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The Rock's Own Players
What We've Done Theatre Training Programmes
Newfoundland Theatre Links The Company

Since John Cabot's landing on our shores in 1497, Newfoundland has seen it all... poverty, war, you name it ; yet no matter what befell us we Newfoundlanders have never lost our sense of humour, our compassion for others, or our love of a good tale. Our songs, stories, and poems keep our history alive and teach us how to face each day.

Our theatre though, is in its infancy. Over the past twenty years theatre in Newfoundland has grown from near non-existance to a flourishing art which incorporates and celebrates those songs, stories, and poems. The Stephenville Theatre Festival, The Gros Morne Theatre Festival, Theatre of the Mine, and The Trinity Pageant are but a few of the many summer events that tourists (not to mention Newfoundlanders) are all too ready to praise.

The Rock's Own Players is a new production company that seeks to not only continue, but to enhance theatre and theatrical skills in this province.

As The Rock's Own Players progress, so shall this site. I hope you'll check in on us from time to time. Please feel free to comment on the site or to inquire further about The Rock's Own by e-mailing me at .

'Till next time,

Jack Kennedy