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CT Online! News:

"In our world,
Every storm has an end.
Every night brings a new morning.
What's important is to trust those you love, and never give up...
We must keep all hope alive..."

-In Memory of the People who died in the US. Terrorist Bomb Attack... September 11, 2001

This is the new CT Online! News, added in memory of the horrible USA Bomb Attack Tragedy... Generally this site will feature video game news, but today, I feel the need to focus on the tragedy of today and to dedicate the News site in memory of all those who died. This part of the news page won't change, but the rest will be updated with recent CT video game news.

Today: July 13, 2008

Looks like there is a new Chrono Trigger game in works for the Nintendo DS. Check out the Japanese site here. I will post more news when I know more. For now I will say it looks very promising.

CT Online News:

I am on summer break right now, but I will soon be returning to university. I planned and still plan to rework the layout, but Angelfire has created a lot of extra site work for me to do, since they took done their backgrounds. Now I have to fix a great deal before I can start on new stuff. I'll keep you guys posted.