CARNAGE CORE: This song is about Carnage Core, pure and simple. Rek gives his take on what the band is all about, and then Xmas. Mostly intended as an audiance participation thing, which is ironic, considering Carnage Core will never play in front of one.

FATE: This song is about people getting what's comming to them. You act like a bitch, you're bound to get bitch slapped. You act like a pussy, you're bound to get fucked.

SKOOL IZ DUM: This song is about school sucking ass. Carnage Core hates school.

NOBODY CARES (WHAT THIS SONG IS CALLED): This song is mostly non-sense. Rek rants about some things, and Xmas does some of the same.

...ONE MORE TIME: CORE REMIX: The Carnage Core version of Britney Spears' "...One More Time". There're so many disposible teeny bopper pop-rock songs out there that Carnage Core felt the need to grab one and make it more fun for them.