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Past, Present The Future

By: Merlene Amoss

The skies are cloudy, suspense fills the air..
The crowd is restless,the tension is there...
Everyone awaits for the news to break...
Who will Evernham choose as his mate..
Names are whispered, some off the wall..
We know who it is,we wait for the call..
Bill Elliott appears with his head held high..
The number 9 waves high in the sky..
With a sparkle in his eye, we know right away..
Bill Elliott is the name that rose up today..
With a new era upon us, a new season to come..
Bill Elliott's the man, cause he's number one..
The love and respect felt by his fans..
Earned him the spot, in the Evernham band..
From Dawsonville, Ga. as a bright young man..
Bill had a mission, and it layed in his hands..
When he hit the speedway feeling no fear..
The crowd excepted him with honors and cheers..
Twenty-five years later, Bill still has the spark..
His fans know deep, down in their hearts..
Bill moves to a Dodge,but his name is the same..
The Dodge #9 Intrepid will be hard to tame..
The Ford was awesome, but it's time for a change..
Coors,Bud wiser,and McDonalds,were all the names..
He made his mark, and history was made..
Talladega is special, to him too this day..
We all remember what happen that day..
With a speed of 212.809 it won't go away..
He won The First Winston Million, it earned him his name..
The Million Dollar Bill, in Darlington's Victory Lane.. 
With his determination and never giving up..
Bill was the man who carried Lady Luck..
He went for broke,chasing after his dream..
With his quick thinking, and help from his team
1988 he Won his first Championship Cup..
2001 brings us all to a promise, to never give up..
The future is bright, and he's ready to go...
We wait for next year, when he steals the show..
The mighty Dodge will be hitting the track..
With Bill behind it ,and not looking back..
Through the good and the bad, we all have our doubts..
The mighty Dodge has bugs to be worked out..
With the support of his fans, Bill will be strong..
He will go out there and prove them all wrong..
From "rattling his cage", to "it's only racin"..
Bill is the one they will be chasin..
So hold on tight, the race is on..
The Dodge Intrepid, has been reborn..
I pledge my support to only one man..
Bill Elliott, "we adore you, you're our # 1 man"..


By: Merlene Amoss

The interviews begin,asking who will win..
The Nascar men are at it again..
Pit road is lined with cars of all makes..
The drivers are fired up, and ready to race..
One car stands out, with* 9* on top..
Bill Elliott says,"It's Time To Rock"..
His crew works hard to get him prepared..
They give him the confndence they all share..
The season is on, and Bill chugs along..
Showing them all they were wrong..
Some call him old, some say washed up..
Bill proved to me , he wants another cup..
His days of racing are far from ending..
2001 proves to be a new beginning..
Never giving up, never walking away..
Tomorrow will bring you a much brighter day..
Hold your head up high, and hold up you chin..
Keep in mind Bill's awesome grin..
Never a fighter, always a friend..
Bill is the one reaching out his hand..
We see them push, we see them bump..
The mild mannered Bill is never a chump..
He goes out to race, a clean driver he is..
In return for his manners, some drivers give..
The track is no place, for playing head games..
I will be nice and, not mention no names..
The day will come, when Bill says "enough"..
He will go out there , and he will be tough..
Kickin butt is the game, that gives you the fame..
Bill Elliott is one, that will play the same game..
Give them time to rebuild a new team..
He will be chasin, what we thought was only a dream..
In the heat of the night, Bill answerers the call..
He goes out there, and gives it his all..

The Awesome One

By: Merlene Amoss

Monkey, monkey get off of Bill's back..
Push him to the front, not to the back..
Rev up the engine, and pray it don't blow..
We're really tired of saying Oh God No..
With the roar of the engines, the crowd stands tall..
The green flag waves, it's a long hard haul..
I raise to my feet, my hands in the air..
Pass em Bill, pass em, you will get there..
My heart is pounding, as the sound beats my chest..
I scream and yell cause Bill is the best..
Laps have come, and laps have gone..
I watch Bill closely, as he is movin on..
Ten laps to go, Bill nears the front..
The gleam in his eyes, tells he's on the hunt..
White flag's a commin, with one lap to go..
I feel it in my heart, Bill will steal the show..
The checkered flag is waving, I'm standing on my toes..
I scream to the crowd, watch out there he goes..
I see the Dawnsonville Flash burning up the track..
I know Bill is smiling, and not looking back..
We scream we cry, we call out his name..
I can't believe I'm, seeing Bill in VICTORY LANE..
From Loudon to Talladega, California to Martinsville..
You can do it... Cause you are AWESOME BILL

