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The Mighty Drug W/we crave...
the Master and the slave...
Will Rule U/us to O/our Grave

Damian Bloodstar
Ubar and Council Member

To Have
is to
Immediately Respond
To An Order
Without Question
or Hesitation

A long time ago I never knew myself...
but the memory of shame then birthed it's gift..
No more, the small one, the weak one, the frightened one....
running from beatings, deflating...

I'm becoming more than a Man.....
more than You ever were.....
driven and burning.....
to rise beyond weakness......

I'm Born Again...

With Snakes Eyes....


God Size!....

...........adapted from the song "Becoming" by Pantera of Urth
The above song lyrics were placed on My page, before I really realized, just how true those words would come to be for Me here on Gor.

View the ko-lar worn
by Damian's slave
My r/t wife
and slave
Ubar of the Vosk Inn
(And Most Comical Warrior on All Gor!)
Y/you can ICQ contact Me here
If Y/you want to speak to Me and Y/you have a microphone on Y/your computer

Who Made This Page possible!