The Dangers of Neglecting
Diligence in Business
A Message for Baptist Preachers
(and anyone else for that matter)



Steely eyes, defiant glare; arrogant spirit. God gave us
deacons—for a reason. They are a blessing, a necessity;  
qualified office holders. But this guy? Brother! His stern
voice blurted out, "'Promblem with you preachers is you 
don't know nothin' 'bout business!" And he meant business!

The problem, of course, is that the deacon had a point.
Many pastors know little about business. His solution was
quite simple. The pastor was to take care of the "spiritual"
things of the church. The deacons, the "business" things.

Claiming Acts chapter six as his proof-text, the stone
faced Deacon made this common error: He believed "business"
was not—could not—be "spiritual." Apparently, he never read
the book of Proverbs. 

Unfortunately, many pastors fall into this snare of Satan. 
They divorce themselves from biblical business practices. 
The tragic end of such entrapment is manifold.

[note: this sermon is not totally transposed.
Please feel free to use the outline if you wish, but I
encourage you to check back tomorrow...or in a day or two]

I. It Affects Your Family

The word "infidel" appears twice in the New Testament of
the King James Bible. The first occaision is 
II Corinthians 5:15. Here, the Apostle Paul using the word in
corallary with "Belial"—or Satan. "Now wait just a minute, Brother! Are you telling me that the Bible says one who is slothful in business is Satanic?" I'll have to admit, it seems quite a stretch. But before dismissing the notion, listen to the second mention of the word "infidel". II. It Affects Your Fold "LORD, make me to know mine end." III. It Affects Your Friends IV. It Affects Your Faith V. It Affects Your Fortune