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        Joe My MoFo
     He have been friends forever.
     And done some crazy stuff.
     That were funny now but at
     the time it was scary like  
     the time when the fire cracker
     blew up in your face and hit
     you in the eye we all had this
     Non-stop rining in our ears
     and u had black smoke all in
     your face. HAHA and remember
     the station wagons races lol and
     the ducks that guy was pissed we
     could have taken him. haha u no it

Sherman's Wall Of  Famous Quotes
"If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead."

"Values are like fingerprints, everybody's got 'em, and you leave them all over everything you do."

"How many licks does it take to get to the center ?"

"You haven't experienced a roller coaster until you've ridden it in the front"

"Bouncing is what Tiggers do best!!!"

"People aren't always what or who they seem."

"my name is jeff and i'm here to say, i love fruity pebbles in a major way.. bedrock yellow, orange, purple, lime and red.. to get that fruity taste, you gotta trick fred.. booooooooooooooy"

"Starting at the bottom only makes you the best at the top!"

"where theres a will there a way,dont hate the playa hate the game,,i am the game ,u got beef with me i got beef with u, I'll kick your ass"

" tomorrow the sun will rise, and who knows what the tide will bring in....."

"Turn on some music, I got my music...Just like music,  happiness today is just a song away, Just like music"

"If  God took me from this world today, I'd know that I have loved the angel he sent for me to find"

"if you want a broken heart come talk to me,God put me on this earth to accomplish a few certain things in life..............right now i am so far behind i will never die!!!, the way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost"

""A man will always be judged on the amount of alcohol he can consume, and a women will always be impressed weather she likes it or not"

"He who believes in me shall every lasting love. He who does not shall not see life but the wrath of my vengeance"

"Just because you are mad dont take it out on the other person, take it out on the person that is making you mad."

"Dont say $hit that you cant back up."

"In the rain, the pavement shines like silver.  In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight."


"Dude, My Bad"

If you have a Quote You want it on Sherman's wall of famous quotes Emial Me with it


Yo Dont forget the secret knock. lol
Don't stop Breakin for anything.
and by the way dump my sister

My breakers. Dont stop breaking you
guys will get your air-tracks. John you
got the sickest lockes i have ever seen
keep'em coming. jeff you have the nicest
power moves you tought me what a
windmill was. i miss thoughs days we
just chilled at the teen center and cracked
 on bill.