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Welcome to Mew's Rainbow Cloud

I am not putting anything on until i have a long weekend or until there is any week or more of vacation. I will gladly answer any e-mails. I will also answer questions you write in my guestbook.(i get notified) you can ask me about pokemon, of final fantasy 6,7, or 8. c-ya! sorry any incoveniences this may have caused. i will throw in random stuff here and there occasionally. buh-bye for now :-P

Hello, ,and thanx for visiting my site!

days 'til my birthday

Hi! This is my Pokemon Page. It is almost to the great level that i wanted. keep comin' back for updates!


if you wanna link me to your site, here is the HTML code.....

All about ME!

My Adopted Pokemon

My Pokemon Pics

MY Awards

Mew's Pokemon TCG cards page

The Complete Pokeraps(I got 'em Memorized!)

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is a member of Dratini Kenny's Pokemon Ring.

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