system startup, reconfiguration of 286, 386, and 486 systems Documentation: TechWriter and SNAP! analysis of DART specifying calls, functions, data bases/indexes, Blinker RMKs/LNKs; EasyFlow and Flowcharting schematic drawings of DART data processing; EZCASE (Yourdin) data flow diagrams - 2 levels EPA/CSC - Ed Fulford 2/92 - 12/92 Management: Held biweekly team meetings, coordinated on-site and off-site personnel, set priorities, passed on corporate info, handled employee concerns Reporting: Feedback to EPA and/or CSC included weekly and monthly status reports, memos on task and inter-contractor issues, requirements analysis as requested Data Communications: Coordination with Washington Information Center and Research Triangle Park on LAN-related issues; dynamic batch files for inter-LAN file transfer; All-In-One Mail dialup and Xtalk file transfer; Novell Access Server file transfer via Novell ONLAN and Symantec pcANYWHERE; 9600 bps modem communications Programming: Clipper 5.01 upgrade from Summer '87 code; new backup and archive programs; special database w/update program for dBASE IV statistical analysis Training: National User Training scheduled for December; ad hoc user training as needed via phone hotline (or in person for EPA HQ users); memos to users via email on MATS data communications procedures EPA/PRC - Phineas Fiddler NASA CODE B TECHNICAL TEAM MEMBER 10/91 - 2/92 Training: Excel 3.0, Word 6.0, Gupta Quest, Windows, Smart, Desktop Set, DACS security LAN Administration: User setup, troubleshooting, printer management, fonts, files & directory management, LAN access rights, batch files and standards Security: DACS support, Pyramid DACS Conference, DACS and Novell upgrade, access rights definition PC Support: IBM AT and DBC 386 config/installation, troubleshooting, including board level inventory and maintenance; management of hardware vendor EPA ADCR HELP DESK 1/90 - 10/92 Hotline Support: Phone troubleshooting for 300 ADCR users nationwide including data communications and PC system problems; on-site user support for EPA HQ users Programming: Clipper Summer '87 update of code and preparation of diskettes for mailout of new versions; batch files and PC configuration changes as necessary Training: Semi-annual user training, ad hoc user training on system and PCs as needed EPA EHSD PC SUPPORT 4/89 - 12/89 Training: Weekly "Nevin's Notes" on WordPerfect 5, dBASE and other software (e.g. Automaxx, Timeline, Freelance Plus, etc.); ad hoc training on PC systems Planning: Helped prepare FY90 PC plan, coordinated with EHSD staff, PC site coordinator and Research Triangle Park policy staff Procurement: Proposed & helped procure PC hardware and software (e.g.CD-ROM LAN) LANtastic LAN: Helped install & administer to Environmental Compliance Program ATI/Goodfriend - Mike Pobat 7/88 - 1/89 Programming: dBASE III tracking system (including development, coding, implementation and maintenance) for reports on Naval spare parts inventory Other tracking systems maintained: WordStar, WordPerfect, MultiMate, Lotus 1-2-3 Desktop Publishing: MacIntosh w/McDraw, McWrite PC Support: HP Laserjet, Norton Utilities, diskette, hard disk and Bernoulli cartridge maintenance Other: Implemented archive library for Naval documents; maintained Clipper card catalogue for these documents Other Consulting 8/85 - 4/89 CONTACT: Nevin House 1. Zenith Data Systems - Clipper programming on laptops 2. Catholic Bishop's Conference - dBASE & WordPerfect 3. ANADAC - dBASE and WordPerfect support 4. Eagle Technology - Symphony & WordStar tracking systems 5. Kaiser Engineers - PC systems and WordPerfect 6. CMS - Oracle PC, IBM 3x, modems, protocol conversion 7. Community Computers - Kaypro, LeadingEdge, Corona PC; dBASE, Lotus, WordStar support 8. U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Wang Mini and IBM PC and economics EDUCATION M.A. - Technology & International Economics, May 1987 George Washington University B.A. - Mathematics w/Economics, June 1981 Williams College Seminar on Personal Computers and Programming, Summer 1980 Wesleyan University Dean's List and 50 Credit Hours, Fall 1977 US Air Force Academy (inc. mathematics & computer science) Client/Server Multimedia Training, RHI, 3/96 PowerBuilder 1 & 2 CBT, RHI, 3/96 Visual Basic CBT, RHI, 3/96 C++ CBT, RHI, 3/96 Visual FoxPro Interactive Training, 95-96 Visual FoxPro Product Presentation, 5/95 Borland Delphi Product Presentation, 4/95 PowerBuilder Product Presentations, 94-95 Rick Spence CA-Visual Objects Seminar, 12/94 ATS Client/Server Monthly Series, 6-7/94 GWU Statistics Class Audit, 5-7/95 GWU Statistics Class Audit, 5-7/94 GWU Probability Class Audit, 5-6/93 Novell Tour of testing facilities, 2/92 PC-DACS User Security Conference, 11/91 Windows Applications Seminar, 9/91 WordPerfect Applications Seminar, 7/91 Database World seminar on dBASE IV, 5/91 Imaging Management Seminar, 3/91 WordPerfect Tour of help desks, products & publications, 11/90 AWARDS/COMMUNITY SERVICE Deputy Director General, International Biographical Centre, since 1997 Deputy Governor, American Biographical Institute, since 1996 Dictionary of International Biography, Intl Biographical Centre, since 1993 Oxford's Who's Who, 1992-1993 Edition International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, ABI, Third Edition (1991) Outstanding Young Men of America, 1988 Arlington Committee of 100, 1991-1996 Arlington Cable TV Advisory Committee, 1987-1991 Colonial Village Commons Housing Cooperative Board, 1989-1995 OI Sports Community Cable TV Show, 1989-1993 Fairfax Audubon-Arlington Recycling Group, 1990-1993 Washington Area Clipper User Group Treasurer, 1994- 1995 Potomac Area FoxPro Users Association, 1995-1997 International Investor Community Cable TV Show, 1994-1995 Partnership for Education Tutoring of Underprivileged Youth, 1994-1995 REFERENCES Alice Hsin ICI 703-893-9311 Jinsheng Jiao ATR 301-869-9802 Lynn Jones BA 703-295-4638 David Spahr CA 703-729-2263
