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Boss Strategy Guide

Are you having trouble with a particular boss in the game Chrono Trigger? Need a good strategy to beat him/her to the ground. In the Boss Strategy Guide you can get just the tips you need to beat those piss off bosses. I will not be listing every boss here unless it is requested. Instead, I plan to take requests for boss trouble an post the answers here. If you are troubled by a boss, email me at and I'll post a stategy here. This way, I will eventually have a guide for the most challenging bosses of the game.

Azala and the Black Tyrano:
OK this boss isn't so tough. First of all, concentrate all your attacks on Azala and forget about Black Tyrano. Azala isn't too hard to kill, just keep it up till he is defeated. After Azala is out of the picture, wait till you see the message, removes defense and is stroring power before you start attacking Black Tyrano. Otherwise his defense is so strong, you won't take barely anything off you. After he starts storing power, give him all you got. He will count down from five to his super powerful attack. Don't worry too much about it. It isn't all it is made out to be. He simply breathes fire at each of your characters. After his attack, heal if needed and keep up your attacking. He will count down again for his powerful attack and do it again. It will keep repeating till he is dead. When you think about it, it isn't so hard when he only attacks you one every five turns. Just keep up the pace.

Dragon Tank:
This boss isn't that hard, if you have a few tonics and a clue. Make sure you go for the head first as this part heals all the damage done, and will make the fight longer if it is not out of the way. Then get rid of the wheels so that he can't do some of his big power attacks (not many, but hey). Lastly, destroy the body, and you are done. Don't forget to heal when you are weak.

There really isn't a trick to beating Flea. Have a few Heal's on you as s/he is a charmer and will pit your own allies against you. Use your toughest attacks and make sure you don't let up till s/he's had it. Oh and Flea should be attacked with magic as s/he is less resistant to magical than s/he is physical.

Golem Boss:
This guy is a sap. You don't even need to attack him, just wait and his fear of heights will overcome his duty to Dalton and he'll simply disappear.

Golem Twins:
OK, I get this one a lot at my topic at Gamewinners so I'll start with this one. A good way to beat the Twins is to get the Red, Blue, Black, and White Mails. Equip these mails on the character who you wish to cast this type of spell. The character will be healed afterwards when the Golems use Mimic. Here are some examples of combos to illustrate this strategy: Crono - Equip with the White Mail. Cast Luminaire. Golems will mimic Lightning attack and White Mail will absorb it and heal Crono. Lucca - Equip with the Red Mail. Cast Flare. You will then be healed by the Golems' Mimic moves.

This battle is easy if you remember one simple thing: Don't attack the middle until the bits are defeated. What you must do is attack the bits till they have been destroyed then attack the middle. Without the bits, the middle can't attack. If you attack the middle when the bits are still around, you have to deal with a serious counter as well as their normal turn. After a while (you will notice the Guardian counting down), the bits will be revived. Don't panic, just get rid of them again and go back to attacking the Guardian. Eventually he will be destroyed, so don't sweat!

The key to defeating Heckran is magic attacks. He is extremely strong against normal moves and they do virtually no damage to him. Use your best magic attacks on him, and don't let up till you see the message, "Go ahead, try and attack!" Now stop and heal your party. If you try and attack now, you will have to deal with his powerful counterattack. Wait till you see the message "Brief counterattack break" and then let him have it again. Repeat this process till he is defeated.

Lavos Core:
This request isn't surprising. OK first of all, Lavos's Core seems to be in the middle. It isn't! It is the one on your right. First flip out using powerful techs like Antipode 3. Don't bother worrying that the left side is being cured. The left side doesn't matter. After a few moments of using all you have the center will be destroyed. Stop flipping out and wait. A message should soon appear saying "Lavos Core shuts off his defence". Give it all you've got again! Now the damage done to the Core should be greater. You probably noticed before that it was low. Keep this up, healing when necessary, till he has been defeated. The Core will revive the center bit, but pay no heed. Once the Core is gone, everything is gone. He may turn his defence back on. If so, repeat what is above. If not, keep attacking the Core with all your power!

Lavos Spawn:
These guys are pretty easy. All you need to do is attack the head using techs that only harm one part of the enemy or one enemy. (ie: Ayla's Triple Kick, etc.) Don't attack the shell, or he will use a powerful version of his Needle Attack on the entire party. As soon as the head has been defeated, the shell will just disappear. (Except in the one case where you need to climb it!)

Magus (First Battle):
Magus can be a challenge the first time around, but if you follow this strategy, he is simple to beat. Form a party consisting of Crono, Frog, and Lucca. Crono should know Lightning 2, Frog should know up to Water 2, and Lucca should know up to Fire 2. These three moves will enable you to learn the Triple Tech Delta Storm. This tech is a shadow tech and is pretty awesome at this point in the game. Now go take on Magus. When he casts an element, you toss the same element back at him, curing the party with Frog's Heal when necessary. When the shadow barrier is open, use Delta Storm. It deals some awesome damage. Use Frog's Masamune to attack Magus when you are not casting a spell that requires him. Eventually Magus will risk casting a spell. Now give it to him constantly with Delta Storm and use Heal after his spell, DarkMatter. He shouldn't last too long if you keep this up.

