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~New Directions~

New Directions

By: Kellryn

The war had ended over a year ago and peace was diligently being maintained by the World Nation Council, with help from the Preventers. Wufei had worked for the Preventers for about a year when he decided to try and become a scholar like he had once dreamed. So, the aspiring young man left the Preventers and enrolled in one of the best universities on Earth. The school library was quiet and peaceful. Wufei had been coming to the library every day after his classes since he had enrolled five days ago. He always stayed as late as he could so he wouldn’t have to endure the rude, loud, and disrespectful youth he had been assigned to room with. Wufei rose from his chair and went to return the book he had just finished, when something caught his eye. Standing in front of him was a young man his age with a long, chestnut braid down his back that he would recognize anywhere.

“Maxwell?” questioned Wufei.

“Hey Wufei, what are you doing here?” asked Duo as he looked up from the book he was reading.

“I go to this school. What about you? Never thought that I would see you in a library, let alone a prestigious university,” answered Wufei.

“Well, for your information, I’ve been attending this school since the beginning of the quarter; and doing quite well, thank you very much,” replied Duo with a large smirk on his face.

Wufei glanced around and asked, “Is Heero here somewhere?”

The smile faded from Duo’s face as he replied, “No, we parted ways months ago.”


“Yeh. We each wanted different things out of life, so we mutually agreed to find our own separate paths.”

“Oh... uh... I suppose it’s similar to me realizing I wanted something for myself instead of what others wanted me to do for them,” replied Wufei.


The two young men would meet after their classes every day to talk, study, or remember the past. Wufei discovered Duo was still insanely cheerful and hardly ever stopped talking, but he was much more reserved than when they had been fighting in the war. Duo discovered Wufei was not as serious as he used to be and that he had loosened up considerably. They had been comrades before, now they were quickly becoming good friends.

“Wufei, why are you looking so tired lately? You’re starting to look like hell.”

“It’s my damn roommate, he stays up late playing loud music or talking to his friends. He has no respect and not one ounce of courtesy in him.”

“Hmm... you could stay with me. My roommate quit school early this quarter, so I have an open bed if you want it.”

“You sure you don’t mind sharing?” queried Wufei.

“Not at all, it will be just like old times. Besides, I’d probably be stuck with someone else next quarter anyways, so at least I don’t have to worry about getting someone awful like you did,” Duo laughed.


Wufei entered the room he had been sharing with Duo for several weeks now, expecting it to be empty. So he was surprised when he turned on the lights and saw his roommate draped over his unmade bed.

“Maxwell? I thought that you were leaving for the break.”

“Yeh, so did I. The trip was canceled, so I guess I’m stuck here. But it shouldn’t be too bad... relaxing, no classes, and I’m sure there will be a party or two!” Wufei turned to answer the door, as someone began to knock loudly.

“Oh, is Duo here?” called a friend of Duo’s.

“Here!” yelled Duo, as he sat up on his bed.

“Hey Duo, there’s a little get together tonight. Wanna come?”

“To one of your little gatherings, you got to be kidding. I wouldn’t miss it!”

“Great! I’ll see ya there,” replied his friend as he left.

As the door shut, Duo turned towards Wufei with a huge smile and said, “See, told ya there would be a party! So, what do you say we go and have some fun?”

“I’m not going.”

“Aw come on, you never have any fun. All you do is study and read. You’ve got to loosen up a bit more. Besides, you’re not supposed to mope in your room during a school break. Please, pretty please, come on, PLEEESSSE!” Duo whined, trying to annoy Wufei into accompanying him.

“You’re not going to give up, are you?” Wufei asked with a smirk.

“Nope!” Duo answered with his own mischevious smirk.


The party was in full swing by the time Duo finally managed to drag Wufei out of their room. The braided ex-pilot immediately melted into the crowd. Occasionally, Wufei would catch a glimpse of his long-haired roommate as he bounced along with the loud music. As Wufei got ready to leave, Duo popped into view holding two glasses of punch.

“Here ya go. You need to loosen up, you’re worse than Heero!”

Wufei glared at his insanely cheerful friend, but drank the punch. After several more glasses of punch, he allowed Duo to draw him into the crowd. The punch made him feel warm and slightly fuzzy all over. When a new song started and Duo began to dance again, Wufei swayed to the music as he watched Duo shake his hips. Wufei finished the glass of punch that he hadn’t realized he still had and suddenly saw stars as the room spun.

“Woah... I think it’s time to call it a night,” Duo said, as he steadied the intoxicated Chinese boy.

Duo half led, half dragged Wufei to their room. Pushing the door open, Duo moved towards the nearest bed and flopped his semi-conscious roommate onto his bed. As he turned to shut and lock the door, Duo chuckled to himself and thought, Man... Wu sure can’t hold his liquor.

Duo leaned over to remove Wufei’s jacket, when the Chinese boy’s hand dashed out and grasped Duo’s upper arm; pulling him down so he landed sprawled on top of his roommate.


Wufei’s desperate kiss cut off whatever it was that Duo was going to say. The long-haired boy instinctually deepened the kiss, but broke away when a loud gasp escaped Wufei’s throat.

”Duo, I want... ”

Duo gazed into the eyes of the boy beneath him, seeing desire, lust, and need. Duo bent to claim Wufei’s mouth once again. Wufei wrapped his arms around the American and pulled him closer. Duo detached himself from Wufei’s embrace to remove their clothing. When both young men were naked, they moved under the covers and began to explore each others’ bodies.

Wufei desperately wanted Duo, but was unsure of what to do. He needn’t have worried because in the next moment Duo trailed his moist lips across his partner’s chest and down to his throbbing member.

”Ahh... ”

Keeping his mouth firmly around Wufei’s shaft, Duo shifted positions so that his member was now in front of the Chinese boys mouth. Wufei got the idea and enveloped Duo’s erect shaft between his parted lips. Both youths suckled each other, while caressing the thighs and buttocks of the other, until they both came in a glorious orgasm.

Wufei lay back, panting for breath. Duo moved so that he faced Wufei and pulled the blankets up around them. When their breathing became more regular, they cuddled into each others’ embrace and drifted off to sleep.


Hmm... I feel better than I have in a long time, thought Duo as he lazily stretched.

Duo started when he brushed against a warm body that was curled around him. Relaxing into the embrace, he thought, How I’ve missed this... Heero. Heero? What...

Duo’s sleep muddled brain finally began to catch up, when flickering images of last night’s endeavors flooded his mind. He bolted up in bed, fully awake. Turning towards the other occupant in the bed, Duo’s gaze fell upon Wufei. The Chinese boy was still asleep, blissfully unaware of his roommate’s wildly beating heart and quick breathing.

I slept with Wufei!

