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The webmaster of this site is Norma Burns Farmilo now at

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The purpose of outlining all of the JOHN BURNS' of PA in the 1700's is because there are many questions needing answers.

1) Who are JOHN BURNS & JONATHAN BURNS who witnessed JOHN B BURNS' Will in Cumberland Co PA?

2) Who are the 3 JOHN BURNS' mentioned in the deed that says to JOHN BURNS from JOHN BURNS of land from JOHN BURNS, deceased.

Also in Cumberland Co. JAMES BURNS of Derry (heirs of JOSIAH ALLEN) was the grantee of land from JOHN BURNS SENIOR (no wife mentioned) of Hamilton Twp, Cumberland Co PA (Deed Bk 1-D pp. 454-456 Cumberland Co dated December 1, 1775). This land was originally warranted to JOHN BURNS (wife JENNET). This land in Hamilton Twp is ajoining the property of SAMUEL LIGOT, ROBERT JACK, WILLIAM SWAN, Mrs. PETER's, GEORGE BROWN, & JOHN RUSSELL. It's in excess of 300 acres. Exec. 12/23/1786.

JAMES BURNS ESQ and his wife ELIZABETH MCGILL later deeded 1/2 of this land to their son SAMUEL BURNS (Franklin Co Deed Bk 3-377). This same land was originally deeded to JAMES BURNS by his father JOHN BURNS and wife, JENNETT, of Frankland Twp, Fayette Co (Franklin Co Deed Bk No 1, pp 389-390). It also says in this deed that this was land that he, JOHN BURNS, got from JOHN BURNS, deceased.

3) Is the succession for my JAMES BURNS, ESQ (JOHN, JOHN, JOHN, JOHN) this?

1) JAMES BURNS, ESQ (1740 - 1814) - Mifflin Co PA
JOHN BURNS (1742 - 1791 (see below) m. JEAN DENNY) - probable brother of JAMES BURNS, ESQ.
2) JOHN BURNS (1712 - 1776) Waynesboro, PA
3) JOHN "B" (his mark) BURNS (1681 - 1760) Cumberland Co PA
4) JOHN BURNS - bgt land from WILLIAM PENN in 1684. (Perhaps COLONEL JOHN BURNS, poet's uncle who paid fynes in 1690 then disappeared from Scotland).

Lack Twp is in Juniata Co PA. It was part of Mifflin Co and broke off in 1831. Therefore in the 1700's it was still Mifflin Co.

Here's the JOHN BURNS (JOHN b. 1746; LEARD d. 1784; JOHN "B" b. 1681). Then there is the JOHN BURNS b. 1788 SC d. 1862 Polk Co MO m. 1812 Bedford Co TN to MARGARET WILSON.

John Burns of VA m. Nancy Peyton of OH. Nancy b. /16/1834 in Lawrence Co OH or? 1810 d. abt 1880 MO.

The John Burns I'm looking for is maybe married Nancy Morgan and not Peyton. However, Nancy was b. in Ohio and John was b. in PA. He d. bef. 1870 in Morgan Co MO. He was b. abt 1796-1798 in PA. His ancestors have close DNA to mine.

If you can clarify any of these JOHN BURNS' please write to me. I'll post it on this website. Also, please tell me if you don't want your email address posted. - Norma

Other JOHN BURNS' - JOHN * I BURNS was born in 1750/1760. He died in Jun 1805 in Red Holes, Bath, VA. JOHN BURNS married Mary SHIPE about 1768 in PA.

MARY SHIPE was born in 1750/1760. She died after 1810 in Bath, VA.

Our regiment was ordered to LaFayette to guard the left flank of general Wheeler while he was moving on Dalton. We had been marching ll day when this order was received. We at once started for LaFayette, crossed the Coosa river at Veal's Ferry, twelve miles south of Rome, and reached the Bouchillon place (now known as Sprite) on the Central Railroad, where we stopped for some hours and fed our horses. We then counted and resumed our march for LaFayette, going directly to Summerville, and then to LaFayette, arriving there, as I now remember, about 10 o'clock in the morning.

In LaFayette we stopped behind the old court house and dismounted. Pickets were thrown out on the roads leading East, West and North. Very soon after our arrival the noted guerrilla, GATEWOOD, with five or six of his men, came into LaFayette from the East, where it was reported that they had hung a man that day or the day before by the name of BURTON.

LIEUT. JOEL WEATHERS, with two or three men, was sent out on the road North on a scout. The balance of us were soon asleep on the ground.