Who Are We 

By: Merlene Amoss

We are the champions, when it comes to being a fan.. 
We scream and holler, and cheer on our man.. 
We never give up when he's in a rut.. 
We say it's okay, and cry from our guts.. 
We respect one another, and never get mad.. 
We cheer up one another, when someone is sad.. 
We stand with our feet firm on the ground.. 
We won't let anyone push us around.. 
We have a great teacher, and his name is Bill.. 
We look up to him, as he gives us a thrill.. 
We respect him dearly, and stand up and cheer.. 
We know without him, we wouldn't be here.. 
We are Bill Elliott Fans, from far and near.. 
We take no bashing about our man.. 
We will kick your butt, and slap your hand.. 
We vote at all hours, of the night and day.. 
We will crown him, in our own way.. 
We wait and watch, for the voting to end.. 
We know in our hearts, Bill is gonna win.. 
We thank you Bill, for giving us your best.. 
We will take over, and prove it to the rest.. 
Awesome Bill Elliott * MPD 15th TIME 2000*

Possum Trotter

By: Merlene Amoss

Cute or ugly, he is our friend... 
He gave Bill Elliott a helping hand.. 
Gray like a mouse, with a long straight tail.. 
Mean beady eyes, no it's not Dale... 
*Possum Trotter*, that is his name.. 
Mounted to the floor, next to the frame.. 
Rub his belly, pat him on the head... 
He's not going to move, he's playing dead.. 
When his is ready, he looks up to Bill... 
Gives him a grin, and a soft little squeal... 
Bill nods with approval, with his foot to the floor.. 
With cars lined behind him, and no one next door... 
*Possum Trotter* is grinning, and gritting his teeth.. 
Bill Elliott is driving, like a man you can't beat... 
Bad luck has followed him, for weeks on weeks.. 
Now it is over, Bill plays for keeps... 
So get out you possum, set him up high.. 
Cause now we can count, on Bill to fly...

NOVEMBER 11,2001....Today Was His Day!!

By: Merlene Amoss

A moment of prayer, a hug from his wife
He climbs into his car, as he fears for his life
As he straps himself in, and puts on his helmet
He stares through the windshied, and waits for the moment
The crowd is standing, as the engiens are fired
The look in his eyes, shows he is tired
He looks to the crowd, all bearing smiles
Ready to go another 400 miles
He grips the wheel, as he sets on the pole
He knows in his heart, he has a goal
A tear of excitment drops from his eye
As Mike Ford gives him a big high five
The pace car slowly leads the way
Our hearts are pounding, as we all pray
Out of the turn, he watches for the flag
He hits the gas, and shows no lag
The fire in his eyes, the hunger he feels
Makes him grip harder and roll the wheels
Like a flash of lighting, pit stops are done
He is back out there, and on the run
Laps pass quickly, and he's running great
He waits for the moment, and knows it is fate
Today is his day, he just can't wait
Through the field he moves with grace
The voice on the radio, calls you're in second place
The crowd is standing, and watching his moves
As he enters the turn he gets into his grove
Left then right, he looks for a chance
He juggles the car, doing a dance
Around he goes, and doesn't look back
He runs for the flag, on the wide open track
His fans are crying, and screaming out loud
"He is our man and we are dam proud"
The tears of happiness are streaming from his eyes
The more he smiles, the harder he drives
For seven long years, he waited for this
Fourty-one is here and sealed with a kiss
With the drop of the net, he holds out his hand
He smiles to the crowd, showing he *IS THE MAN*
Our hearts are filled with happiness today
Bill Elliott took it home all the way.


He Shined Today
By: Merlene Amoss

Years of slumping has pledged him bad
We never gave up we knew what he had
The luck he had was never that great
But he raced his heart out, and finally got the break
A new team, a new car, and a new owner named Ray
Came knocking one day, and wanted him to play
Too Daytona he went and sat on the pole
The race was awesome he was on the roll
We cheered, we yelled, we cursed a blue streak
The Monkey that we hated was making us weak
Through good days and bad days he never gave up
Each week he was out there hoping for good luck
On to Homestead, he went with little hope
He had no idea, what that track would hold
With Lady Luck behind him, he fired up the car
The lap he turned, set the track on fire
The cheers were heard, from miles away
The Dawsonville Pool Room, made it clear that day
Awesome Bill had done, he sets on the pole
His fans are waiting for the ring of gold
The green flag drops, and the cars fly by
His fans reach out, and look to the sky
With their fist raised high, and tears in their eyes
They scream * Go Awesome Bill * as he flies by
The pit stops were perfect, the calls were right
We all saw it coming Bill had the green light
His team mate was fast, and a tuff little lad
But he just didn't know what Bill had
Racing high and low, to get Casey loose
He passed him clearly, like a setting goose
With palms of sweat, we all jumped up
Tears filled our eyes, as we watched with hope
White flag is waving, as we scream and yell
Now we can say it, all nay-sayers go to hell
At the line he comes, and that checkered flag falls
The siren in Dawsonville, announces the call
Seven long years, has finally gone away
For *Awesome Bill * shined today.

Thanks Merlene for all the great poems!

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