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One of the many exciting features of Chrono Trigger that makes it the great classic that it is, are the multiple endings. Not only do these add to the replay value of the game, but these endings also give Chrono Trigger many interesting slants as some are humorous, light, and sad. Also, asside from all these endings, there are variations on certain ones depending on game actions as well. With all these endings and variations, a player may be kept busy for hours.

Here is a list of Chrono Trigger's many Endings and Variations:

* - Requires New Game +

*Programmer's Ending:

To get this ending, beat the game when you first arrive at Lucca's Telepod demonstration. Go to Lavos by climbing on the pod to your left and pressing "A" on it. You can do this before talking to Lucca, (with Marle on your Team), or after (without Marle). Just make sure you do it before you go to 600 AD. This ending will take you to the End of Time where you will get to wander around meet and fight some of Chrono Trigger's Staff. If you talk to everyone, the door that normally leads to Spekkio will open and you'll become a member of the Dream Team. As an added bonus, the credits will go extra fast.

*An Interesting Family Tree:

To get this ending, beat the game after returning from 600 AD, again by using the Telepod to warp to Lavos. When you get back, everyone is acting strange, telling Marle to drop her disguise. You will then go to the castle where you will see Frog and Leene, or some of their descendants, getting married.

*Monster Chase:

To see this ending, right when you get to the end of time for the first, use the bucket and go beat Lavos. The Credits will show with a Nu and a Ribbit running around the screen. The Nu will be trying to fall asleep, while the Ribbit keeps chasing it. The two will do various amusing things as the Credits fall.

*The Hero Wannabe:

To see this ending, beat the game just after getting the MasaMune, but before getting the Hero's Medal from Tata. You will first see a scene where Robo and his girl are relaxing on a clifftop together in peace. Then you will see Tata, going off to face Magus as the Legendary Hero. Only Magus isn't waiting for him, Crono, Lucca, and Marle are!

*What Could Have Been:

To get this ending beat the game right after getting the Hero's Medal from Tata. During the credits, you will see a bunch of scenes and people who you would have seen/met if you have of continued instead of beating the game right away.

*Cast of Characters:

For this ending, you need to beat Lavos after returning from the Prehistoric era with the Dreamstone. You will see various characters from the game being displayed alone or in groups during the credits.

*Frog Fights Magus Alone:

For this ending, go beat Lavos after Frog has used the MasaMune to open the way to Magus' Lair. During the credits, you will see scenes of Frog journeying to Magus' Lair, facing the baddies there, and finally, facing off against Magus himself.

*Reptites Rule the World:

To get this ending, beat Lavos after going to the past again and getting Ayla on your team. (Just before defeating Azala. During the credits, everyone will be a Reptite, including Crono. Except for the Green Ambler, who was a Reptite orginally. He will be human. This ending is pretty amusing!

*Scenes from the Past:

If you beat Lavos after defeating Azala, you will see scenes of Frog by a statue as well as a few scenes showing Magus, Schala, and Janus.

*The Slideshow:

This ending is a personal favorite of mine. Beat Lavos after you see Schala open the sealed door in 12 000 BC, making sure not to open it yourself, or charge the pendant. You will see Lucca and Marle showing a slideshow, which turns out not to be what was expected orginally by Crono. This is also the only place in the game where Crono talks. It is also hilarious!

The Search to Save Crono:

This ending can be seen with two variations:
(1.) With Magus:
After allowing Magus to join your team, go beat Lavos. The party will end up at the End of Time, where the Gates are disappearing. Marle wants to do something to save Crono, but everyone else thinks it is hopeless and returns home. Back in 1000 AD, Marle and Lucca go to the Moonlight Parade the same as the main ending, but without Crono. While they are by the Telepod, the gang will come out chasing after Gaspar and the Chrono Trigger, on their way to save Crono. They will disappear and Lucca and Marle will get in the Epoch and will join them (after the bell scene). If you lost the Epoch, than Marle will float off on the ballons.
(2.) Without Magus:
Beat the game after defeating Magus instead of letting him join your party. The ending will be almost the same except for Magus will be missing and Glenn will be human, and Lucca will think that he is hunky!

The Moonlight Parade: (The Main Ending)

This ending has many variations. In essence, beat the game after saving Crono from death. You will see Crono end up back in bed and someone is caling him. It seems they are going to execute him again, but the King is only pretending. At the castle, Lucca will show up with all of Marle's ancestors. The King praises Crono as a hero and the Moonlight Parade is held in his honour. Lucca will then return everyone home with the Telepod. From here on, the ending changes depending on slight variations:
(1.) With Magus:
Allow Magus to join your party to get this varaition. Magus will go home to 12 000 BC when Lucca sends everyone home.
(2.) Without Magus:
Defeat Magus instead of letting him join you to see this one. Glenn will be human.
(3.) With the Epoch:
Use the barrel or the Omen to get to Lavos for this variation. You will see Crono's cat(s) wander into the portal and Crono's mom will follow. After this, Crono, Marle, and Lucca take off in the Epoch to find her. You also see scenes of the rest of the party in their orginal times with the Epoch flying overhead. (Note: This ending changes depending on the number of cats you got during the game.)
(4.) Without the Epoch:
To see this variation, fly the Epoch to Lavos when you go to fight him. In the end, after everyone goes home, Crono and Marle float away together on a bunch of ballons. As the credits roll, you watch them float off into the night sky.
(5.) If you Saved Lara's Legs:
Save Lara's legs when Lucca returns to face her past to see this variation. The ending will be the same except for at the Parade, Lara will be asking Taban to dance.
(6.) If you Didn't Save Lara's Legs:
To see this one, when Lucca returns to her past, don't save her mom's legs. At the parade, Lara will be sitting down and she sure won't be asking to dance (duh).
(7.) If you Let the Chancellor Free:
If you set the Chancellor free with the Yakra Key before beating Lavos, he will be in the throne room with the King before the Parade. (8.) If you Leave him in the Chest:
If you don't let the Chancellor out of his box after beating Yakra XIII, Pierre will be standing there instead.

Game Over:

To see this last ending, lose to Lavos at any time in the game. Basically the ending shows Lavos emerging from the Earth and the future being destroyed.

Well I hope this is it, but if I accidently left something out, email me, and let me know.