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Anne Rice Comics

I scanned these pictures myself from the Queen of the Damned comic books that I own. Hope You enjoy looking at them. ^_^

Full Page Scans

One of the first few pages of issue 8 of Queen of the Damned. Louis and Gabriel walk in the garden just before nightfall, cut to a picture of Lestat drinking from Akasha and then Marius with Pandora and Santino

Marius just after being freed from his ice prison... another shot of Lestat with Akasha...Khayman in far left corner (piece of another page)

Akasha takes Lestat to his cold castle, where he was born, begins to test his new abilities

Marius stands before Maharet, marveling at her serenity and at her bleeding eyes.

Marius seeing Armand for the first time since they were separated in the fire in Venice.

Armand and Marius join the Gathering of Immortals around the table at the Sonoma Compound

Profiles of some of the vampires as the disscusion around the table begins.

Smaller Pics

These are a few pictures that have been scanned and cropped. These are from any of the first eigth comics of the Queen of The Damned Series.

Louis and Gabriel ~*~ Louis in profile ~*~ Pencil Sketch of Armand ~*~ Armand feeding from Daniel ~*~ Cover from issue 6 ~*~ Profile of Jesse ~*~ Lestat drinking from Akasha ~*~ Lestat when he meets Marius (from VL series) ~*~ Maharet in Profile ~*~ Marius in Profile ~*~ Pretty Akasha