3/21/99: Xmas threw his first ever Ten-Pin party called "The Katt & Xmas First Anniversary Bash" to celebrate a year of going out with his girlfriend, Katt. There was very strong turn-out, and Carnage Core would do their first ever live act to start off the night. Playing only one song (the original Fate), they didn't quite make it through the song. A beach ball bumped into a mic stand which landed on a guitar pedal which threw off Meeko, the guitarist, and the song stopped during the breakdown. To this day, Xmas refuses to ever allow mic stands on stage! No one was upset, however, because the crowd seemed to really enjoy it, and the night continued with performances from Insayne, Disgruntled, Nemic, and Black Bridge. During an intermission where Xmas gave away money, Xmas proposed to his now fiancé, Katt. It was a very good night.
4/17/99 Xmas throws a follow-up to his first well recieved party. Titled "Tha Skool Iz Dum Partie", it would prove to be as fun as the first. This time around, Carnage Core was ready with two songs, adding their twisted cover of Britney Spears' "...One More Time" to the original Fate. The crowd loved it, and Carnage Core was happy to have made it through their tiny set without any technical problems. Following Carnage Core, there was Insayne, Nothing Sacred, Nemic, and End It All. As usual, Xmas gave away some money during intermission. Fun was had by all.
6/20/99 This time around, it was Ty throwing the party, and Carnage Core were the invited guests. Playing in a backyard, there was a small audience, but they were very supportive, and because of their enthusiasm, it made it a fun show. This time, Carnage Core was ready for a full set, featuring Fate, Cloud, King of Hearts, ...One More Time, Diss, School Is Great/Skool Iz Dum, and their self-titled song, Carnage Core. This was Letter J's first time peforming with the band, and Wang's last. Once the set was over, an electric fan and a boom box were pulled from the trunk of Xmas' car, along with a baseball bat! Carnage Core really lived up the name by having everyone at the party smash things for no reason! After everyone got their aggression out, nearly everyone at the party wanted their face painted with a Core Symbol. No doubt about it, Carnage Core didn't want to leave any place with so many Corelings running around, but it was Father's Day, and the band members had dads to get back home to.