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The Worlds Greatest Family

Good Day everyone, in this section of my homepage I am going to talk to you a little about where I came from, my family. Where all my amazing genes came from. The wonderful home I was raised up in, the amazing parents that I have, my caring brothers and my dear grandparents as well as a bit of info on my cousins.
On September 7, 1983 there was a beautiful baby brought into this world that was going to bring life, hope and happiness to all. This baby was me! Back 19 years ago God created something special, me! He brought me into the world, which blessed my parents so much! My parents are so happy to have such a wonderful daughter, but what they don't know is how much luckier their daughter is to have two heaven sent parents, who blesses her with everything. There is nothing I can say that I haven't got from my parents when I have asked (I am not saying that I am a spoiled brat) I am saying that my parents are one of a kind and I love them from the depths of my heart. They are always there for me, I mean always. Even though I don't live with them anymore they are making sure that I am comfortable and well feed at all times. They are simply amazing.
I am Daddy's little girl, I have been from the day I was born and I will be until the day I die. I am his "seven daughters" (don't ask it is just what he use to call me when I was a little girl, maybe it was because I was has hard to handle as seven daughters, or as expensive as seven daughters)! But, anyway, he loves me, and I love him. I may not always let them know how much I love them but for some reason I don't have any troublle expressing when I am mad with them, those emotions just seem easier to express, but dad please know that every time I may seem abrupt and rude, it's just another way of tellig you I love you. And, thanks for everything.
I don't know what I have been to mom, I can't really say mommy's little helper because I would of rather slept then help her anytime, but mom did help sometimes! I guess you can say that I am her friend. We are very close and share a lot of things, personally I thing that is really important for a mother daughter relationship. Mom, I may not tell you often enough, but you know I do... Mom, I love you and thanks for everything, making my bed, cleaning up my awful messes, making me all my meals and always being there for me. I would thank you for money, but we all know thats dad's. (hee hee)
Brothers, what can I say... I have two brothers and they are the best. Seriously, you may find it wierd hearing someone actually say something nice about their siblings. But, I love em' both of em' they treat me good. They don't mind loaning me things, they are great for a laugh, or a fight when your in a bad mood. Nothing can replace my brothers. I can get in a fight with my parents, friends, or boyfriend, but it's just not the same as the fights with yor siblings! Telling on them and getting them in trouble then it back fires on you and they get you back worst. But, as you get older they become your friend as well, you start hanging out and become very close. I love my brothers.
Grand-parents, Poppy's big girl, or the other poppy never seems to get out my right name, "Cristy, Vicki, Bev, Shannon, I mean Elsie, or whatever name you is" I love pop's nothing like em' There vegetable gardens are the best, the stories are the funniest and their hearts are the biggest. I love you Pop and Pop!
Nan! Nan's Girl, or Nan's girl. Nan's just seem to make the best soup and the best cooked dinner, their gravy is unbelieably good (okay, sorry pop... you made the gravy). They always want to give you more and more of what they got. And, they always want a hug before you leave the room! I love both of my Nan's very much! Thanks for everything!

Okay, so let's talk about four of my favorite people in the world, my grandparents! I love you guys and you mean the world to me, you have made my life fuller and filled me with love! Grandparents are the best and you guys are amazing!
Aunts and Uncles, ok.... I have a few of those. My dad is the only male out of the four. Aunt Diane (Uncle Dennis), Aunt Beatrice (Uncle Harold), Aunt Darlene (Uncle Derek) they are all great! And, I miss them all while I am in St. John's training to be an LPN.
Mommy's side, mom has 2 sisters and 2 brothers (she's in the middle)! Aunt Diane (Uncle Harold), Uncle Wayne (Aunt Dorene), Aunt Rosie (Uncle winky), Uncle Brent (Aunt Lisa). I love them all as well and miss them all dearly, not meaning to have favorites, I do love you all the same, but I miss Aunt rosie and the boys, uncle wayne and the kids a bit more, since they have moved outside of the province of Newfoundland. I miss you all though and I will see you Christmas!
I think I am only going to talk about 1st cousins for now, seens they are the main ones! I have Mmm..... 11 on moms side, 6 on dads side, that makes 17 all together! A brand new one just came into the family, Colby Greenham, he's a cutie! I need to get some pics of all my family to put onto the page, but still, I don't have a scanner. I just might have to use Aunt Darlene's sometime this Summer! On dad's side there is.... I think I will start with the oldest and make my way down the chart.... Phillip, Micheal, Adam, Fallon, Codey, and sweet Brianna! They are all great! I guess I will see you all Christmas at some family gathering! Well, I will probably see Phil and Mike before that in around the city sometime! But, as for the rest, it don't like I will be comin home until Christmas! Sorry! OKay, well my mommys side, once again I will start with the oldest! Greg, Vicki (who is engaged, Congradulations!! And, I am standing at her weddinG!!! I can't wait!!) Cristy, Kristian, Shannon, Elsie, Wayne Jr., Tanner, Brandon, Chelsea, and Colby! Hey, I won't be seeing yous until Christmas either! Actually, I won't be seeing Greg, Vicki, Brandon and Tanner until the summer when yous comes home from T.O, and Shannon, Elsie and Wayne Jr. until you come home from Montreal, and Cristy lives under me in St. John's so I can see her whenever, and ....... so, that only leaves my buddy Kristian, and Chelsea and Colby! Well, I will see yous at some christmas gathering too!!!
well, I must dodge and get fat, gotta go eat some chips, I will tryt and update again later! Thanks for reading!!
I love my Granparents!
I love my cousins! So, Fallon, when are you planning on comin' in??? Don't worry love I will be calling you sometime when I get a chance! I am still thinking about you, you know!!
I love my Family!!
Thanks to all my relatives for making the past 18 years of my life th best! I love you all and God bless!

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