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Manchester Area Local - APWU

P. O. Box 4101

Manchester, NH 03108

Tel. (603) 669-2414 or (603) 644-4098

Fax (603) 622-4169

Welcome to the Manchester Area Local web site.
The Manchester Area Loal represents 1100 clerks, maintenance and motor vehicle members in 35 offices across the southern portion of New Hampshire.
This web site is designed to be a source of information to our members as well as other union activists.

Check back often.

The following is a list of Officers and Stewards of the Manchester Area Local.

Executive Board:

President - Ken Kelble
Executive Vice-President - Mike Egan
Recording Secretary - Pat Ahern
Treasurer - Russ Knox
Director of Industrail Relations - Bill Gamache
Director of Clerk Craft - Mark Wiggin
Director of Maintenance - Keith Moore
Director of Motor Vechile - Vacant
Area Business Agent - Don Morrison
Vice-President Nashua - Dave Migneault
Vice-President Concord - Vacant
Department and Administrative Officers:

Human Relations Director - Larry Stein
Financial Secretary - April Caswell
Legislative Director - Dave Dion
Director of Organization - Bill Maki

Full-time Stewards with areas of coverage in the Manchester P & DC

Tour One

Ron Osswald, Chief Steward - ISS/OSS, DBCS, LMLM, City Manual Scheme
Mark Lavaliere - Mailing Division, Registry, Platform, Express
Janice Kelble - FSM/LIPS/SPBS and FSM Mail Processors
Mike Burroughs - Maintenance
Rod Burdette - Alternate Steward
Pete Andrikowich - Alternate Steward
Mark Wiggin - Alternate Steward
Barbara Crowley - Alternate Steward
Mike Bourroughs - Alternate Steward-Maintenance

Tour Two

Tim Keaney, Cheif Shop Steward - Stations and Branches, Windows
Steve Jordan - Plant & District Admin. Offices, Manual Operations
Bill Charron - FSM/LIPS/SPBS, Automation, FSM Mail Processors
Paul Desfosses - Maintenance
Pat Ahern - CFS
Fred Clifford - Alternate Steward
Patricia Ahern - Alternate Steward
Dan Murray - Alternate Steward
April Caswell - Alternate Steward

Tour Three

Steve Marchut, Cheif Shop Steward - All Manual Operations
Don Morrison - ISS, OSS, DBCS, LMLM
Chris Doucet - FSM/LIPS/SPBS, PTF's, FSM Mail Processors
Danny Sanborn - Motor Vehicle Services
Tom Koufopoulos - CFS
Dan Provencher - Maintenance
Bill Gamache - Alternate Steward
Larry Goley - Alternate Steward
Mike Egan - Alternate Steward
Dennis Cousins - Alternate Steward
Kim Dunham - Alternate Steward, CFS
Chris Howe - Alternate Steward
Glen Evarts - Alternate Steward, Maintenance

Links to other sites

The National *APWU*
Crossroads - APWU Mutual Exchange Booklet
Thrift Savings Plan
The Voluntary Benefits Plan
APWU Health Plan homepage
National Association of Letter Carriers
National Postal Mailhandlers Union
National AFL-CIO

Links to other Government sites

United States Postal Service
Department of Labor
National Labor Relations Board
Office of Personnel Management
White House
U. S. Senate
House of Representatives

New Hampshire Government E-Mail Links

Sen. Robert Smith
Sen. Judd Gregg
Rep. John Sununu - District 1
Rep. Charles Bass - District 2

My Favorite Site for Home Pages

Angelfire Home Pages

Click here to view 2001 Supervisor Bonuses

Click here for APWU Fun Page

Click here to view the Monthly Meeting Notice.

Click here for the latest news and updates.

Click here for a list of upcoming events

Click here for our Legislative page

Send us your comments.

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