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RNCVA - 2000

Founding Members

The Purposes and Objectives Of the

The Purposes and Objectives Of the

Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Veterans' Association

1.         To protect and enhance the heritage of the Force as being the Oldest Police Force in Canada

2.         To cooperate with and render assistance to all Police, especially the Force, in all matters of common interest or concern

3.         To bring together members of this Association in a common bond to foster and enhance social contacts and comradeship and to assist where possible in areas where their physical and economic welfare is concerned

4.         To establish, when feasible, such funds that may be necessary to all members of the Association in dire need of assistance

5.         To provide support to the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Museum, and encourage donors of artefacts that concern the history of the Force, to donate artefacts to this important purpose

This Association shall not be the instrument or channel through which individual members might seek or air their past grievances against the Force.



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Click the following links to view articles.

Capture of Finnish Ship
Qualifications needed to join the RNCVA
Application Form
The RNC in Labrador
Chiefs of Police
Some Pictures
Oldest Member- Sgt. Seaward
Cst RG Priddle's Website
The RNC Captures NAZI Ship

RNCVA Executive