MAJOR JOHN T BURNS was in command and was lying on the porch of the old CALDWELL Hotel that stood on the west corner of the square. COLONEL HART had stopped back at Mr. PAT-TON'S on the south side of the creek to prepare some dispatches.

While we were so asleep, being completely worn out, the bugle sounded, "mount up." We sprang to our horses immediately. MAJOR BURNS rushed from the portico, where he had been asleep, sprang on his horse, and ordered the first and second squadron to form on the North side of the court house and the third and fourth to form where they stood. This order was instantly obeyed, and before we had gotten into line on the North side we heard a number of shots fired in the direction of Chattanooga, at the same time we saw LIEUT. WEATHERS and the pickets coming down the road, about where Mrs. WARTHEN lives, about as fast as they could.

Immediately behind them was a company of Yankee cavalry charging upon us with drawn sabres, and yelling like mad men. MAJOR BURNS ordered us to follow him, and he made a dash for them right up the road toward Chattanooga. This was wholly unexpected by the Yankees, as they thought no one was in LaFayette except a few scouts as we after-wards learned. They soon discovered they had a fight on their hands. They turned to run, and it was then a race till they were all killed or captured. It is my recollection now that only one of their men escaped. He was mounted on a white horse and he got away by simply out-running us.

Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 11:54 PM
Subject: BURNS' in Jefferson County, PA

JOHN MILTON BURNS (PHILIP BURNS & MARGARET GRISBEN) b. 10/12/1835 d. 6/4/1890 Jefferson Co., PA m. 6/4/1860 to LEAH JOHNS (SAMUEL JOHNS & MAGDALENA NAGLE changed to NEIL) b. 11/21/1837 d. 2/24/1871 Clover Twp, Jefferson Co., PA bur. Carrier Cemetery, Clover Twp, PA.

Would love to find proof for the above. Thank you, CHRIS ORRIS

JOHN BURNS Columbiana County, Ohio Cemeteries:

Lisbon Cemetery: John, 1832-1889 + Margaret; Rebecca M.; Julie M. Vet.: John b 1832 d 1889 Inf.

Grandview Cemetery, Salem, Perry Twp. John Thomas 2 Dec 1948 (one date) WWI mm + Burns, Marie Brogan......

St. Aloysius Cemetery, Liverpool Twp. John, d 19 Oct 1890, ae 81y 4m

Achor Valley Baptist Church Cemetery, Middleton Twp. John Gary, 1942-1977 Korea flag + Martha Jane .........

North Georgetown Cemetery, Knox Twp. John J., 1879-1942 // Ola E. Hahn,..........

Mt. Calvary (St. Patricks) Cemetery, Leetonia, Salem Twp. John bur 13 Feb 1917 ae 61, bron- pneu. Infirmary

Spring Hill Cemetery, Wellsville, Yellow Creek Twp. John A. 1882-1977 Pop +Rushie F. Mom; Ruth N.; Ethel E.; John O. b 8 Feb 1906 d 7 July 1949

St. John’s Catholic Church Cemetery, Summittville, Franklin Twp. John d. Oct 4, 1865 in his 57 yr. + Ellen..............

Spring Grove Cemetery, East Liverpool John A. b 26 Jan 1855 d 22 Jly 1908 + Margaret; Lafayette; Estella Mae

Good Hope Church, Records Of The German Lutheran and Reformed Congregations, Beaver Township, Mahoning County, Ohio 1815 – 1895

Burns see also born: John pg. 75: North Lima Cemetery John, 1831-1914 // Elizabeth his wife........

Other sources did not help because there are no dates.

From: "John Martin" [ To: Subject: John BURNS 1742-1791 Date: Monday, 21 June 2010 12:18:40 -0400
Hi Norma,
I have been research John Burns for be best friend, who believes there is a connection to her ancester and Robert Burns, the poet. I have not found one yet, but I am fairly sure that you notes at refer to the same family. Although I have not gone back any farther than Archibald, I have dug up some interesting Civil War stuff on Walter S. Burns. Walter Burns, of Findlay tp., was a member of company E, 21st regiment (North). He captured a fine blooded mare, valued at $25,000, belonging to Howell Cobb (South), and was taken a short time after, while riding her and he was murdered in cold blood. --Obituary, Hancock Jeffersonian, Mar 23, 1866

Any information you may have on the Burns connection to Robert Burns would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Michele

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The webmaster of this site is Norma Burns Farmilo now at