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David's Family Home Page

My Daughter Kimberly … then and now

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
AltaVista search engine
The Dilbert Zone
The Universal Currency Converter Services
Walt Disney World

Since I'm one of those engineering types, I couldn't resist one of my favorite topics ;-)

S-Record Format text file
National Computer Security Association

Welcome to Hudson NH, Home of my Home Page.

A little family history.

On April 7, 1984, I married my current wife, in Chicopee Massachusetts. We honeymooned at Walt Disney World (see link above), and had a great time. When we returned, I got a job in Nashua NH, and we moved there after just two weeks of marriage. This was the first of several moves, as you'll see from this little story. From the first time we were there, we said that we would someday return to western Mass. Two years after we were married, on August 3, 1986, our daughter Kimberly was born (see photo above (age 9 in photo)) She's always been the best child that parents could ask for.

About three years later, we got our "chance". We moved back to Chicopee, and discovered that was a mistake. I was trying to start a business repairing audio, video, and computer equipment, but due to poor planning, and a downturn in the economy, I failed. Not too bad however, because my old company took me back at a higher position, and recorded my absence as a leave of absence. That was about two-hour drive to work, so we moved to Hudson MA. We stayed there a year, and never felt like we fit in. so we decided to move back to NH.

Our real estate agent found us a place with no downpayment, and no points, only closing costs to move in. We looked it over, and decided that it would be a good place to start. Our home was a "condex, which is a duplex that you own half of. After about four years, it turns out that the guy that owned the other half was difficult to live with, and we decided to start looking again. We met a new agent at an open house, and she worked very hard at finding us a home. We looked for about a year before we found our "Dream Home" It's a full dormered cape that sits on a 1 acre lot in beautiful Hudson NH. Here's a map Map of Hudson We've been here for about five years now, and still love it. The neighbors are great.

In The summer of 1996, we decided to share our little corner of America. We contacted the American Swedish Student Exchange (ASEE) and signed up to have a foriegn exchange student come live with us. In September Tereza Srbova arrived at the Manchester Airport from the Czech Republic. When she first arrived, we were afraid it wouldn't work out very well because she struggled with English. (We still don't know any Czech) She came bearing many wonderful gifts from her country. Beautiful crystal from the Bohemia region, and other handcrafted articles that help to beautify our home to this day. After a couple of weeks, she started to catch on to the language. She was enrolled in Alvirne High School, and once the language problem started to go away, she performed quite well. We are very proud of her. Around Christmas time, we were goofing around with the computer, and I caught her singing Jingle Bells in Czech.In the spring we treated her to a trip to Disney World. It was a short vacation (4 Days), but we saw most of what Disney was at the time. (The Animal Kingdom wasn't complete yet.) In June she left to return home. After spending the entire school year with her around, watching her leave felt like losing a good friend.

Our daughter Kimberly has taken up the accordion. In April of 1998, she competed in the Massachusetts Accordion Teachers Association regional competition, and placed first in her category. This competition includes students from all over New England, so that is a real accomplishment. We're very proud of her. She competed again in 1999, and placed second in the category that she competed in. We are proud of her again, and it's getting easier to listen to the practicing. ;-) Well, May of 2000 is the end of that story. Kimberly decided to quit taking Accordion lessons, and doesn't play any more. No matter, we still love her to death, as any good parent would.

In October 2000 we went back to see our friend Mickey Mouse. While there, Kim set up her own homepage. See it at Kim's Homepage

A new chapter. After 12 years of working at Nortel Networks on April 23, 2001, I started a new job at Airvana.

Last updated 04/24/2001