Masa and Mune (apart):
To beat these two, simply concertrate your attacks on one of them. Once one has been defeated, the other is two. They are nothing without each other.

Masa and Mune (combined form):
Once Masa and Mune unit, they are a powerful adversary. One key thing to remember to beat them is when the message "Storing tornado energy appears" you should use Crono's Slash, so that the energy will be dispelled and they won't be able to do one of their strongest attacks. As for the rest of the time, attack with what you have. If you use Slash when they store tornado energy, they shouldn't do too much damage, but still heal periodically.

It is virtually impossible to defeat Nizbel by simply using melee combat. His defense is far too high. Electricity moves, however, lower the brute's defense, opening him up to all your attacks, as they do with all dinos. After shocking him, go all out with your best moves until he releases the electric energy. After this, you shock him again and repeat this till he is dead, healing when necessary. (Note: When shocking Nizbel, use Lightning, not Lightning 2, even if you have it. It is a waste of magic to use the latter as Nizbel isn't harmed much by the first Lightning attack, his defense is only lowered. After his defense is lowered, then use Crono's Lightning 2 if you have it, till he releases the stored energy, then weaken him with Lightning again and repeat. This will conserve your MP.)

Nizbel II:
This battle can be fought in the same way as your battle with the orginal Nizbel. The only difference is he is stronger, but that's OK. So are you.

Ozzie (at Magus' Castle):
Ozzie is one of the easiest bosses in the game. Don't attack him, aim for the switches around him. After hitting all four, Ozzie will drop to his temporary demise.

The easiest way to beat the R-Series robots is brute force. I recommend a team consisting of Lucca and Crono for this battle. Make sure you have tonics to heal when you are weak and go to town with Fire Whirl. First use Fire Whirl on the middle of the front so that you hit all the bots in the front row. Two Fire Whirl attacks should kill them all. After this, do the same thing to the back row. They'll soon be demolished!

Like Flea, for this guy, other than making sure that you are at an adequate level, there is not a whole lot you can do. Attack full force and make sure you have lots of curing power. Physical is the way to go here as he is weaker against physical attacks than against magic ones. You'll need to fight this guy twice. Once without his sword, and the second time he'll have his sword.

Son of Sun:
Before this battle, equip your entire party with Flame resistant armor like Ruby Armor, Ruby Vest, Red Mail, Red Vest, Taban Vest, Taban Suit, etc. I recommend having Magus in the party for this boss and he should know his Black Hole technique. As soon as the battle opens, get Magus to attack with Black Hole. This should get rid of two of the five flames surronding the Son of Sun. If not, use it again when Magus' turn rolls around till it does. When two of the flames are gone, your guess and check job is much easier. Attack each of the flames around the Son of Sun till you find the one that hurts him. Once you find this flame, and you'll know when you have, keep attacking it till the Son of Sun does his rotation. Then repeat the guessing process. Keep this up, along with your periodic healing, until he has been defeated. (By the way, use NORMAL ATTACKS on the flames, not specials.)

Yes, I know he is the first boss and not much of a challenge, but there have been some requests, so I'll put up a strategy. There is a secret to beating Yakra that makes the battle even easier than it already is. You will notice that ever time you hit him, he attacks all your characters with a counter, besides his normal move. Wait for him to get close before you attack and he can't do his counter. It takes a bit of patience, but not much and it saves you a lot of curing.

Zeal: (Final Form)
For all your Zeal problems, keep this in mind: After you've charmed all the goodies you want off the hands, don't attack them. You will notice that whenever they are hit, one steals all your MP and the other brings your HP to 1, opening one character up to be defeated by Skygate Lightning. So when facing Zeal, make up a team of characters that between them know a lot of techs that only attack one person (ie: Ayla's Triple Kick, Crono's Confuse, Lucca and Ayla's Blaze Kick, etc). Attack the head. When it is gone, the hands simply disappear.

Zombor is the creature that you face on the Zenan Brigde. To defeat Zombor, attack his top half with either normal, Ice, or Shadow attacks and his bottom with either normal, Fire, or Lightning attacks. His top will be cured by Fire and Lightning moves and his bottom is cured by Ice and Shadow attacks, so if you keep to this pattern, you won't keep healing the boss you are trying to destroy. This should reduce you fighting time.

Zeal (The first battle):
An easy way to beat Zeal from William Perkins:
Form a team of Frog, Ayla, and Robo. Robo should have the Crisis Arm equipped. When she casts her move that brings your characters down to 1 HP, you cast Frog Squash with Frog, and Dino Tail with Ayla. These will each dop over 4k dmg because you have 1 HP. Now use Robo's most powerful attack (that you have) with the Crisis Arm for more serious damage. This should kill Zeal before she even gets a turn in.