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Suicide Note


Though I've wanted the end for so long,
you're the only reason I've stayed.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Fields Of Forever

One Second


Finally here are some things you can download

Sometimes I wish there is a place that I can go to die , and sometimes I wish there is just a place that I can go.

Personal Pictures

My first deer...::smirk::

Why Cali kicks ass.

Doesn't everyone hate those damn criminals...oh yeah, the door wasn't locked either...::tee hee::

I hate those damn muscle builders at the beaches...grr.

Some pictures from a park on Marietta Street in Atlanta.

My Bitch


The little brother I never had.

Iowa in the winter

Why you really wake up with a headache after boozing.

We all knew where we were really going...LOL

I'm sure we all know somebody that gets overpaid...lucky bastards.

What I've been doing in Atlanta.


Rambling Days of Apathy (Resumed 8/30/01)

Here's what my gimp~ass was working on before I got laid I'm wasting my time doing nothing.

->When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.<-
The most dangerous person is someone with nothing left to lose.

NOTE!!! This E ~ mail link is out~of~date foo!!!