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Hans der Vogeljager
SCA LinksArmour Articles and LinksPersonal Image GalleryHistorical Articles and links

This page design was taken from Biblia Sacra Latina, Versio Vulgata (the Sacred Bible in Latin, Common Version)*
A leaf from an illuminated Medieval Manuscript. Hand written in the late 13th century, somewhere in France. An image of the original manuscript can be found at

Azure, a cross Patonce Or (unregistered) I chose this design to fit in with my chosen persona in the SCA - Lord Hans der Vogeljager. Hans is a 13th century member of the minor nobility, a soldier and craftsman (of fair to moderate skill) hailing from the city of Lubek in what is now Northern Germany.

From my older version;

O'Donel 2000 Pictures

Wedding Photos!

August 21, 1999

I have sacrificed some image quality (and akuret speling) to speed up download time. Please forgive and enjoy.

My other web site on Geocities is here
Angelfire - Free Home Pages

*My translation. Based on knowledge gained from Roman Movies and Grade 9 French.