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Welcome to the Hoofbeats Web Page!

General Information

Hoofbeats is a free online horse magazine that is sent out monthly through e-mail. Its purpse is to inform readers about horses and horsemanship using articles about different breeds, showing, grooming, tack and more.

This web page has information about the editor-in-chief of Hoofbeats, how it all began, some articles from recent issues plus links to other horse-related sites.

Subscription Information

to subscribe to Hoofbeats, send an e-mail to with Subscribe_(your e-mail address), so if your e-mail address is, then the subject line should read

If you don't get your first issue or a response within two weeks of your request, e-mail another request to Thanks for your time and enjoy this site.

History of Hoofbeats

I decided to start Hoofbeats for several reasons. Last summer, I had a teen magazine called Outspoken. That didn't last for very long because there are so many teen magazines on AOL and the Internet. And it wasn't very fun writing article after article about makeup and fashion. Don't get me wrong-teen magazines are fun to read, but I got bored with one.

Then, I had an idea. What if there was a free online magazine all about horses and horseback riding where people could get grooming tips, learn about showing, debate horse issues and read cool articles?

That idea became a reality. I wrote down several ideas and brainstormed possible titles. Then I set up a basic format. Finally, I just needed the last ingredient: subscribers. So I posted messages on countless horse boards and e-mailed people. Now, after a few months I have around seventy subscribers, but I want as many subscribers as possible!

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