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Everything you could ever want to know about me!

Pics of me and my buds!

Chocolate Covered Musings for the Soul!! Hilarious!!

Pages I thought were cool enough to include on my page!

Sarahdawn and Tanya's Life Lessons

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Welcome to my Li'l Corner of the Web!

Time for my ever so rare update... not that anyone checks this place anyway...

Well it was about that time for me to overhaul my entire site, so here it is... THE NEW AND IMPROVED WORLD OF SARAHDAWN... (notice i did not say more exciting or entertaining, just new and improved!!) The pictures are all neatly put into albums, all the broken links are gone, and all your left with is this sparkling pretty pink site! So make sure you look around at it all, and don't forget to sign the guestbook when you're done! (That's me and Eva when we were 6, weren't we the cuties? Can you guess which one I am? This picture was probably taken right after we played our favorite game of LITTERBUG... oh the days when life was so simple.)

And in other news in my world... I moved back home to Embree with my mom, and I have a job working in Lewisporte, which is great. I have the baby due to enter the world on June 23 or 24 (depending on which doctor you talk to) and thats pretty exciting. I want to find out what it is, but the hospital has a "policy" against telling you that sort of thing! Make me mad... My sister and I started a registry at WalMart and it was so fun picking out all the cute little baby stuff that I wanted for the little tot when it comes along. Even though I always thought a wedding registry would be the first one I made, this one is just as exciting. (This is me and my bestest girl, Aimsy, or Amy to everyone else. We're at our favorite place to hang out, Don Cherry's, having our usual- nachos, and a razz-ma-tazz for me.)

Well, there still isn't much to know about me... My friends could tell you some interesting stories (especially ones involving my driving skills or my cornea). I'm a pretty normal girl (who sometimes lacks common sense) whose loves include cheesecake, Friends, everything and anything pink, and having fun with my friends. And Pooh, I'm a BIG Pooh Bear freak. I'm really into music as well. My musical tastes get made fun of a lot, because I'm really into all that cheesy pop stuff, but I love other stuff too, from Black Eyed Peas to Evanescence. Matchbox 20 and Chantal Kreviazuk are definately the faves though. (This pic is me and Elissa, back in the day when we went were hanging out at Richsicles one night.)

Lilypie Baby Ticker

I think Evan is the coolest guy in the world.